Economic Analyst, Steve Rattner discusses how the government should prepare to handle the economic losses of COVID-19. Aired on 05/08/2020.
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Rescue And Rebuild: How To Handle COVID-19's Economic Losses | MSNBC
Nixon: US dont need to pay its debt. Lets get rid of the gold standard. Bush: Banks dont need to pay their debt, lets bail them out. Trump: Businesses dont need to pay their debt, lets bail them out. NEXT: workers in US and the world: We dont need to pay our dollar-debt !!
Ellen Gran – You never studied economics did you?
A list of t’rump bankruptcies:
1991: Tah Mahal
1992: t’rump Plaza Hotel
2004: t’rump Hotel and Casinos Resort
2009: t’rump Entertainment Resorts
2020: America
@Ro G You forgot about his new line of trademarked coffins..Strangely enough China just have that to him last year…

Having a market when you control the demand..not bad…
@Elmosweed He did take it seriously…more so than your biased media. Leftist narrative that nobody believes.
@shartgargler I like how he picked to invest in the USFL over the NFL. Now that is some visionary business skills!

Ro G Jax off to the President Trump every night he so obsessed with him
@Ro G indeed. No wonder he meddled w the NFL a couple years ago. Always settling a score old Biff.
*The whole world is LAUGHING at Traitor Trump (R – Impeached) and his MAGAtrash fans.*

The world has been laughing at America long before Trump.
@snooop Dizzzle Go away, troll.
JESUS SAYS. Your Bold letter shows your anger, its consuming you, eating your soul. You Pretend its not but it is. Your just a brainwashed little fly doing your Masters dirty Work for him as he laughs behind his gated walls…Your consumed,its takin over your life to stop people like me. Its hopeless, im stronger and more powerful than youll ever be. I run the show, not you. I know your foaming at the mouth in ABSOLUTE rage…take a Xanax, your wasting your time. Your irrelevant
@Ciao Jeff Italia The psycho Italian politics is much worse then America but I am glad you have a conservative in charge. It has been tough for the country. YOUR people gave it to America mostly NY city
@J M M YOU Troll, you have no rebuttal, just finger pointing
*Mr. Biden will be a FINE president, MAGAtrash.*
*Don’t like it? Tough.*
Better get used to it, MAGAtrash.
Biden is gonna die of a heart attack in 2 months, bedore that the maggot needs to change his diaper, he stinks like a rotten outhouse! Plus No Democrat will ever be tolerated at President..Your little kiiddies and family will persish in a Civil War before that happens.. HAHAHAHA..The purge of the scum begins..LOL
Democrats are the most angry miserable creatures on the planet. They have been brainwashed to be the victim, to be angry. The Lead miserable lives as the elite laugh and get rich as they “fight” for made up causes… Nothing will ever be fair enough, and things will always be, racist, homophoboc, sexist, etc, etc,etc…1000 yrs from now they will be the same..Miserable
The best thing about Obama’s failed Presidency is waking up every morning knowing Hillary Clinton isnt President, and never will be….
@snooop Dizzzle is that what you’ve been doing for the last 3.5 years?
*Coronavirus or not, Non-Deplorable America is going to turn out in DROVES to vote Traitor Trump (R – Impeached) out of office.*
*Count on that Blue Tsunami, MAGAdummees!*
Nahhh…TDS is gonna send more Bottom Feeding Democrats to commit suicide..hahahah! Start the purge!…
Your family is gonna die in a Civil War..Your kids have 0 future..


You stop giving money to illegal immigrants boom
Red states consume 85% of federal welfare subsidies. That doesn’t leave much for immigrants, huh? Red states are welfare states, but don’t worry a little socialism helps you parasites survive.
@Rocky Comet Whats a lie? That illegals pick vegetables? No, its well known. That they work for $$$. Yeah, they don’t do it for nothiing. Whether or not you could do that job could be a lie.
@imiss toronto Democraps say that we wouldn’t do it, when my family has been doing it since the 1850s.
@Rocky Comet riiiigggghhhht. Fake News
@imiss toronto the majority of them go to construction what I do. Lowering the wages for legal citizens
Lockdowns, job loss, food lines, sickness, death…
It is doubtful people will want another 4 years of that.
Biden is looking better and better.
Biden 2020
The Blue Arrow – It was hysterical leftists who wanted to shut everything down. Not Republicans. And it’s hysterical leftists who want to KEEP it closed.
@Bovine One no dickhead. They want it closed until we know its safe and we don’t die from the virus, or spread it to our children, or our parents.
Desperado5501 Only if we stop buying their crap
There is no recouping the losses from this economic shutdown. The hardest hit sectors are consume as you go. When people go back to socializing entertainment you don’t eat 2 meals or see 2x movies at a time. That original transaction is lost forever.
Boy do I miss President Obama
Darrell Smith When you support corruption, you become part of the problem and your soul carries the karma.
Here is Trumps plan: Trump knows his reelection strength, the growing Obama economy is now taken away so his plan is to make it get worse with mishandling reopening the economy so the economy tanks completely so he can use the republican mass media monopoly, Sinclair Group, to angrily blame democrats for destroying his great economy. Trump has no plans to leave office in January. I haven’t been wrong yet second guessing what Trump and his cabal are doing. A secondary element is the John birchers led by the Koch foundations do not want to lose any of the ground they gained so will spend whatever money they have to to keep their puppets in office. Expect the Koch foundations to abuse Citizen United and pump in excess of 30 million into Kentucky the last three weeks of the election to get their number one puppet, McConnell, reelected. They will spend around 20 million in South Carolina to retain Graham.
The evidence is piling up against Groper Joe Biden. Have fun VOTING folks, lol.
Trump/Pence 2020
Is anyone not concerned about ballets not being mailed out? We do have a new Post Master General.
Covid-19 is NOT a Democrats HOAX nor would it magically disappear to ZERO cases like a MIRACLE in APRIL !
Don’t listen to this guy he fondles little boy’s like Chuck Todd here.
Smug sippy cup ahhhhhhh The man boy love administrator cool under pressure. Difficult to describe the true level of evil, contained within this administrative vessel of the devil. The horrors of recorded history. Pop goes the weasel face
Here is Trumps plan: Trump knows his reelection strength, the growing Obama economy is now taken away so his plan is to make it get worse with mishandling reopening the economy so the economy tanks completely so he can use the republican mass media monopoly, Sinclair Group, to angrily blame democrats for destroying his great economy. Trump has no plans to leave office in January. I haven’t been wrong yet second guessing what Trump and his cabal are doing. A secondary element is the John birchers led by the Koch foundations do not want to lose any of the ground they gained so will spend whatever money they have to to keep their puppets in office. Expect the Koch foundations to abuse Citizen United and pump in excess of 30 million into Kentucky the last three weeks of the election to get their number one puppet, McConnell, reelected. They will spend around 20 million in South Carolina to retain Graham.
Boy, I am so glad that Steve’s quarterly profits haven’t been hit too hard. Really guys, America is so relieved that you’re still rolling in dough. God forbid if *any* austerity measures were asked of billionaires and multi-multi-multi-millionaires like yourselves. God save us all if bankers or Charles Koch or Warren Buffet would have to pay taxes or forego a government handout!