Republicans Struggle To Find Some Way To Defend Trump | All In | MSNBC

Sen. Lindsey Graham is suggesting Team Trump was too incompetent for a quid pro quo — and is refusing to even read the impeachment transcripts. Aired on 11/06/19.
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Republicans Struggle To Find Some Way To Defend Trump | All In | MSNBC

Republicans Struggle To Find Some Way To Defend Trump | All In | MSNBC


  1. I thought it was his duty to read those documents, and that he had no choice. Nothing to do with initially taking sides, but he has to read the notes.

    1. You expect him to read the notes from the closed hearings that he wanted to be open? That doesn’t make sense.

    2. @Ann Miller LOL Most of these rascals got these positions because of their connections. Now, they’re too complacent and hire Paralegals. No good bums! I bet his comprehension is off too. Your name reminds me of the dancer.

  2. Lindsey Graham is a professional toadie. He was John McCain’s toadie before. And now he’s Trump’s. Lindsey Graham is a joke.

  3. Lindsey Graham is a disgrace to the integrity of the office he holds if he’s so defiant as to claim trump is innocent without first looking at all the facts presented, THEN considering an opinion. This lap dog needs to step down.

  4. Lindsey Graham sure wins the Oscar for the best hypocrites honorless shameless supporting (Trump the swamp) actor

    1. What in the name of all that is holy will he do when he needs to listen to testimony which he doesn’t like? Certainly don’t think that is proper for someone on a jury anywhere.

  5. Whenever you bring up the evidence of Trump’s bribery and abuse of power, Lindsey Graham and other republicans will immediately close their eyes and cover their ears and start shouting  “la la lalala lalala lalala.”
    They don’t realize that doing so is just more evidence of Trump’s guilt.

    1. If you don’t care, your not paying attention. When these guys chisel away more of your rights, you’ll care.

    2. @Carlos Carlos you were born under a rock. If you do not know it’s 3 branches of government. It’s part of Congress to keep check on. Executive branch. Or you do not know your constitution. You should look it up and stop talk like a fool

    1. curtiepooh…Correct, there is no proof that he is “rascist” (spell checker broken?). Well, he has done more in terms of unemployment for blacks and Hispanics than he has for white people.  #OWNED

  6. The people of South Carolina should refuse to pay taxes until Lindsay Graham resigns and should insist that he does not get paid as he isn’t doing his job

    1. Even my family has decided he needs to go. I guess his association with Trump is wearing thin. They will get the vote out , and they are horrified by the snake in the Whitehouse.

    2. wiser3754 They should stop paying until Lindsay resigns. Any pressure might help him decide to resign faster. Besides, firefighters and EMT’s are paid by local gov’ts, not state. What are taxpayers supposed to do when their elected representative refuses to do his job? Congratulate him for gaming the process?

  7. I’m just *S.M.H. at Ms. Lindsey* What a pathetic way to react to reporters and, better yet, making himself look lawless and tired.

  8. Lindsey Graham “I’m not going to legitimize it”
    You’re not in any position to legitimize anything at this point !

    1. @Bruce BoringBoring that was before he found out a very prominent oligarch had lots-o-ruble$ and found Lindsays State… hmmm how convenient… now… ‘dOnalds’ great…

    2. @VermillionVermillion ‘wimp’ is my word… simple and straight to the point! ‘tRump’ and the ‘GOP’ are ‘wimps’… ‘pathetic wimps’… ‘kiNg’ ‘wimp’ the most ‘pathetic’…

  9. It’s true that Lindsey Graham in incapable of legitimizing anything. He has lost all moral authority he may have had, say, 20 years ago.

  10. “I’m too stupid to know any better and understand the consequences, therefore I can do whatever I want.”
    Yeah, try using that argument if the police ever haul you in.

    1. Right, it’s ridiculous. However prison is full of people who never had chance in life and for petty crime. How I hate these traitors.

    2. razor8191 Interesting enough, Trump will clap back at this defense. He’s super sensitive about his “guh-reat uh-brain”.

    3. But LG isn’t saying Trump is too stupid to know better. He’s saying Trump and company are too stupid to even do a quid pro quo with Ukraine. As dumb as they are, they did do it (it’s not really very hard). Of course they bungled the coverup.

    4. No wonder the oceans are full of plastic, the Republicans keep having all these straws slip thru their grasp.

    1. @Dawn Kennedy ~ While correlation is not causation, I find it interesting that the percentage of trump supporters is almost the same percentage as the number of Americans who score 80 or below on the IQ scale.

      These supporters literally are the “… some of the people all of the time…” part of the saying.

    2. This man is mentally ill seriously I think that he did all this without even knowing that he did something wrong. If he can’t tell the difference he shouldn’t be in office.

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