President-elect Joe Biden on Monday tapped Neera Tanden to lead the Office of Management and Budget, but Senate Republicans are criticizing Tanden's use of Twitter but are apparently forgetting Trump's use of the platform. Aired on 12/01/2020.
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#Biden #NeeraTanden #MSNBC
Republicans Slam OMB Pick Tanden For Twitter Use | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Trump lives up to his reputation…we rejected him…and, he continues to force himself on us. : )
@mark bodman You are even dumber now with your oann russian news bs. Trump was charged with charity scam. Himself and children. Cannot run a charity ever again. Are you that brain dead to know reality.
@mark bodman What a brain dead zombie. But entertaining how stupid people can really be. The con man lost. Stop crying snowflake.
Trump the stalker
@mark bodman OMG. Mark, do you have a college education, or are you one of the uneducated few that voted for
republicans are snowflakes…
@mark bodman Wow a useless brainless zombie trump cult moron. Repeating his baseless Oann Russian projection claims. Typical of a loser cult. Boo hoo. Check history if you can read.
@brian231 Said the loser. No evidence. Better yey you brain dead cult zombies cant recognize reality.
@brian231 pack the courts so deep with democrats, racist old white men will never are heard from again
, America in the drive-through:
” republicans GOP and Moscow Mitch replied , “you get Amy barret she can help you at the end of the month with rent , you get Amy Barrett she can help you stay safe during Covid, Americans Amy Barrett can help your business with loans and now we ALL are going on vacation till next year deal with it. “ GOP Republicans
Stop the trump mafia family COUP of America
before it’s to late Georgia please vote for the party of democracy that will kick the Trump virus out of the White House
“ we need help the lockdown never ended successfully we need PPP and PPE Moscow Mitch Mr. Trump virus
@John Hillman Stuff ot troll.
Wow, the hypocrisy is just so in your face. The R’s really have no shame.
Why is she deleating her postings?? Obviously shes not as transparent as she should be. Turn about is fair play, i expect more will come.
Biden and Harris have slave owners blood running through their veins. Proof that the party of slavery, racism and hate has never changed.
Biden Cancer Charity was a scam. Millions taken in nothing going out. How sick to start a charity in your dead sons memory than use it for fraud. Oh that’s the Democrat playbook.
@mark bodman It’s proof that you’re out of your mind, and nothing else.
I. Just. Can’t. With. Hypocrites. Anymore.
@michael boultinghouse reported.
Me and Ceeday will be streaming the event tomorrow. SO JOIN US, Ill be live on my twitch, make sure to come and donate me 1.2 million dollars cheers lads.
Why is she deleating her postings?? Obviously shes not as transparent as she should be. Turn about is fair play, i expect more will come.
Biden and Harris have slave owners blood running through their veins. Proof that the party of slavery, racism and hate has never changed.
Biden Cancer Charity was a scam. Millions taken in nothing going out. How sick to start a charity in your dead sons memory than use it for fraud. Oh that’s the Democrat playbook.
It’s mind-boggling to me that Republicans are now all of a sudden bothered by Miss tanden’s tweets….. But for the last 4 years have been okay with Donald Trump’s un-American and unpatriotic tweets!
@Wally Iverson trump lost
@5252rpm Mr. Iverson doesn’t realize Trump is the loser and he is the sucker.
Why is she deleating her postings?? Obviously shes not as transparent as she should be. Turn about is fair play, i expect more will come.
Biden and Harris have slave owners blood running through their veins. Proof that the party of slavery, racism and hate has never changed.
Biden Cancer Charity was a scam. Millions taken in nothing going out. How sick to start a charity in your dead sons memory than use it for fraud. Oh that’s the Democrat playbook.
Not difficult at all, Biden can just use the “Article 2 lets me do whatever I want”. This looks like a job for a Trumpian “acting” appointment.
Absolute Power I’ve heard some say….
does anybody really expect the Republicans, who are well known or their hypocrisy, to suddenly start acting in the interest of the prople and not be obstructionist at every step of the way
Oh like trump never uses Twitter.
Like trump hasn’t used Twitter to abuse people and fire them.
He made it fun.
Yes your right
Why is she deleating her postings?? Obviously shes not as transparent as she should be. Turn about is fair play, i expect more will come.
Biden Cancer Charity was a scam. Millions taken in nothing going out. How sick to start a charity in your dead sons memory than use it for fraud. Oh that’s the Democrat playbook.
@mark bodman Not very creative. Cut and paste all over. Sign of a complete moron. A brain dead zombie cult member. Time to drink the kool aid LOSER. big time how hilarious and stupid you are. Just a different name but still the IQ of two. Barely alive.
So Collins notes that Tanden uses Twitter a lot? Wonder if she’s ever heard of this guy called Trump?
Isn’t it ironic that all these GOP hypocrites are using Twitter to complain about somebody else’s use of Twitter.
@lilly pad America in the drive-through:
” republicans GOP and Moscow Mitch replied , “you get Amy barret she can help you at the end of the month with rent , you get Amy Barrett she can help you stay safe during Covid, Americans Amy Barrett can help your business with loans and now we ALL are going on vacation till next year deal with it. “ GOP Republicans
Stop the trump mafia family COUP of America
before it’s to late Georgia please vote for the party of democracy that will kick the Trump virus out of the White House
“ we need help the lockdown never ended successfully we need PPP and PPE Moscow Mitch Mr. Trump virus
@mark bodman
Wait a mintue Collins is the one who sounds like an Elmer Fudd without the laughs, right?
Now all of the sudden they care about someone’s use of Twitter smh and they call everyone else snowflakes?
Projection at its finest
“Hello, Kettle? This is Nut Job.”
So! It is OK for Trump to set records for the most tweets in say 30 minutes but it is not OK for a nominee by a Democrat to tweet? Really? Would you like me to define Republican hypocrisy for you? Starting recently with Justice Barrett while the election was in progress to continue to the greatest moron tweeter on record with the Republican president of the United States? And all this said with a holier than thou straight face? By Susan (Kavanaugh) Collins and Texan Cirnyn? Really? Haven’t you both sort have blown apart any moral compass you may have had? I mean really? If you don’t want to confirm the nominee, don’t confirm her. But your reasoning stinks like a 5 day old fish left out to dry.
Coffee spewed. lolol
4 years of hearing Trump on Twitter , now the GOP babies are still whining !!!

Biden and Harris have slave owners blood running through their veins. Proof that the party of slavery, racism and hate has never changed.
Biden Cancer Charity was a scam. Millions taken in nothing going out. How sick to start a charity in your dead sons memory than use it for fraud. Oh that’s the Democrat playbook.
@Not A Possum using MSDNC as your “news” source is doing yourself a disservice. You know who else strenuously objects to this witch for Biden’s cabinet? Progressives. Yes, that’s right–the REAL left. She’s a vile creature and has been for years. She actively works to shut down the left
@If you don’t vote for Biden, YOU AIN’T BIDEN it isn’t though, i watched the video cuz I was curious, I don’t even know who she is and I wasn’t defending her, I was merely pointing out that the original commenter was pointing out their hypocrisy. I also don’t hold any political affiliation, or trust any one news source or any one individual person/politician, so whatever assumptions you’re making about me are bound to be wildly incorrect.
That’s cute, a nut job calling someone else a nut job.
I do that every time.
Agree with you!!!! Linda and Warren FowlPatt…
Well if that isn’t the height of hypocrisy I don’t know what is.
Republicans can never justifiably complain about anyone’s Twitter ever again.
mark bodman Lol looks like you need a cookie, too.
@Kayleigh J. Some of these Trump supporters are so thick they just can’t get it through their thick skulls that the race is over, Trump lost, and there’s no reason to continue to attempt to smear the president-elect.
@lilly pad Same to you, Lady
@mark bodman Its funny you say that when Trump was convicted of Charity fraud along with his siblings,yet I hear nothing of anything about bidens conviction.Can you point me to the article where he was charged and convicted?
“They have surrendered their right to be offended”…simplest way to call out their hypocrisy.
Why is she deleating her postings?? Obviously shes not as transparent as she should be. Turn about is fair play, i expect more will come.
Biden and Harris have slave owners blood running through their veins. Proof that the party of slavery, racism and hate has never changed.
Biden Cancer Charity was a scam. Millions taken in nothing going out. How sick to start a charity in your dead sons memory than use it for fraud. Oh that’s the Democrat playbook.
@OP — I haven’t surrendered MY right to be fed up with the whole worthless bunch of them, .
If republican doesn’t like her, she is a right person for this position!
@mark bodman well ask Trump why he setup charities and Trump university, where he scammed doners and students out of money! Oh yeah Trump got sued for it! Oh yeah had to pay 25,000,000 to students!

@DaRyteJuan i would love to…really love to

@mark bodman this is a crock
She’s a terrible appointment. Unless you consider stealing Libya’s oil after we destabilized the nation & set it back 100 years the “right” thing to do.
The GOP have nothing to say anymore, they lost all credibility.
Ok Stahlin
@Chuckie Puppet Maybe you should go back to being outraged over Obama’s tan suit. Ignore the quarter of a million deaths the GOP have caused and lets get back to talking about deficits. LMAO!
@Chuckie Puppet Ok Bollocks!
“Nutjob” Lindsey learned from his “Master”.
Tim McVeigh was the master,. you have thousands of nutjobs that studied his tactics TRAITORS GET OUT NOW FOR GOD’S SAKE!
A grown man call a woman names. What a child!!!
@Yvonne Smith well he is not really a man. He has a womans name.
Republicans criticizing Twitter comments. That’s laughable after last 4 years. I would just ignore them.