Top Republicans are rushing to former President Donald Trump's defense after the FBI executed a search warrant at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida as part of an investigation into the handling of potentially classified material. #CNN #News
Republicans rush to Trump’s defense after FBI executes search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

When did McCarthy start thinking about ‘document preservation’?? What the what???
Last fight

Just getting out in front of it .
How is it possible that these goons are still called lawmakers if they are rejecting the execution of the US law publicly?
Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 51:1-8;51:12-12
A prayer of Jesus the son of Sirach. I will give glory to thee, O Lord, O King, and I will praise thee, O God my Saviour. I will give glory to thy name: for thou hast been a helper and protector to me. And hast preserved my body from destruction, from the snare of an unjust tongue, and from the lips of them that forge lies, and in the sight of them that stood by, thou hast been my helper. And thou hast delivered me, according to the multitude of the mercy of thy name, from them that did roar, prepared to devour. Out of the hands of them that sought my life, and from the gates of afflictions, which compassed me about: From the oppression of the flame which surrounded me, and in the midst of the fire I was not burnt. From the depth of the belly of hell, and from an unclean tongue, and from lying words, from an unjust king, and from a slanderous tongue: My soul shall praise the Lord even to death.
How thou deliverest them that wait for thee, O Lord, and savest them out of the hands of the nations.
Matthew 16:24-27
Then Jesus said to his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For he that will save his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for my sake, shall find it. For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels: and then will he render to every man according to his works.
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Judges do not ISSUE “Search Warrants” they sign and authorize them.
@Arc Tander No it’s not. Get an education, would you? Do you even know what “semantics” means?
(Other than something you don’, so you buzzword you don’t understand.)
Judges do not iisue warrants Law inforcement must apply fir a warrant, statung exactly what they are looking for, the crime that is suspected, the location of the suspected crime.
A judge then decides if, under the law, suspicion is warranted. Since 15 bixes of Documents belonging to the People were already stolen and then returned by the suspect, it remains poss8ble that there are more. Theer were. 12.more Boxes. of Classified Documents stolen from us.
That is what criminal Investigations are for.
classified Documents
The judge was a Trump appointee.
@Arc Tander Reality.
It is telling that McCarthy felt the need to tell someone else to “preserve your documents” in the conduct of their duties. Of COURSE Garland will, because that is proper. Apparently the theft and destruction of documents is commonplace in the circles that McCarthy occupies.
@Unoim Right So the double standards don’t count then?
@Adam Skinner I’m chocking on all the MAGA TEARS … snowflakes
Everywhere!! But.. but.. but … it’s my leader tRUMPFY … lmao
@Joseph Zrnchik Whataboutism! Whataboutism! But … but … but …. don’t you want to even know what the tRUMPF took ! No not Joseph, whatever tRUMPF does is okay ! Cringe
right?!!! They’re all crying wolf because they are the wolves and have been found out!
Did Kevin Mcarthy threaten a DOJ official ? Isn’t that a crime ? These republicans don’t know when to stop, except for helping veterans !
@My Names Drew When all else fails, play the victim card…
When did the GQP help veterans? Last I heard they voted the bill down.
@Triplebbb No,it’s not Ok,but stick to rhe subject please,and stop deflecting to fit your narrative.
I look forward to the facts of this coming out and then seeing Mccarthy backpedal his comment. Also McCarthy, “preserve your documents” where was this enthusiasm for the secret service deleted texts?
McCarthy won’t backpedal. He’s not smart enough to do that.
Last fight
It’s over. DJT is done – he took the 5th!
Look, the fact is this, these clowns have always taught they were above the law. They can not accept the reality.
What law did he break?
@Jaron Pope Hey brother, I’m with you on the hipocrazy of it all. But as Michael Corleone said to a Senator in a famous scene from “The Godfarher” “WE ARE BOTH PART OF THE SAME HIPOCRAZY”
I don’t understand, aren’t we all for “Law and Order” and “No one is above the law”? It seems to me that the DOJ and FBI should investigate anyone that might have done anything that a normal person, like us, would be investigated for and possibly go to jail. All corrupt politicians should be investigated, regardless of party.
@Adejoke Loye you are aware that Ivanka is guilty of the exact thing Hillary is accused of. Why no lock her up chant for Ivanka? one would think she would know better since her dad leads all the chants.
They are scared that they came involved and going to jail as well
“When you’re attacking FBI agents because you’re under criminal investigation, you’re losing,” –Sarah Huckabee Sanders, November 2016.
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@nev ana right – nice try cup cake – better get your facts straight
@msioug but they are sweetie
Mc Carthty might be needing to “Clear HIS calender”, lol
It could end up being the case that many in the GOP will need to preserve their notes and clear their calendars.

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I find it interesting that when law enforcement does its job, these “gentlemen ” would choose to Obstruct the persuit of justice rather than support investigators doing their jobs.
You would think that the Republican Lawmakers would applaud the DOJ and the FBI for carrying out their duties of enforcing the laws, by going where the evidence leads them.
The Mueller investigation was enough to see what these clowns were up to.
*Why are the people who chanted “lock her up” so opposed to criminal prosecution now?*
@Joe exactly….still waiting for him to tell me whats in the Muller report that apparently he read
@Joe but MSDNC has told their viewer that he did so it must be true!
They have to defend him because if they don’t, they’re complicit in their support of the great criminal. In for a penny in for a pound.
Alice Stewart: “I’ve talked to people up and down the political spectrum.”
Translation: I’ve talked to three Republicans and one of them was my child.
Makes me question getting an education at Harvard. They failed graduating her.
@John J Never question an education, or where you got it. Maybe question how much it cost.
Last fight
She said “untill we find out why…” but at the same time claims it’s a political persecution and an overreach. That makes no sense at all.
That’s what it looks like now, since he was complying to disclose the documents.
Kevin McCarthy ‘s statement can be used against him as a threat made by him if at all the GOP takes the house. Sensible American would not vote for him this time.
“I will work with local police and appoint the best prosecutors and federal investigators, whose mission will be to ensure every American is safe.”
Candidate Donald Trump October 2016. He appointed the current head of the FBI, Christopher Wray.
McCarthy just to remind you: AG Garland is not Giuliani or Jeff Clark, so don’t you worry Kevin, he’ll have all the doc(s) ready for you…if you can understand the laws as he does.