With Trump facing down another impeachment vote in the U.S. House, Republicans on the Hill are beginning to abandon him – including, according to The New York Times, Sen. Mitch McConnell. Aired on 01/13/2021.
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#ImpeachmentVote #MitchMcConnell #MSNBC
Republicans Finally Abandon Trump Ahead Of Impeachment Vote | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Trump thinks Pence is a p-word. Now he’d like to grab him.
@Lanuiiohu Sukikiya I’m not even in the USA. I’m in Italy. You have to step out of your echo chamber of faux news,,newsmax, oan trump, Qanon to get a perspective of what’s going on. Trump was trying to make America into 1940 Germany or Italy
@R L Brain washed by your CNN & MSDNC………Bye Communist Cheater
@Kaotiqua Well said; well played.
@José Hunter’s EW&F Remixes He was, but I don’t think he ever talked like that where it could be repeated by leakers or the press.
Imagine how dangerous he would be if he was intelligent
@Waryaa Wariiri

@Realdeal45 i acknowledge that you and others acceot thar fact loon at that from the standpoint
@Realdeal45 II wi scceot him gir tgatcobe facr. I an ecuc6ared, k8cedellad. Ytzinin no6 NOT argue with you or others who choose to fo thsi. I am c8mpekjec to o yrrcdfm6o
@Rebecca Williams And what were u trying to say
@Rebecca Williams I don’t care if Oj Simpson or Donald Duck run the country as long as they do their job this is not who’s your Favorite Team
Blind allegiance to anyone or anything will get you killed
@Dale Lange
MSNBC is no fake. Living in Europe where I have access to countless reliable international sources, speaking 4 languages I can easily compare reportings.
@cervellone so what is fake? The outlets have changed as the political landscape has changed. They are all huge corporations or components of international conglomerates and as such they value profit over integrity and truth. MSNBC is the most flagrant offender of reporting fact based news.
Now you deserve a very refreshing laugh about Terror-Trump ! Watch https://youtu.be/vSN6vQlSzsM. The most ironical antiTrump- sketch on the web. Will save your day !
@Oteka Macklin When the Dems/media turned a blind eye to the rioting and destruction of minority businesses and federal property by the radical left (BLMANTIFA), it just emboldened the radical right…Too bad it got to this
I like Presidents who don’t get impeached twice
@David Pearson Exactly Fool. Nothing happened. No Consequence. so wtf… Pay Attention fool.
@MapleBalls Pay attention, tool.
Ah Sarah I see, so basically you like every other President in US history. Even Nixon was better than this orange guy – at least Noxon admitted his wrongdoings and had the decency to resign from office.
Alexis Wilson no remember when orange guy said he likes People who do get caught
“They” – who are “They”? Are they imaginary friends of this lunatic President? I think so.
@Ronald Dionisi

. Move forward with a smile 

Too funny and you know that YOU are telling OUR age. !! Happy New Year
@Charlie Helfenstein
True true true true
Are there any of you leftty liberals who consider yourself to be a fair an objective person, one who actively overcomes personal emotions and bias. Look inside first, you know if you are, I am not always but ultimately, I think so. When you look inside and if you just now realize that you unfair, and was unaware, please understand that this is a major cause of every division we have in this country, noone is respected and trusted by both the left and the right, noone in the entire country, that I know of. I could only call out the left here, because in this case, Trump clearly did not call for the violence and death that occured in that building. The right is correct and this by condemning the acts of violence and defending President Trump in this case they already are fair, bit for the left, if you already know what you are, what you are doing, you would have to change your whole character, put away being a lying, thieving, deceiver, and. Convert, come.back to what you know is correct,.care about truth and integrity, above loyalty’s, it is about you personally, they are doing this or that, doesn’t justify following wrong. instead, follow me, as I follow Christ
Brain washed by your CNN & MSDNC………Bye Communist Cheater
@Lanuiiohu Sukikiya bye Russian troll
Trump: “It’s a good democracy you’ve got there USA. It would be a pity if something bad were to happen to it!
And that’s from the wannabee dictator
Ttis that
oh wow
It already did , 4 years ago but its getting back to normal soon
It’s worth fighting for.
he will never change- its so sickening listen to him -after all what he caused especially
777dani E.p Right! Soon comes the time we won’t have to hear anything from or about him anymore.
His whining is shameful.
Pence just wants to look him in the eyes and refuse a pardon
Donald Trump is about to make the USA a military dictatorship ,,, it is biblical prophecy… I offer videos of undeniable proof!!!!!! I wrote a book too… 4 years ago telling that Trump was going to do this called “1871-72 Wine of Reality Freedom an American Illusion”
That would be sweet
@Vintage Things Can’t you hear the Trump-Pence Blaring???? LOOK, LOOK, LOOK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9TikzlCbeE
‘those other people” exist only in his diseased mind.
Omg “totally appropriate” for a narcissistic fascist
Ttis that
oh wow
The only reason the “ extremists” are threatening violence, is because they know they won’t get shot!
@Activate Windows “The secret service as well, apparently, which is terrifying.”
That shouldn’t be too hard. Biden was VP four years ago, a lot of those people are known to him personally and haven’t aged out. Many are probably still working there. Just need better screening and to look very hard at all the new guys.
No they weren’t shot the first time!! You notice after DCMPD showed up they left DC. They were getting their butts kicked. That was the nightshift people were referring too. DC police and Capitol Police are not the same at all!! Once the Mayor made that call all bets were off!!!
U r correct. They won’t be dealt with in the same manner as the summer protestors. There were rioters and protestors this summer, but not one insurrectionist! You heard the insurrectionist ask we had your backs to the cops and threw first blow to cops.
There were protestors and insurrectionist on 1/06, but they were fed lies and instructed by the president. This was well planned and a inside job.
@Fiona Tanzer And if they had been anything but lily white, they’d have been ALL shot.
one got shot
Who is everybody, who are these people he refers to – they don’t exist
Oh, they exist…they’re figment of his Demented Mind, but they exist. Moral of the Story: Don’t elect Popular Figures, they might just have more baggage then the nation could handle…
I’m surprised Trump hasn’t blamed the riot on Obama yet.
@Van Iyke LOL, if there had been more black and brown people within Trump’s mob then, there might have been a chance for the world to believe that. However, since Trump’s mob were mainly made up of white people then, that idea isn’t going to sway anyone with even a sliver of sense!!! LOL, just because Trump’s sycophants are stupid doesn’t mean the rest of the world is too! We have eyes and can use them to see what’s happening right in front of us! Americans!!!
When the Dems/media turned a blind eye to the rioting and destruction of minority businesses and federal property by the radical left (BLMANTIFA), it just emboldened the radical right…Too bad it got to this
@Education is key hmm, so the rally right before where Rudy Guliani said, “Let’s have trial by combat!” didn’t have anything to do with emboldening the right?
@almostagenius75 lol
Trump: “Everyone thought my words were totally appropriate”
Everyone else: “No we didn’t”
@Bon Goaie Spam
Lol it’s hilarious to see dems freak out when for 2 hours republicans did what dems have been doing for 4 years. Get ready dems, this ain’t even remotley close to being over
And you’re consolidated in cities. Not good
@Bill Billson look forward to laughing at you or at least your heroes because you “sound” like you just claim to participate in the stupidity
@Bill Billson No. They probably be knocking at your door!
@Bill Billson “Lol it’s hilarious to see dems freak out when for 2 hours republicans did what dems have been doing for 4 years.”
Democrats attempted a total of ZERO acts of insurrection and ZERO assassinations of elected officials.
They are willing to die for someone who wouldn’t let them into one of his clubs.
… and if he let them, they couldn’t afford it.
@Mary M Miller Best comment all day!! Amen to both of your comments!!
Good point!
Brain washed by your CNN & MSDNC………Bye Communist Cheater
It’s so sad
“We get our president or we die.” Well, you won’t get your president.
@Black Sun Obelisk “Donald Trump is about to make the USA a military dictatorship ,,, it is biblical prophecy…”
One, no it isn’t a Biblical prophecy. Trump isn’t mentioned anywhere in the Bible, and loosely interpreting something about a tyrant who speaks lies or whatever doesn’t count because you could apply that any leader you don’t like. Two, he’s not going to be a military dictator. The military hates him and his term will be over by this time next week.
@Mister Guy The Devil goes by many names!!!! I demonstrate a bunch of them throughout my videos!!! Here is my first video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRketGgI8Gc&t=74s
They can have Trump, you know continue worshiping the draft dodging traitor, they just can’t have him in the white House, heck form a commune, they can live happily eve after with Donny, call it the Red Hat Ranch.
We’re talking about you alright Trump. You and your dispicable cult.
@Sybille Stahl This One is called “Aliens Among Us” LOOK!!!!
“Hoax” there is Trump’s favorite word again
It’s a toss up between ” hoax” and “fake” , might be a tie
Blmantifa riots made me feel sick. They were destroying minority businesses and the Dems let Rome burn for power…never forget!
I don’t think he knows what it means
“We get our president or we die”. Interesting how the stereotypical anti-government crowd was tricked into worshipping a tyrant.
Funny how that happens.
Cause they are sheeple easily manipulated
probably would’ve heard about it wouldn’t have had enough jail cells to lock them up
Before anyone tries to say the same of me I think if there was ever a honest politician on capital hill
Yoh wow
oh yes
@Terra Rain — the sheeple are the democrats who rioted for 4 years and did $2 billion in property damage lol.
Democrats crying about what happened at the capitol is hilarious, there is a great deal of fear there
Soon and very soon, the American people will be free of this lunatic-in chief.
Good luck with that belief.
In 1923, a Mr. H was thrown into jail after failed Beer Hall Putsch and everyone thought his political life was over. 10 years later, he was elected by his brainless followers as the Chancellor of Germany….
@Liang Xu Hitler only got 33% of the submitted votes ever – in the 1933 elections. But because of Germany’s parliamentary system, he formed a coalition gov’t with the Hindenburg faction with himself as its leader; and the rest – as they say – is history.
Yep, 2024 is close. Lets hope Trump can run again!
Pence is like an abused housewife, who’s so frightened of his monster president that he can’t stand up for himself. It’s sad. This was his last chance to do so.
Ttis that
oh wow
Mother said no..and he listened
Pence can take care of himself.
@John Monday Yes, it’s true. And probably this is the only thing he wants to do….

From now on, we will see Pence plays a two-faced man:
His public face will play a loyal friend of Trump so he will be able to draw votes from Trump supporters in 2024 presidential election;
His private face will play a accomplice with democrats to make sure that Trump will be dead enough to not get in his way to run for 2024 presidential election….
Why do some many Dem cities with complete Dem control treat Black Americans so badly-Chicago, Baltimore…Better question might be why Black Americans keep voting for them
“we get our president or we die”……Sounds like they’ve got their negotiating tactics from Blazing Saddles.
Can I get a vote on that one?
Let’s take a moment to mourn Cleavon Little, excellent actor & comic with perfect timing, a Tony & an Emmy. Miss you. RIP
Well, I’ve got some bad news for them…