Republican lawmakers including Sens. Lamar Alexander, Mitch McConnell and Rep. Kevin McCarthy are encouraging the public to wear masks to halt the spread of the coronavirus, signaling a break with the president on the issue. Aired on 7/1/2020.
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Republicans Distance Themselves From Trump On Masks | Morning Joe | MSNBC
We have a “Gangster in the White House”:
Noam Chomsky says Trump is undeniably
“the worst criminal in history.”
and sadly, the Republicans actually support this criminal, making them just as corrupt.
Trumps cult members are not only also corrupt, but guilty of treason and conspiring to destroy the USA.
Just looked up “mass murderers” in Wiki. There is no mention of politicians. To bad.
@David Forward Or compromised/blackmailed into compliance. Let’s not forget that fork.
Trumpters are the reason why they have ”do not eat” on silica gel packets

Also the warning on the windshield shade do not drive till you remove it
They’re still having a hard time keeping them from eating the big white mints in the men’s urinals.
Thanks I needed that lol
Trump thought he was going to run the country the way he ran his businesses. That’s just solid proof that the man is simply not capable of being president. To add to this disaster we know that he didn’t run his businesses exactly well.
He did run the country the way he ran his business, right into the ground.
Don’t make be laugh! 7x bankrupt. A liar and a crinimal.
Well, he’d be more successful at running things if he were in the Confederacy
Where were these republicans months ago? It’s good that they’re finally coming around but it’s too late for them as far as I am concerned. They had their chance and they blew it.
John Dobbs These gangster GOPs only came around when they realized that they will be sent home in November, without a job or criminal platform/venue to keep stealing or other criminal activities that are despicable. Again, it’s been said: “ TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE.”
John Dobbs they are just hoping that if they embrace the mask now that it buys votes in Nov.
Dear America: You got a duty this November, please get rid off this nightmare.
-Sincerely, The Rest of the World.
The majority of Americans want to get rid of nightmare Trump and the Republicans.
The only people who think trump is good, are either bad people or just ignorant of the truth
A big yes from Canada
We can’t stand this fool. He makes you all look so bad.
Laura Young… exactly. From NZ.
Mika “Why doesn’t he wear a mask, is it the make-up?” Lmao
He should wear an orange mask.
She think she a funny cookie
He’s afraid someone will poison him!!!!
Good point
@Elan’ Just his white eye sockets, pumpkin forehead and that died weave thing on top of his head.
The ship is going down and the rats are scurrying for life boats
Life boats left after the Impeachment.
Too late. They’ll all drown in their own self-made swamp.
@Trollop Please don’t count on it. I live in a relatively liberal city in Montana, I’m not seeing a big surge in mask wearing. Hilary was right, the base is deplorable, throw them some racist red meat, they’ll wolf it down. I do think the Trumplicans will offer tRump and his spawn immunity from prosecution and entreat him to resign, I don’t know if he will go for it. Don’t forget the electoral college and the utter immorality of his core supporters.
Why does Mitch need anything to protect him? I thought turtles already have a protective shell.
Sean Sparks. I have called Mitch McConnell since early 2018 about the failed rich tax plan. I was told OUR WHOLE AGENDA IS JUDGES. Please vote for Joe
@Jeanette Schock I know hate is a strong emotion. Mitch McConnell has slowly boiled my blood for YEARS!!!!!
I’m not from Kentucky Jeanette. I can only imagine how you feel about Mr. McConnell!
@V Whisp goodnite
Trump should just wear a paper bag…like the unknown comic… us all that wretched face and horrible hair………..
Well he’s got a pointed white mask on his face everyday or haven’t you noticed?
“everyone is miserable right now”……she nailed it.
Like Andrew Cuomo said, “Reality wins.” We cannot deny the REALITY, even if Trump wants to keep denying it.
You have hit the nail on the head there! my little sausage.
I thought this as well. Thousands of dead bodies every day can’t possibly be “fake news”… if the msm had covered this like the Vietnam War and brought this harsh reality into the homes of the American people many would’ve taken it a lot more seriously. People needed to see the ugliness, but we got “Tweet News Lite” instead.
Dawn Green
No you can’t, but you can the destroy the germs through incubation.
I love listening to govn’r Cuomo during press briefing & interviews
I’m a Survivor
He sounds more presidential then Trump would ever sound like in his life time, what Trump needs to do is get with hooked on phonics.
There’s going to be a million people show up. It will be the greatest thing.
-6,000 idiots show up.
Right I’m from Tulsa it was hilarious!!!!
@jossey bareille is that legit? I cannot find articles on it
@jossey bareille
America: China fudges its numbers on Covid19?
Trump: We should stop testing for covid19 because when you test more, you increase the number of cases!
But China who is doing millions of tests are manipulating the numbers/////////
Come on !!!!!!!!!!
What’s really unbelievable is for the first time ever, the US is really “NUMBER ONE” at something, and they are doing their best to deny it!
Meistro Shine. But this 6,000 will infect 1 million.
GOP Is like watching Kindergartner’s when they realize they just figured something out. Masks good.
Vote Trump out in a landslide in November. Let’s send a strong message that the insanity has to stop.
Don’t believe he will even make it to November, he will be gone!!!
@Elaine Brown pleeeeeeeeeeease
@Elaine Brown Resignation on Medical Grounds…Hi EGO would not allow him to lose
We the Citizens Tax payers, don’t want you ,if you don’t care about us!!!! Your Out!!!
Norma Hernandez we are not paying your salary anymore nor your benefits as president. You will receive zero from us.
@Fun Life way to try reading comprehension. Keep practicing.
He can’t wear a DIAPER and a MASK how would he BREATHE
Through that hole in his head that his Brain Cells used to ESCAPE?
“Nero is content playing his violin”.
And Russia & China are playing him like a fiddle while his brethren backing perform Dueling Banjos…
“Republicans are going to lose, and it’s the president’s fault.”
It’s the Republicans’ fault for enabling this president and remaining largely silent.
henry winckel well said!
For even letting him run at all. That may just be the downfall of the republican party.
henry winckel Could not agree more.
Dear America: You got a duty this November, please get rid off this nightmare.
-Sincerely, The Rest of the World.
Yes with god help we will
@Humberto Hernandez Don’t rely on a fictitious god, every individual who is able to vote in November should do the right thing and get this monster out of the White House.
C.C. Andews– Screw November–that means he & crew stays in WH until Jan 2021. Gotta boot him NOW.
I knew he was unfit in the beginning so unqualified too inept
“I know” ,he doesn’t wear a mask because he’s gonna get a white circle around his mouth like he has around his eyes.
Are most of you Fake Page Trolls teens with nothing else to do.

You’re right! The inside of his mask would turn orange!