Republicans are now calling for a special counsel to probe Hunter Biden after the US Justice Department appointed one to oversee two Trump criminal investigations. CNN’s Manu Raju reports. #CNN #News
Republicans call for Hunter Biden special counsel after DOJ move on Trump

So what happend to inflation and crime ? As soon as the election was over, Republicans stopped talking about it.
Let’s be honest now,the Republicans didn’t create inflation though lol
@R Morales Lmfao. Why would any Republican try. Biden already came out and said he would reject anything Republicans put on his desk. Nice try.
There’s no more need to talk about it, now there’s time to do something about it.
Don’t worry friend.. the democrats passed the “inflation reduction act”.
Should kick in any day now…. Hahaha
@B Bodziak Name one thing Dems are willing to compromise with their opposition on… I cant think of a single thing.
This is how they waste Americas time for the next 2 years
@madgodloki I mean why not? Are you a Hunter Biden laptop denier?
It stinks, literally, that the Reps would waste everyones time and money. Govern you idiots, GOVERN to improve America, not lock up a loser like Hunter.
@sjort shorts
Exactly again my friend!
Every single day of Trumps presidency was headaches given by Pelosi, Shumer, et al. I don’t how the man did it. I would’ve quit, but Trump is like Teflon Don. It just rolled off him. I want Joe to go through hell from a Republican House every single day. He will meltdown quick. The way to Joe, FBI/DOJ coverup is through Hunter, and that dumbass put it all on his laptop. It has been covered up for 4 yrs, because it’s not about Hunter. Joe is dirty! This is exactly what I voted for, because you and I already know and I want it to come out to the world. It will be so clear that even Dem’s will have to vote to impeach. Glorious glorious times
They are basically insuring that no independent will ever vote for them again!
Rick Wilson at the Lincoln Project told folks EXACTLY what the GOP would do if they retook the house…..& he was absolutely right!
I’m just so grateful the Republicans are retaking the House and can focus on all the important kitchen table issues like Dr. Seuss, Disney princesses, drag queens, and Hunter Biden’s laptop.
@BP’s No need. It’s way up yours
@Jeremy Benoit so you think the Jared’s $2b deal with the Saudis is ok and that Trump had nothing to do with it. Where are the missing top secret documents.
Considering the laptop indicates felony fraud, a criminal conspiracy, and a mysterious person named “The Big Guy”, I would think it warrants a special counsel. I do agree a House committee investigation makes the RNC look just as bad as the DNC.
@Jeremy Benoit
We have heard this song before:/
GOP smokes and mirrors, as always
@Rory Cannon I actually wasn’t taking any side I was just trying to speak the truth as clearly as I could.
I have seen brief clips of some of those documents and I have listened to the testimony of some of the “people” involved.
I feel certain that there is some kind of cover up, going on in our relationship with Ukraine, going back at least 10 years. I actually believe some important truths will soon be forthcoming on the Ukraine issue.
As a Chess analogy, their king is almost in checkmate, so to even things up, they’re going to pursue a pawn.
That pawn is the puppets bag man.
@Hobby Organist Hes still doing dealings with his father. You Biden crackheads can’t keep up lol.
good analogy. As they waste taxpayers’ money on their witch hunts the public will turn on them in 2024. The stupid squad will drag the republicon/fascist party down.
@Logical Psycho In the republicon case they are going after a pawn that was already take off the board. The Stupid Squad in the house have no strategy, they are just mean, nasty, vindictive dimwits who want revenge for their own failures. The republicons made a big thing about the economy and now they are proving that they never cared about the economy or the people. They only want to spread their mean hateful and nastiness wherever they can.
@Michael Blumenreich oh, I don’t know. Frankly, I believe that someone making millions for a no-show job that entails him setting up meetings between the VP ( his father) and his foreign business partners, paying 10% of the money to his dad, while smoking Crack and having sex with Russian hookers might be a problem.
At least it would be if it had been one of the Trump kids, right?
Democrats should just ignore all their noise, refuse to testify and just get on with passing bills to help people.
@Ligma Johnson I didn’t say you could pass bills with just the house. Move out of your moms basement, child.
@Michaels Life Adventures So, how do you think the Republicans are going to tackle inflation or high gas prices? I’m dying to know. Seeing how they have quickly pivoted from the conversation and instead, they just want to go after Hunter and impeach Pelosi. Should be a lively 2 years.
@madgodloki Name a bill… you haven’t lol
Seems to work for the GOP. The dems should just flip congress the bird.
@Fetterneck2 so does tons of Americans but that’s a personal choice
Before they start investigating could they present their healthcare plan? Their plan to lower inflation? Their infrastructure plan? Did MTG trailer-school her kids?
They have the perfect plan. It involves remo ing the democrats from power and giving it back to the people. Besides didn’t Obama solve all those problems. Healthcare education and everything else. Or was he a failure???
First step in triage is to stop the bleeding
No we, as in we the people, are elated we retained the Senate. The House is nothing but rabble in comparison.
@9 Foot Cumshot I’m not sure if you speak English. Sounds more like some backwoods version of ‘Merican to me. What are you? Twelve or Fourteen?
@Ejb954 That’s bases, like in baseball, covering all bases.
Wow, GOP still trying to lose in 2024. What happen to inflation?
They inflating Hunter laptop
Got any evidence or whistle-blowers like hunter does
Impeach Biden and LOCK UP Hunter

GOP obviously doing something right. The senate is damn close and democrats lost the house. Wake up.
they will fix it if they win in 2024
This is awesome
. Investigate Hunter all ya want! Won’t save ur Orange Jesus.
Jesus saves he don’t need saved
Well see you in 2024 buddy
@Ricardo Amicone estas pendejo!
Get a special counsel to investigate kusner the 2 billion doll and the hotel he sold
and don’t forget that Trump over charged the Secret service for staying on his properties while they were watching over them when Eric claimed they wouldn’t have to pay to use their property when they had to travel with Trump on his golfing trips to his properties and they over charged them by 300% and we tax payers footed the bill. Who knows what else they charged us for that they told use they would never charge or take money for while he was in office.
It has to feel pretty bad, when you have some heat on you, and they hire THE WAR CRIMES GUY to work your case.
Serious question. I am not from the US so don’t really understand this whole situation. I have heard about this so-called special laptop in a repair shop somewhere. What is the supposed significance of this laptop? Did Hunter ever work for the government? I just don’t get the overall focus on this by the republicans?
Hunter is the bagman for Joe..
Lol.. and a Ukrainian energy executive.
@Meg Clifton which Position?
@Short Shorts so if ots everywhere why isnt it in a court??????
@Meg Clifton what illegal way? You sa it like it prooven. So why is it not in a xourt if its so clear?
@Donna Brockbank No. It’s not a Republican ‘conspiracy theory’. It’s hard evidence of illegal activities. Giuliani called it a racketeering case. The info was suppressed by the dark side. 50 former intelligence officials came out and said it was Russian disinfo. I wonder if those guys will ever be indicted for knowingly propagating a lie to influence a presidential election.
How pathetic…the republican party is controlled by a laptop. Since we’re into investigating private citizens laptops, what about Ginni Thomas?
It was actively covered up what are you talking about?! They didn’t let anyone post it on Twitter do y’all have amnesia?!
Scared, are we?
Why? Did she have ties to foreign adversaries or leave her laptop somewhere with proof of criminal activity on it? Does she even have a laptop? Why are you mad? It’s not like they don’t have very valid reasons to suspect highly criminal activity.
How pathetic. Briandead leftists still wearing a face mask.
Anthony Weiners laptop.
I’m fine with them checking into Hunters “influence peddling” so long as they look just as closely into Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka, and Jared.
The Saudis didn’t give Kushner 2 billion for nothing.
Well… Hunter owes about 200 hrs of under oath testimony then.
He’s WAY behind
Oh you mean the people who are not crack head junkies. Giving STD’s to his own brothers wife. While getting strippers pregnant and refusing to pay child support. Yep sounds like a plan. In the famous words of Hunters dad. ” Come on man” “Give me a break” ” You dog faced pony soldier ” ” Your not black if you dont vote for me” ” No Joke”.
Actually the RNC has been calling for a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden since before Trump left office. Former AG Barr did not believe a special counsel was necessary.
@shane3214 Where are you getting that number from. .200 hours of testimony under oath?
i know, lets get a special counsel to investigate every single senator and congressman and their families, that way it won’t be political, let the cards fall where they may
@brailrice We just did. We stopped the MAGA-crazies.
@willard white maga’s. Why would you even say women? Have you taken a look at the men in this country lately?
The game worked in 2016
@Thomas Sherer Stopped the “MAGA Crazies”. Trump supported politicians won 80% of their elections. The Republicans took the House. I guess if you want to call that a win.
@Thomas Sherer Stopped the “MAGA Crazies”. Trump supported politicians won 80% of their elections. The Republicans took the House. I guess if you want to call that a win.
Since when do we have a special council for someone who never served in Congress or was president of the United States?
If you’d pay attention, you’d know that the investigation is about Joe Biden’s activities for which there is significant evidence on Hunter’s laptop as well as from whistleblowers. The House Oversight Committee gave a briefing on it just yesterday. It’s on YouTube.
Imagine a government that was focused on the benefit of the people…
We had that, but he made mean tweets,
and He had to be canceled.
Hunter should have been indicted 2 years ago.
@Damian Eadie your not listenening to what’s being said are you!! They think joe Biden may have illegally took money.. NOTHING TO DO WITH DRUGS
Thank you, Iceman!!
Why would you suddenly imagine that?
Special counsel for someone who never served in government role?? A private citizen??
imagine being so mad your leader is in trouble, that you go after the family of the person your mad at, because you have nothing on the person your mad at. Lol
It’s the most just and respectful decision Garland could make!
I’ll see your Hunter special counsel investigation and raise them for Eric, Jr, Ivanka and Jared.
The Senate can hold investigations too.