Rachel Maddow explains that in order to overcome the filibuster, Democrats need ten Republicans to vote with them on any given piece of legislation, an extremely unlikely scenario given Mitch McConnell's unwillingness to allow Democrats any accomplishments, and leaving reconciliation as Democrats' only recourse. Aired on 01/29/2021.
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#Republican #Democrats #MSNBC
Republican Resistance To Cooperation Leaves Democrats Few Options | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Its funny how people think its still rep vs dems and cant see thru any of this
@Kimberly McLane Thaanks a lot for clarification
@Kimberly McLane I’m not upholding any privileged white Christian views.
What you call a Muslim ban was a sanction for prioritization of refugees of minority religions fleeing religious persecution from the countries that were predominantly Muslim.
But you gotta call it Muslim ban because that is how racists think.
So yeah. Play identity politics, enjoy the “you are a racist” label… since you clearly think it’s about banning Muslim entrance despite the travel ban only affecting Seven (out of how many?) Muslim predominant countries.
You are being extremely dishonest, projecting your racist ideals, and presuming other’s people’s ethnicities and racial identity based on 1 – 3 comments in a thread.
Let me guess. Avid supporter of Critical race theory too?
Take your labels elsewhere
@Aura babyy HE is the one who called it a muslim ban
@Kimberly McLane where? I know he said radical Islamic terrorists.
It was political detractors that called it Muslim ban and the media parroted it. He had been calling for a travel ban since 2015 after the Orlando attack and San Bernardino.
Funny how humans fight over nonsense.
Get along already!
“Come on man” get rid of it. Help us now !!!!!!!! You can figure something else out later on and pass that.
If you think talking is enough, which obviously you do, you’ll never see a penny.
The quickest way to destroy something is to cause in-fighting, it’s already on the way no one knows what is happening, or who is doing what.
@Brian Levine Oh there’s an excellent chance for a people’s party against the establishment. It would draw enough people from both parties to retake our government.
@Clint “we cannot live suppressed for ever or live in fear for the rest of our existence” the change will happen, not with violence or crazy riots but with democracy there’s still some left out there.
@Jaime Cardenas I can only hope it happens through democracy. Unfortunately history is against us on that one. Usually some politician bends the populous movement followed by massive purges followed by nothing but bad
yep. that’s the plan. drumpf (who can barely read) used the Jan 2020 virus briefings just like Hitler used the Great Depression for his sedition. Listen to Woodward Tapes and hear it in drumpf’s own voice. Then take a peak at this and the penny will drop as to how long – we’ve been in danger. https://www.cisa.gov/rumorcontrol 500,000+ dead Americans doesn’t matter to a criminally insane narcissist or the GOP. Yale Law Nazi Nuremberg Trials docs. Substitute drumpf & gop for the nazi names. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/imt.asp https://theconversation.com/humans-are-hardwired-to-dismiss-facts-that-dont-fit-their-worldview-127168
@Brian Levine Unfortunately..but True .
The king writes the laws. the middle carry them out, and the peasants get the leftovers.
And what does your comment imply?
Treat another human being with respect regardless whether he is king, middle class or a peasant.
when the Houses reverse would you like the new rules? all Republican rule with the new rules? LOL
We told Republicans to change the rules so they could pass what they wanted. Unfortunately Democrats played Mitch McConnell like a fiddle. He actually thought if he played by the rules Democrats would. Cant wait to flip the House and Senate in 2 years. With Biden killing jobs, raising taxes, disrespecting the troop and gas prices going up it will be easy.
That’s how the Senate works. The Constitution lets each chamber set its own rules, and both sides work out the rules before every session. None of this stuff is written down in stone, for better or for worse.
I think someone warned us about a house divided against itself
@Dr. Kieva Chapell blithering gibberish 3:23- :26
@Censored User they went to court cupcake use your internet skills. you can look up conspiracy theories but you cant look for a news story? I guess its hard to think when its not spoon fed to you huh?
@Banana Phobic Who is “ya’ll” exactly
@Syrnian your momma wears army boots
@George Griffith Oh WOW! Goerge you have a real problem.. your a mean man, theres no real kindness in you, what people may see is a lie.. so sorry for you .. I will pray for you k… i will do it without hatred but pity…
Millionaires making decisions for the poor…when are we going to wake up
Hes right come on people . We have to stop them
That’s the problem…we will never stop them…we are slaves to our phones and social media…we are so lost…
@RJ Walchly But they Help Feed the Elites …
@Hush Money feed the leeches
It’s not millionaires. It’s capitalism.
Hey, as long as the big guy gets his 10%
@Stephen Schaefer
manafort Gates 1:17 CR 00201
Manafort Kilinik CRIMINAL NO. 17-201 (ABJ)(S-4)
I refer you again to page 138 of olume 5 ssci report on russian interference in 2016 election
@Harry Johnstone I asked for indictments that demonstrated collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, not money laundering and FARA registration charges.
everyone says “34 indictments” or whatever big number they want to conjure up, but none of them demonstrate the central charge of the campaign. Maybe if they had spent more time investigating the *actual* contracting of a foreign agent by a presidential campaign in order to go dig up Russian disinformation to discredit a political opponent. The one that *actually* happened, and not the one they made up.
@Stephen Schaefer The simple fact is… obstruction of justice works sometimes. The Mueller report tells us that the sensitive internal polling data Manafort shared with Russian ntyelligence was for the rust belt states – WI, PA, MI where trump ‘won’ by less than 74k votes combined. It is what it is for now, but anyone with half a brain knows what they read instead of listening to barr whitewash it. I’d bet my life on it – assange, stone, manafort, kilimnik, putin threw the election to trump
What I still can’t understand is how people think he won in 2020 when he never spent one second in 4 years above 50% approval. it buggers the mind
@Harry Johnstone so you still have nothing to say about the indictments that were started earlier on the thread. Please stop wasting both our time
Why are u ok with the senate using “tricks” ? Ur words
Because it’s the only way to get anything done. Voting in the Senate isn’t about what’s right, it’s about politics.
@Justin Whittington No kidding. We’re getting a lesson on how the sausage is made. Like all the pork that gets added to bills. Cut the pork, lose the votes, nothing gets done. It would be nice if politics didn’t have to use such nasty tricks to get anything done.
Looks like there really isn’t any sort of democrat majority.
But he was a Republican so that doesn’t count
@Jason Bourne Nailed it.
The democrats could have filibustered when the republicans had the exact same numbers in the senate but they didn’t. They only wanted to give the appearance they supported a progressive agenda.
@nita haden

@nita haden All I can think about is this old meme of Dean Winchester from Supernatural dropping his drawers and shouting, “Pudding!”
Your comment seriously made me laugh.
@nita haden https://youtu.be/RV9PJQUXsKM
there needs to be changes in how this government operates.
@Brian Levine definitely. If the people do not engage in a civil, intelligent revolution, the government will have to seize everything. But so far, 80% of the people support government. Politics has killed freedom.
@Bob Neuendorf QAnon is no longer trendy. Give it up.
@Gray Alien mcconnell smiles at dirty joe and shoots the middle finger
@Gray Alien Isn’t that what technological progress and it’s effect on commerce is?
@Free speech Free thought yes but we haven’t had any real progress with data analysis in our commerce yet. & the government never uses technology.
Our govt puts there parties before this country. They should all be fired.
@Teresa S you should do your own research and form your own opinion instead of just taking the one given to you by your television.
… And they STILL support the man that didn’t even care about them. Trump doesn’t even CARE about America.
Where ever there’s money… is his home.
@oldschoolfunkster1 Trump didn’t funnel money out of Ukraine through Berisma either.
@Iron Head …. Hey! Investigations showed Biden didn’t either!! How about that. But we DO have evidence of Trump trying to USE money that was already allotted for Ukraine and try and get Ukraine to cheat on the election. Imagine that!!
@oldschoolfunkster1 image what? Because it was hacked by Italy, Germany intel, and China fake ballots for Biden. Hunter was caught with Berisma as chairman, his dad sleepy Creepy Joe fired the head investigator in Ukraine.
Oh hey well guess their gonna be feeling what we all felt while they toyed around with a stimmy bill
The weird thing about a so called “even” senate … out of 50 people there are seats on your own side, that will disagree or say no.
Yeah it’s like people have their own options.
I concur.
Few options? How about talking it out instead of trying to overrule each other. This shouldn’t be fight but a discussion.
Parties, power and money before the American people. Sounds like a great government.
I’m gonna have to circle back on that….
Most politicians don’t even know what the constitution is much less abide by their oath
Then send AOC a copy of the Constitution. You can get a free copy at any GOP office.
Don’t care! This was supposed to be “a better economy for everyone.” I want to see how our government fixes the injustices of the stock market for everyone and not just the big hedgefunds. Stop wasting time on the GOP.
Washington AG needs to start laying charges against these clowns, especially in connection to Jan 6, because McCarthy and McConnell refuse to clean up their houses and it’s just going to get worse. Having to defend themselves in court will expose the truth.