Republican lawmakers speak out against abortion restrictions

Measures that would have severely restricted abortion failed Thursday in Nebraska and South Carolina, which both have Republican-controlled legislatures, a reflection of the growing unease among Republicans over the political popularity of strict bans.
#CNN #News


    1. @Lea Garner i’m not sure. it was a video my school showed me. the tissue was placed on an electrified plate, and the two clumps pulsed at different rhythms, then when they were dragged together, they synchronized. it really drove home how these systems develop on their own. that “life” is not a binary or easily understood phenomenon.

    1. @BLD Lightpainting
      “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” — Genesis 2:7″

      “The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” — Job 33:4

      Life starts with the breath, according to your user manual.

    2. @Gianni Schicchi That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

    1. @BLD Lightpainting aren’t you a drama queen, with your saccharine and biologically incorrect poetry.

    1. @H J Approximately 31% of those “unique” lives will never happen anyway because 1 out of every 9 women will have a miscarriage at some point in their lives and most scientists agree that life begins between the 20th and 24th week of development. That is when the fetus begins to develop neural cells which means that some form of self awareness is possible.

      Also, a cancerous tumour contains all the same DNA as the individual. And like a fetus, it grows and responds to stimuli. Are tumours alive?

    2. @Robyn Heartthrob Over 90% of biologists say otherwise. It can be proven with logic alone, there is no other rational place to draw the line.

    3. @Mo. Ka. Yes, over 95% of all biologists disagree with your stated position. As I pointed out to H J, abiogenesis.

    1. @undrwatropium Exactly! I don’t think people should risk voting for them again. Who knows what they’ll do when time comes to shove again.

    2. @Leo C.A. These and a lot of Republican women and some men have been speaking. It just makes local news as a general rule.

  1. 07:25 I had to repeat that because it is so freakin rare to hear a republican speak scientific facts about pregnancy

    1. No. It isn’t. It’s just that mainstream media rarely cover women Republicans. It’s usually a local story.

  2. Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a measure that would have allowed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to be added to the Constitution.

    Senators voted 51 to 47 to invoke cloture on a motion to proceed, falling short of the 60 votes it it needed.

    1. @BLD Lightpaintingit’s a cruel thing to bring a new life into this world that is unwanted, likely to be neglected and abused. Will you adopt ?

    2. @Lisa Lightner it’s not about the life of the child, it’s about dying on a moral anthill, in the name of Christ.

  3. Good for her, now watch the Republicans call for her resignation because they simply don’t agree with her.

    1. “Simply”…? Supporting murder, which is completely anathema to your party values is NOT “simple disagreement”.

  4. Lol the co-sponsor abstained after he “did more research” I mean good for him I guess but just shows how quickly and willing these people are to interject themselves into other people’s personal matters while not having any education on the matter.

  5. I sure hope the full speeches from the SC Five make it online. They would be something I’d like to see.

    1. Butchering God’s innocent little girls and boys by the millions represents the greatest evil of our day.

      “I float inside her womb, oh mother, I am coming soon.
      Suddenly, fear and dread, when mother says she wants me dead! Oh how can you do this to me?

      Thousands come, please don’t kill me, thousands go, I want to live, day by day, can anyone hear me, the numbers grow, I want to live!
      God hears them cry, we hear the lie, and we simply look the other way.

      See no evil! Hear no evil! Speak no evil!

      From a pail with open eyes, I see the man that I despise.
      He looks at me and turns his back, as my life fades it fades to black, and there’s no turning back.

      Mommy, mommy can you hear me? Mommy, I’m afraid!”

      Holy Soldier – See No Evil

  6. If the politicians are so sure of what their constituents want, how about putting it on the ballot for a public vote?

  7. “Winner take all.” The senator admits it’s a war against women, for the ability to control them.

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