COVID-19 economic relief in the form of direct payments to hurting Americans are championed by Representatives Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib, in conversation with Tiffany Cross.
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Representatives Pressley, Tlaib, Omar On Dire Need To Pass COVID Economic Relief | MSNBC
The fact that we’re talking about this is a problem in of itself.
@The Tweatles Dee Diddling
Exactly. No talk just action like Gavin. California Gov. Newsom’s Businesses Received Millions in PPP Loans ABC News: He can make things happen.
@StealieSteve the government knew in mid October 2019 when event 201 was held. They had mock trials for a pandemic…fauci was one of their speakers. According to doctors from China cases started in the fall of 2019. So how could the government not know….at least some of them did.
@s w The Oligarchs have been planning this “Reset” for a long time. Love my country but I don’t trust them.
@StealieSteve absolutely the reset has been planned. The virus probably was too but I hate to stretch that one without having something to validate.
The fact that every other country has helped their people and ours is still debating about whether they should while food lines and the homeless population grow daily

Thankfully Cali solved their homeless problem. California Gov. Newsom’s Businesses Received Millions in PPP Loans ABC News: If Gavin can figure it out why can’t the others?
@1984 THEBEGINING Yes it does, its the same bill! You can’t be this slow. The original bill Mitch ignored for MONTHS was 2trill is the same one they cut to 1.8 and BOTH Pelosi AND Mitch refused it and is now even less. Pelosi did it to hurt Trump and Mitch to help corporations. Stop bootlicking for the Red party and open your eyes. Our country is a cesspool and BOTH sides are to blame!
@1984 THEBEGINING here are the facts. In March 2020…8 Republican senators did not want a stimulus. In mid May the HEROES ACT #1 was passed. The only response from Mitch until 7/27….lets pause and see what happens. On 7/27 Mitch put out his 500B skinny bill…300 enhanced UI for a month and no stimulus….20 Senate Republicans refused to help the people. The WH did an EO for 5 weeks of 300 enhanced UI. The WH and Nancy negotiated and got to within about 300-400B. However Mitch, who refused to get in the negotiations said he wouldn’t pass anything above 500B. We have 3 wheels here and one isn’t even on the cart. So even if the WH and Nancy had reached an agreement, Mitch had stated numerous times it was NOT going anywhere in the Senate. So yes Nancy’s bill had way too much pork but Mitch stood in the way of anything passing.
@B A using cali should be using their own money to fix their homeless problem , and as far into the red they are they’ll not pay back one penny
@B A and since when do homeless get paychecks ?
Where do you get money for SPACE FORCE?
Ask the congress that was shut out of it all? Black budget.
The U.S. government shouldn’t spend money on the Space Force. We really don’t need it. It’s a complete waste of money. What we need is money to help the businesses,buy food & pay rent. Also, unemployment insurance.
Space Force, welfare for Israel, remaking the tennis court at the White House. There’s always enough money for these unnecessary things. But no money to help citizens hungry and homeless from a pandemic. Disgusting.
Just keep talking about it and how much we need it.
And, us local #citizens will #ActLocal to help you help us.
@ Jim, need it and will still continue to need in at least through May of 2021….this virus will not be resolved by the first months of 2021….there’s no way….so the help is needed….
Katie Porter said it best. It’s not stimulus, it’s DISASTER RELIEF!!!
Gavin needs more relief. California Gov. Newsom’s Businesses Received Millions in PPP Loans ABC News: He’s winery, restaurants and bed and breakfast need more. Think of the little people like Newsom.
@B A can we add Tom Brady, the Kushner companies, Kanye West, the Catholic church, most mega churches, more than 12 members of Congress or their spouses, just to name a few.
How about we call it something similar to eminent domain payments….basically the government instituted a taking without payment….peoples businesses and jobs.
*to Whoopi.. on The View?*
Again, thank Kentucky for voting Turtle McTurtle back into office. Now it’s up to Georgia to fix things as usual because red States seem to not really care much about themselves or this country..
US senate..Dominated by minority rule…How can Wyoming have the same number of Senators as California or Texas ?…Makes no sense..
Yeah, Kentucky really let the country down, but so did North Carolina, Texas, and Maine.
Kentucky and north Carolina dropped the ball on this one
Can Gavin Govern two states? He’s working it in CA. California Gov. Newsom’s Businesses Received Millions in PPP Loans ABC News: Think of what he can do for KY.
True if we’re not for Blue States , Red States will eating grass.
This panel though
I would spend the money on rent and food, and power.
Most of us would.
The people hurting the most are probably T****p supporters. The sad part is racism blinds them. That’s why we have vipers like Grahn,McConnell,Kemp etc….
Why can’t they see they are all hurting to ????
Was joes woman of color vp called out joes racism during the debates, was she lying about that?
In civilized countries you wouldn’t be waiting for a check to get your inhaler. You’d just go to your doctor for a repeat prescription then pick one up for around 10 dollars. Same with all meds.
That is the truth…Why the NHS is great…Sad that a rich nation like the US treats so many like trash…
What an awesome panel of stunningly beautiful diverse women!
Sexist much ?
But hey it’s ok for democrats to be sexist right ?
@1984 THEBEGINING saying women are beautiful isn’t sexist.
Try again troll
Yuck … especially the egghead ..
Cant expect help or empathy from treasonous mfers that HAVE voted OVER 70 times to
Tens of MILLIONS of Americans off Healthcare.
That’s why we need more leaders like Gavin. California Gov. Newsom’s Businesses Received Millions in PPP Loans ABC News: He’s always been there for us, never for himself.
There’s plenty to go around, only an unwillingness to share.
Gavin knows there’s plenty. California Gov. Newsom’s Businesses Received Millions in PPP Loans ABC News: Just do what he does, it’s simple.
McConnell has to have the part about businesses not being able to be sued.
That’s who he governs for. Please put a stop to him Georgia.
Well said
I sincerely hope old age takes that evil man for all our sake by new years. He shouldn’t be allowed to be in government shilling for corporations while harming the average man and refusing to bring 700 bills to the Senate
740 billion for the military industrial complex – LUDICROUS amount for war machines but ZERO for covid-impacted families in need.
Obama ran the military into the ground…had no choice but to spend that amount of money
Take the money funding the military industrial complex and give it Gavin’s winery, restaurants and bed and breakfast. California Gov. Newsom’s Businesses Received Millions in PPP Loans ABC News: We need to think of the people(named Gavin).
1.7 trillion in tax breaks to huge corporations but zero for covid relief.
JC, Pelosi admitted she don’t want you to get a check until Biden can take credit for it!
We need at least one more stimulus check. It’s the American thing to do
I just wish we a stimulus before Christmas!!! Everyone Can’t Be A Scrooge !!!
*Mitch McConnell can be*
Don’t hold your breath.
I love Omar, when she steals covid relief $ it’s ok because she isn’t white. You can only be corrupt if you’re white.
@ Andrew Shay Could you please provide more details?
Is that a women with a shaved head? Do dems find her attractive? LOL !!!