New reporting in the Washington Post reveals that Americans working at the W.H.O. transmitted real-time information in the early stages of coronavirus. Aired on 04/20/2020.
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Reporting Undercuts Trump’s Argument That The WHO Failed To Warn Him | Deadline | MSNBC
What more can be said? Elect a clown, get a circus.
If you look at YouTube videos of the Jamaican Prime Minister and Rogue Trump responses to the Carona Virus, you will see the Jamaican Prime Minister being masterly reassuring, while rogue Trump acts like the “Master of Panic,” who only cares about being reelected.
@Jack McGuffin what has done tell me
We did”Odumass”
@Sidney Brown same thing I want to know
@AAMU256 well he gave the rich a whole lot of money, and by inaction killed 45,000 people, and says doing a lot, but hospitals that are not busy got stuff but the busy are still begging for said same stuff, the man is literally killing America.
Every day, he gets more shrill & illogical, more hostile & self-contradictory. Truly, the Republicans picked the right rope (Trump) to hang themselves with.
Bush looks smarter every day. Didn’t think that was possible.
Reporting indicates it’s fake news and a pack of radical lies from leftist demonrat propagandists. Joseph Goebbels would be proud.
For sure he does.
@Noe Luna 5s4e9
@Big Boomer The bar is so low now it’s covered with dirt
I was saying that as well
Lying has made that guy into a mass murderer.
He has killed more Americans than ISIS or anyone in American history. Let’s not stop the fight against this dictator.
He’s leading the country to the same place he led his businesses: face down in the dirt.
Chris Perry you know what the German people said after the nazi atrocities of WW2? ‘We didn’t know’. So either you are fully aware of what a blatantly obvious clusterfuck of a person Don T is, or you are to dumb to care because of the same reasons the German people let one Adolf lead their country and the world into ruin
PLEASE remember that when you VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!
Dumbest comment of the day
During February, the time frame in question, Dems were actively encouraging large group activities which accelerated community spread, planting the seeds for future epicenters. >>> Some of the bad actors were de Blasio, Mayor Cantrell, Leader Pelosi. de Blasio encouraged participation in the Chinatown parades, restaurants, movie theaters, Broadway plays throughout February until March 16. Leader Pelosi in San Francisco encouraged going to Chinatown on Feb. 24. Mayor Cantrell held the Mardi Gras parades on Feb. 25. NYC and New Orleans became epicenters.
Trump loves only Trump – he hate all peoples
I wish they all would just stand up and WALK OUT. That would shut him up for once.
imiss, maybe just stop covering him and talking about him. He will go nuts.
@Francis Conners i would love to see Trump about to go out to address the gathered Press to find a single cameraman there to capture his response to share to the world… Only down side i see is Trump woyld then hand out press passes to his conspiracy nut job friends that he listens to for how to govern & allows to influence American policy!
Hahaha!! He would probably consider that a breath of fresh air, then proceed to tell Americans some truth without being interrupted by whiney Karens every second. Oh, pray for the day!!
@Romulus Paradise If that’s what it takes for him to FINALLY tell the truth, so be it!
@Francis Conners Three days. That would be all it would take. Three days of no one talking about him, linking stories about him, putting a camera into his face, no shares, no likes on Twitter, no briefings, nothing. Three days and his head will explode into a orangey-fire-like combustion. I just know it.
I’m convinced when they come out with the sixth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Trump will be on the cover.
The publishers are already considering it… they’re considering it very strongly. Like nobody has ever considered book covers in a very long time… maybe ever. A lot of people don’t know that.
Which of course you didn’t think of till he became president because you are a fake news guzzler
Moe Snert You graduated from Trump university didn’t you??

It reminds me of the science of fear.
She ripped him good. He’s such a whiny little snowflake.
Romulus Paradise Your president is the opposite of a snowflake
Oh, and don’t assume my gender please. I know for a fact that would offend your lot
3boyyyz you being a woman just makes you even dumber for supporting him

3boyyyz how is America “Great” when 70,000 people have died and more are sure to come?
roisin culler oh ok. Name a “great” country then
roisin culler
I love it!
These reporters need to get REAL RUDE and back this penguin into a corner. He’s getting off too easy on these questions with his disrespect and incompetence.
Real rude?
Like you’d be if you had the cojones?
That is not the purpose of our press conferences.To give skanks a chance to spar.
BTW:Your jealousy is seeping through the screen.
Smells like cabbage.
@Robert Hambleton
Another beta trying to act as puppet master for those so called journalists.
Advice from a stone cold loser.
MSNBC has the most vicious audience on the web.Congrats.
no, they need to be scrubbed if they cant act like they have some sense.
Damned demonic chihuahuas.
get rude??? lol
Doug Jones you obviously lack critical thinking skills. Check snopes and other sources for fact checking. My guess is you’re a Russian troll or a hillbilly.
Only a matter of time until he runs out of excuses and starts blaming the moon.
@Bruce didnt know obama was chinese .
barry clarke – Bruce is right. Agent Orange did blame Obama for this one time. I’m sure if you look for it, you’ll find it.
I don’t want to know what he’ll be like on adderall and coke withdrawal.
@Christine picture a giant orange pig balloon after its sprung a leak .
barry clarke – thank you. That was quite an image I had in my head. Lol.
US Intelligence had already informed him way,way,way in advance than the WHO.
Gmax Celgev yup the truth is out now, I wonder what excuse he will have for this one
You got Trump at intelligence. He never experienced intelligence
@Catherine Green He doesn’t need excuses. He has a great line in projection, avoidance and insults.
Gmax Celgev had to be in the intelligence briefings back in December, because I heard about it on the wire just before Christmas. He’s a liar. A failed business man. The poorest leader this country has had in my 52 years on this earth. When does it end ?
Trump knew about the virus September 2019. He was more focused on being re-elected, rather than preparing for the Corona virus. Totally Irresponsible!!
“Just relax!” Spoken like a true predator.
Karl K She was correctly questioning his lack of competence and stupidity. She was calm and measured. The only one getting angry was Trump, who realised he got called out, and being stupid and a narcissist, snapped back at her and refused to properly address her question. He is a complete arsehole who was elected by arseholes, and his incompetence has resulted in the deaths of many citizens. Next thing he’ll be persuading us to inject bleach and stuff uv lamps up our arses – oh wait….
@Mark Coelho Well, don’t blame the reporter, I mean, she has been lying and fostering propaganda for her entire career, most likely. Old habits are difficult to overcome. She’s just “doing her job and following orders” Funny thing, that’s what the nazis at nuremberg used for their defense. It didn’t work for them, either.
@Mark Coelho OK. You got me there. I have never heard of that. Explanation?
Karl K she asked an outstanding and logical question that any person not sucking trumps balls would’ve asked and it hurt trumps “head thingy”.
Romulus Paradise now reporters are killing Jews and minorities?
Trump doesn’t read, so he didn’t look at a single memo, email, report
I only reads twitter
One female reporter with valid logical questions and he folds like a lawn chair.
@GRK Alexis OK, you just mentioned every country that Trump has confronted. Germany, Sweden, Spain. Mexico hate Trump? I’m shocked!! Wonder why. Please remember there are more than 200 countries in the world, Pew researched only 32, and, were these results cherry picked? Pretty obvious question there. I know for a fact that Aussies and Brits love him, as do Vietnam, Kampuchea, Myanmar, Thailand, India is crazy about him, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile like him, although Peru only admires him, Bolivians love him. These 12 are just off the top of my head, I’m sure I could dig up some more. All in all, one possibly biased pew poll doesn’t provide convincing evidence for me. I have spoken with people from many places, and many like Trump, and some are hostile. Perhaps we inhabit different spheres. I continue to believe and assert that Trump is loved and admired around the globe by many people.
@Romulus Paradise Hmmm..Aussies ? UNITED STATES STUDIES CENTER- Public opinion on Trump ” As much as Australians may dislike the current US president, most Australians hold positive evaluations of the US “.. this is similar to the other 32 first world countries.
. Pew biased ? It’s a non-partisan think-tank that provides info to the public on issues, attitudes and trends that shape the world.
Australians can clearly differentiate between a president and a country.
….Brits? Trump is so unpopular in the UK . Polls show that 19% of Britons have a positive view of him, and 2/3 say they have no confidence he will do the right thing.
We saw the blown-up Trump doll in diapers making its round , and people jeered at Ivanka and Jared Kushner.
no, a skank wanting to spar with the president of the US.
And the betas cheer!
We dont have time for this foolishness.
Cuomo for president – pussygrabber Trump go home – Germany love NY and america
She’s fearless, conident and asks direct smart questions we deserve answers to!
“Who are you with?”
“Just relax.”
“Keep your voice down.”
Nothing scares a weak man more than a strong woman.
Lets face it.. this is not Trump’s fault… he genuinely has no mental capacity to acknowledge he’s a lunatic!
Oh,he knows he’s a lunatic,we met him a couple times, but he thought we were nuts because we were cleaning windows on the side of one of his buildings in NY ,very nutty guy but he was really cool to us.
Neither the voters.
He’s a master chess player and the rest of the world is playing checkers!!!
What does that say for those who voted for him?
J. Lo he’s playin chess with LEGO pieces,shut up.
Just a quick reminder:
• Jan. 9th Campaign Rally
• Jan 14th Campaign Rally
• Jan 18th Golf Trip
• Jan 19th Golf Trip
• Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China.”
• Jan 28th Campaign Rally
• Jan 30th Campaign Rally
• Feb 1 Golf Trip
• Feb. 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China. It’s going to be fine.”
• Feb 10th Campaign Rally
• Feb 15th Golf Trip
• Feb 19th Campaign Rally
• Feb 20th Campaign Rally
• Feb 21st Campaign Rally
• Feb. 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
• Feb. 25: “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away. They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”
• Feb. 26: “We’re going very substantially down, not up.”
• Feb. 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
• Feb. 28: “We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn’t be ordering unless it was something like this. But we’re ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”
• Feb 28th Campaign Rally
• Feb. 28: “This is their new Hoax”
• March 4: “If we have thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work – some of them go to work, but they get better.”
• March 6: “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. And the tests are beautiful. They are perfect just like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good.”
• March 6: “I don’t need to have the numbers double b/c of 1 ship that wasn’t our fault.”
• Mar 7th Golf Trip
• Mar 8th Golf Trip
• March 10: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”
• April 18: 34,386 American Deaths.
• April 20: 41,565 American Deaths.
dukadar o’dear fake news rules the day.
@Moe Snert Yogi’s days are numbered. The Qballs have had their one step backwards. Prepare for two steps forward. GOOD RIDDANCE 2020
James Hall they gotta tell you that or you’d be rioting
Moe Snert you do know the swine flue killed 12,000 people over the course of 1.5 years and not 3 months right ?
@roisin culler dont waste your time. Moe Snert is a living proof that you can’t debate with a housefly.
‘Nice and easy’, patronising arsehole!
I like how he had to know which news organization she was with before answering. Do I need to give a half-assed answer? Or can I call them a fake and move on?
That’s a good reporter. Trump doesn’t like being asked hard questions. Especially from a woman.
No, she’s a skank arguing with the president.
Accusatory tone. No respect.
No intention of really getting usable info for the people watching.
(unless they have TDS)
Her being a female has nothing to do with it.
She is a terrible reporter, a gotcha reporter. This born in China CBS reporter ignores all the work Pres. Trump and his task force was doing during February. She was intentionally providing cover for the CCP, and for Dem office holders who intentionally encouraged gatherings and outings that rapidly aided community spread.
@Steph J You still think trump deserves respect ? IF ANYTHING it is trump that disrespects the american people by refusing to answer legitimate questions on behalf of the american people.You should apologize to her for your name calling .obviously you are ok with trump playing fast and loose with the truth