During a press briefing, President Donald Trump slammed a reporter for asking why he lied to the American people after journalist Bob Woodward released audio of Trump from February where he said the coronavirus was deadly.
#CNN #News
During a press briefing, President Donald Trump slammed a reporter for asking why he lied to the American people after journalist Bob Woodward released audio of Trump from February where he said the coronavirus was deadly.
#CNN #News
Trump lied because he’s a habitual liar and doesn’t care about anyone other than himself.
It’s even funny that we have to say it, what can of human being can’t see his evil face.
@Let’s talk real you should see some of those photos of Barack (Allah Akbar) Obama

Trump down played the virus because Trump didn’t want to create panic. It is exactly what the media are doing creating panic. I see kids and healthy people deadly afraid over the virus when only 6% of deaths from coronavirus are healthy people and far less deaths among kids. The coronavirus has the same death rate as the flu to kids or healthy people. Talking about down playing the coronavirus their 80 year old Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi was telling people to come to Chinatown in March and just recently not wearing a mask on a salon which is not even open to the public. What about 77 year old Joe Biden called Trump xenophobic for shutting down flights from Europe and China.
Oh yeah, don’t forget he said on camera, ..and I’ll.build a wall in Colorado…” Dumbass doesn’t even know the US map
@Chantel Sutton *March 2, 2020* *NY Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo:*
“So, I want to make sure I tell the people of NY what I told my daughter – in this situation, the *_FACTS DEFEAT FEAR,_* because the reality is reassuring. It is *_DEEP BREATH TIME._*
This – first of all, this is not our first rodeo with this time of situation in NY.
In 1968, we had the Hong Kong flu.
In 2009, we had the Swine flu, where we actually closed like 100 schools in NY State.
Avian flu, Ebola, SARS, MERS, measles, right?
So, we have gone through this before.
When you look at the reality here, about *80 % of the people who are infected with the coronavirus **_SELF-RESOLVE._*
They have symptoms, the *_symptoms are SIMILAR_* to what you would have with the *_NORMAL FLU,_* and for *_MOST_* people, they *_TREAT THEMSELVES,_* over 80 %, and the virus resolves that way.
About 20 % get ill.
The mortality rate is estimated to be about 1.4 %.
1.4 %, what does that mean?
The normal flu mortality rate is about 0.6 %, and the CDC says 1.4, but they’re extrapolating from what we know from countries around the world.
First, even on the 1.4 %, again that is – *tends to be* people who are *_DEBILITATED, SENIOR-CITIZENS,_* many of whom have an *_UNDERLYING ILLNESS_* – that tends to be the people who are vulnerable to this.
Good news, children do not appear as vulnerable to this virus. Less vulnerable than to the NORMAL FLU.
So, that is good news, but 1.4 %, that’s extrapolating from China and other countries.
80 %, it’ll resolve on their own.
The woman who has now tested positive, she’s at home, she’s not even in a hospital, so the perspective here is important.
And the facts, once you know the facts, once you know the reality, *_it is REASSURING,_* and *_we should RELAX,_* because that’s what’s dictated by the reality of the situation. I get the emotion, I understand, I understand the anxiety. I’m a native-born NYer, we live with anxiety.
*_But the facts don’t back it up here._*
Also, we’re extrapolating from what happened in China and other countries – we have the best health care system in the world here. And excuse our arrogance as NYers – I speak for the Mayor also on this one – *we think we have the best health care system on the planet right here in NY.*
So, when you’re saying, what happened in other countries versus what happened here, *_we DON’T even THINK_* it’s going to be *_AS BAD AS_* as it was in other countries.
*_We are fully coordinated, we are fully mobilized._* This is all about mobilization of a public health system – getting the testing done, getting the information out, and then having the health care resources to treat people who are going to need help.
Again that is going to be primarily senior citizens, people who are debilitated, and we are going to have a special effort for our nursing homes, etcetera – congregate facilities where senior citizens are being treated.”
“Such a terrible question” says such a terrible President.
@Retr0 XX perhaps Caden b just got into this correspondence so he/she can get a chance to be a troll
@Danica Fey probably on the moon
@Caden B orange Man is a bloody psychopath and a terrible pathological liar
@Laura Zaboraski damn, bunker boy really messed up big time
@Caden B yea, but you don’t want to look at the bunker boys friends especially the Mobsters and the child molester epstein can I go on to complete the list?
He’s on tape discussing how children can catch the disease then goes on camera telling Americans that children are practically immune. He lied about every single detail.
@fred smith your logic orange man bad blame everything on Donald Trump.
@Rino Ponce more logical than trying to deflect blame onto pelosi when she is not president!
@fred smith Nancy Pelosi is your Democrat leader. Nancy Peolosi and people like you always blame Donald Trump for not wearing a mask when your 80 year old Democrat leader doesn’t even wear one herself. Nancy Pelosi “do as I say not as I do”.
@Rino Ponce you think pelosi is bad???? Look at Mitch McConnell!!! Do a little homework on that CROOK!
I have been in MOURNING, for the THOUSANDS OF HUMAN LIVES cut short in the United States of America since early yesterday morning, when I first heard the tapes of Donald Trump openly admitting Covid-19 was “Deadly stuff “; BEFORE those tapes made it even to Social Media Avenues. Right and then, I became aware that I was in the presence of HISTORY BEING MADE before me.
It is so DISTURBING to hear this tapes, because, VERY DIFFERENTLY than just reading an alleged quote from Donald Trump, but hearing him himself admit to the FACT that HE KNEW EXACTLY and WAS FULLY AWARE of HOW DEADLY Covid-19 really is, sends shivers into anybody’s spine at any given moment. The UNSURPASSED level of an UNMISTAKABLE COLD BLOODED attitude, is felt IMMEDIATELY through Donald Trump’s tone of voice, when Donald Trump voices out that he FULLY KNOWS THE SEVERITY of the Pandemic, and yet makes the CONSCIOUS DECISION not to warn the American People about it. A new chapter in the History of Humankind has JUST STARTED TO BE WRITTEN. A VERY SAD occurrence; a TOTAL BLOW to Humankind; GOD MAY HELP ALL OF US…
Playing his imaginary accordian as he always does when he lies…..
@Bill Cook
Heather Hent444 IMPORTANT
Most of these fires are being started by the green new deal, demons, psycho, senile, Marxist, Joe’s Antifa VOTERS

@Are You Coherent Do you even know anything about the “green new deal”, psychology, senility or “Marxism”? I doubt it!
@Heather Hent444 *March 2, 2020* *NY Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo:*
“So, I want to make sure I tell the people of NY what I told my daughter – in this situation, the *_FACTS DEFEAT FEAR,_* because the reality is reassuring. It is *_DEEP BREATH TIME._*
This – first of all, this is not our first rodeo with this time of situation in NY.
In 1968, we had the Hong Kong flu.
In 2009, we had the Swine flu, where we actually closed like 100 schools in NY State.
Avian flu, Ebola, SARS, MERS, measles, right?
So, we have gone through this before.
When you look at the reality here, about *80 % of the people who are infected with the coronavirus **_SELF-RESOLVE._*
They have symptoms, the *_symptoms are SIMILAR_* to what you would have with the *_NORMAL FLU,_* and for *_MOST_* people, they *_TREAT THEMSELVES,_* over 80 %, and the virus resolves that way.
About 20 % get ill.
The mortality rate is estimated to be about 1.4 %.
1.4 %, what does that mean?
The normal flu mortality rate is about 0.6 %, and the CDC says 1.4, but they’re extrapolating from what we know from countries around the world.
First, even on the 1.4 %, again that is – *tends to be* people who are *_DEBILITATED, SENIOR-CITIZENS,_* many of whom have an *_UNDERLYING ILLNESS_* – that tends to be the people who are vulnerable to this.
Good news, children do not appear as vulnerable to this virus. Less vulnerable than to the NORMAL FLU.
So, that is good news, but 1.4 %, that’s extrapolating from China and other countries.
80 %, it’ll resolve on their own.
The woman who has now tested positive, she’s at home, she’s not even in a hospital, so the perspective here is important.
And the facts, once you know the facts, once you know the reality, *_it is REASSURING,_* and *_we should RELAX,_* because that’s what’s dictated by the reality of the situation. I get the emotion, I understand, I understand the anxiety. I’m a native-born NYer, we live with anxiety.
*_But the facts don’t back it up here._*
Also, we’re extrapolating from what happened in China and other countries – we have the best health care system in the world here. And excuse our arrogance as NYers – I speak for the Mayor also on this one – *we think we have the best health care system on the planet right here in NY.*
So, when you’re saying, what happened in other countries versus what happened here, *_we DON’T even THINK_* it’s going to be *_AS BAD AS_* as it was in other countries.
*_We are fully coordinated, we are fully mobilized._* This is all about mobilization of a public health system – getting the testing done, getting the information out, and then having the health care resources to treat people who are going to need help.
Again that is going to be primarily senior citizens, people who are debilitated, and we are going to have a special effort for our nursing homes, etcetera – congregate facilities where senior citizens are being treated.”
“Yeah I basically lied, but Woodward is more responsible for not reporting my lies earlier”
WTF….he always has someone else take the fall. I didn’t lie I just down played it. That is not lying.
@R D EXACTLY ! So it’s Woodward’s fault he didn’t report it? DEFLECTION 101 still
“Yeah, i didn’t want to cause a Panic, that’s what leaders do, if it was so detrimental, why don’t call it earlier?”
because it’s a pre election smear and it would’ve been a waste to do it to early.
R D. Woodward should have said something? Does he know what he’s saying. Does he even care?
“The flu is a very serious problem” continues to say corona is just a messily little flu
whatttttt so is it bad or not Dump makeup ur mind
why don’t you do some research and really see whats going on its people like you who are going to never see the truth you are being lied to wake up
You’ll never hear him admit he lied about anything. Never.
@D S *March 2, 2020* *NY Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo:*
“So, I want to make sure I tell the people of NY what I told my daughter – in this situation, the *_FACTS DEFEAT FEAR,_* because the reality is reassuring. It is *_DEEP BREATH TIME._*
This – first of all, this is not our first rodeo with this time of situation in NY.
In 1968, we had the Hong Kong flu.
In 2009, we had the Swine flu, where we actually closed like 100 schools in NY State.
Avian flu, Ebola, SARS, MERS, measles, right?
So, we have gone through this before.
When you look at the reality here, about *80 % of the people who are infected with the coronavirus **_SELF-RESOLVE._*
They have symptoms, the *_symptoms are SIMILAR_* to what you would have with the *_NORMAL FLU,_* and for *_MOST_* people, they *_TREAT THEMSELVES,_* over 80 %, and the virus resolves that way.
About 20 % get ill.
The mortality rate is estimated to be about 1.4 %.
1.4 %, what does that mean?
The normal flu mortality rate is about 0.6 %, and the CDC says 1.4, but they’re extrapolating from what we know from countries around the world.
First, even on the 1.4 %, again that is – *tends to be* people who are *_DEBILITATED, SENIOR-CITIZENS,_* many of whom have an *_UNDERLYING ILLNESS_* – that tends to be the people who are vulnerable to this.
Good news, children do not appear as vulnerable to this virus. Less vulnerable than to the NORMAL FLU.
So, that is good news, but 1.4 %, that’s extrapolating from China and other countries.
80 %, it’ll resolve on their own.
The woman who has now tested positive, she’s at home, she’s not even in a hospital, so the perspective here is important.
And the facts, once you know the facts, once you know the reality, *_it is REASSURING,_* and *_we should RELAX,_* because that’s what’s dictated by the reality of the situation. I get the emotion, I understand, I understand the anxiety. I’m a native-born NYer, we live with anxiety.
*_But the facts don’t back it up here._*
Also, we’re extrapolating from what happened in China and other countries – we have the best health care system in the world here. And excuse our arrogance as NYers – I speak for the Mayor also on this one – *we think we have the best health care system on the planet right here in NY.*
So, when you’re saying, what happened in other countries versus what happened here, *_we DON’T even THINK_* it’s going to be *_AS BAD AS_* as it was in other countries.
*_We are fully coordinated, we are fully mobilized._* This is all about mobilization of a public health system – getting the testing done, getting the information out, and then having the health care resources to treat people who are going to need help.
Again that is going to be primarily senior citizens, people who are debilitated, and we are going to have a special effort for our nursing homes, etcetera – congregate facilities where senior citizens are being treated.”
@Robert Edwards The other requirement is you have to be a servant of the ruling class OR be a Bernie Sanders and never hold any meaningful position ever, even with 1100+ delegates.
@Robert Edwards https://youtu.be/J-pHjiLexgo
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
That’s so true
This is the worst interview trumps given, he’s admitting to lieing, while lieing about it not being a lie.
A movie theater has 500 people in it watching movie. A fire breaks out in the back and it getting out of control. There is about 10 minutes before it reaches the setting area. What do you? Scenario one. The owner turns on the lights and apologizes for the inconvenience, but we would like everyone to gather up their belongs and please head for the exits. He goes on saying the is no need to panic and that it is a precaution. 425 people get out before the fire explodes in to the seating area. 75 people are dead. Scenario two. The owner turns on the lights and yells out that there is a major fire in the back and everyone needs to leave. When the fire explodes in to the seating area 125 people are killed from the fire. Another 75 people were killed when they were trampled to death from the panic rush trying to get out. Question? Which scenario was the better response?
@Linux Patriot ….is the theater full of Biden, Kamela, Schumer, Pelosi, DeBlasio, Schiff, Waters, Clinton, Cortez, Comey, Wheeler, Garcetti, Cuomo and all of CNN? …..then I’m leaning towards scenario #2. TRUMP 2020

@SPROCK3T MONST3R that’s funny soooo you want all opposing people dead??
@what? oh! your words, not mine. But don’t expect any tears out of me.
Linux Patriot There’s a huge difference in your examples versus what Trump did. Americans are used to banning together during a crisis. Some of our best achievements have come out of tragedy. But only when we are told the truth by our leader, then following it up with what they are doing to fix the situation & what we need to do to help ourselves & our fellow Americans! We don’t need to be lied to for months
causing people to not take a novel virus (one they know NOTHING about), seriously enough to quarantine for 2 solid weeks- the right way. Only go out if you have to & if you do, wear a mask & practice social distancing!! He should have told us the truth!!! He didn’t have to cause hysteria. HE COULD HAVE SET THE TONE BY WEARING A MASK HIMSELF!!! THATS LEADING BY EXAMPLE!!! It’s not like all Americans were in a theater and the president says “one person in the back has a virus that kills and is airborne and we all need to get out before we all catch it,” he yells while he’s running out the exit door!
That’s wasn’t the situation at all!!
He had time to consult w his advisors, top medical professionals, scientists & virus specialists in the country. The truth should have been told, not to cause hysteria, but so people could have made the right decisions to wear masks and try to stay away from people they didn’t have to come in contact with. WHY DO YOU THINK THAT OTHER COUNTRIES, SOME W A LOT MORE PEOPLE THAN WE HAVE, DONT HAVE A FRACTION OF THE DEATHS THAT THE UNITED STATES HAS SUFFERED. CHINA HAS 3 TIMES OUR POPULATION, YET 4,600 COVID-19 DEATHS. MEANWHILE OUR POTUS IS CALLING IT THE “CHINESE VIRUS”, BUT CHINA ISNT SUFFERING. ITS THE US WITH THE MOST DEATHS OF ANY OTHER COUNTRY. SO PEOPLE FROM OTHER COUNTRIES ARE CALLING IT THE AMERICAN DISEASE OR THR TRUMP VIRUS!!
“The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was wood, he was one of them”.
@Bruno Berry friend I get emotional when I see people like bunker boy taking advantage of folks who they perceive to be below their standard, cause I know what it’s like to be scorned by the so called upper class. I used to live on the streets and had to work extra hard to elevate myself to a level that I felt was comfortable for me. I took my education very seriously and graduated from high school with Honor and went to night classes so that I can get an opportunity to make something of myself despite being rediculed by the so called upper class society I became a teacher and started to save money so that I can start a small business, whilst doing that I continued to do a lifeguard course graduated from lifeguard school became a professional lifeguard then went on to study landscaping so that I can open up my own landscaping business whilst sending my daughter to America so she can persue her dream of becoming a lawyer of which she succeeded. So I have a right to be pissed with anyone who scuffs at those who had to work hard to make a better life for themselves and their children and grand children unlike bunker boy, when all is said and done I am human and I’m not too big to apologise so without further ado I humbly apologize for my behavior towards you
@Jose L https://youtu.be/372Y5AkKOH4
@Jose L that video I put together on my channel
@Bruno Berry hey sir no harm done here, I call you sir because it sounds like you are older than me and i respect all people specially those older than me.
I replied back because in your reply you said “idiots” and I got a sense of sticking up for everyone who liked the original post here, and i feel we were all just having a little fun with it, the post didn’t use any insults or profanities so i thought it was funny and harmless.
I myself don’t lean towards any political party, I look for who will do the right job for my country, I supported Bush when he was president even after all the things that were said about him and 911.. and then I supported Obama even though I didn’t agree with much of his stuff.. and believe or not, I even supported Trump when he became president! but then I started to see a lot of things about him that didn’t seem right, and with all the stuff that was being said about him I started to feel a little worried, and now him coming out in that video, it didn’t come from a CNN’s news person.. it came from DT’s mouth! He said he downplayed the covid situation so there wouldn’t be a panic, just think about that! I hope the doctors that I go for a physical never do this to me… ok Jose everything is fine! 2 yrs later I’m in tubes (God forbid) and they say.. oh we’re sorry Jose, you have a terminal illness, we just downplayed it so you wouldn’t panic.. now I’m going a little further here maybe a little extreme.. say an asteroid is headed right for us ( again god forbid) would you feel secure and confident that this guy would tell you the truth… or will he downplay it again.?
I have some doubts about Joe myself, but at least with this guy if we put the right people in congress and the house and start putting some real pressure on them to work together for the good of the country, I’m certain more could be accomplished than with the current administration.
I think we all want the same for our country.. prosperity, and the only way to accomplish that is unity.. respect and love for one another, we all live here!
No more choosing sides instead choose the right people for the job! Anyway..
I respect your point of view.. and truly feel for you for all the things you’ve gone through, stay safe and God bless.
Wife: Why did you lie to me about having an STD?
Husband: I didn’t want to cause a panic. The STD is the hookers fault blame them.
Plot twist: The wife is America and the husband is trump.
Hilarious!!!! That’s so good !!thnx for the laugh!!
Husband:Don’t worry,many other women are doing worse,they just don’t know it.
Wife:That doesn’t help with my problem!
Husband:Someone else is guilty for this!!
I read Trump gave the hookers in China an STD and they turned around and gave us COVID 19.
Raw Dog Trump.
Holy cow that is one of the most beautiful way of saying that Trump screwed the United States of America knowing full well that is exactly what he’s doing

Oh wait, I thought he was the “ most transparent president in history “.
Reporter: asks trump question
REPORTERS- MR BIDEN which side of you’re lap do you like you’re supporters on?
Biden- The middle of course I like to probe their inner thoughts.
Reporter- Thank you mr Biden
Ask reporter question; Answer: Trump did it.
I love his “you’r ready ?” This happens when he does thinking what to tells…
It backlashes, he betrayed president xi who told him the truth at the earliest.
He moves his hands like he is using them for the first time.
A liar is a person that lies constantly and can not be trusted.
In Iran I have heard the word for “politician” and the word for “liar” are the same.
I will vote but don’t expect it to make a bit of difference. Republicans and Democrats are just playing good politician/bad politician. Just like the media – run by about 7 “elitist” ultra liberal globalists – is playing good media/bad media. It’s all theater to divide and deceive and distract from what is really going on.
The CDC, Center for (so called) Disease Control is continuously cited by Dems and Republicans for statistics on CoVid19 and pushes vaccination for it. Well, no wonder they push vaccines and the virus scare. They sell billions of dollars in vaccines each year!
The CDC is not a government agency (as if that would help anything) but a private company.
Here is a webpage revealing how corrupt they are. To get the basic idea about them you only have to glance over this webpage through to the little grey box with quotes by Senator Robert Kennedy, Jr. https://steemit.com/vaccines/@canadian-coconut/cdc-is-a-vaccine-company-not-an-independent-agency-revealed-by-activist-robert-f-kennedy-jr
Dems and Repulicans in Congress are all for vaccines. Only a handful ever say a word against them, or try to help people wise up to Bill Gates.
Here is some info on Bill Gates and his horrific, amazing cash cow, vaccine, and on vaccines in general:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVYWKyslti4 This doctor produced vid tells what I think the scare tactics are really moving the unsuspecting and too trusting populace toward. Notice that though it features an American doctor, it is on the Nigerian T.V. channel. Nigerians have caught onto how the racist Gates has used and abused them while acting like he is being their humanitarian savior.
I am no way a fan of Farrakhan but I sure agree when he tells blacks to not take the vaccine.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY-vLrz9XCc I personally think that when Gates talks here about “the final solution” through his vaccine program, that he is deliberately (probably gleefully) revealing what he is really up to. He counts on the naive and trusting to not think it was just some strange slip of the tongue.
The phrase “the final solution” was, of course, made famous through Nazis in regard to their eugenicist plan for exterminating Jews. They also made “essential services” famous. Of course the “need”for “essential services” was used to cull and control the populace.
Gates and others working with him want to put invisible tattoos on children and others to track their “health” and vaccination records. Now what are those tattoos reminiscent of from last century?
He is so interested in decreasing population, particularly in the vulnerable African countries. Uh, who asked him to be a depopulation czar for our planet? No one. Why don’t Bill and Melinda start depopulating with themselves? Oh, wait. We are supposed to assume that they are god like beings who get to make decisions for human “population control” in the world, while they are are above such consideration. Another underlying assumption appears to be that people in Africa, especially, need to be stopped from reproducing more black babies.
The need to depopulate is a eugenicist myth. If all the people in the world were to stand together in one place, they would fit into a large city easily. All one has to do is fly over this country and other countries, including even little but highly productive Israel, and see the vast amount of empty, unpopulated, space that is out there.
Let’s see. Gates has a strong family background promoting eugenics. He called his vaccine “the final solution.” He wants to depopulate the world. AND he wants you, with force if possible, to take his vaccine. See any red flags there?
This less than one minute vid, with the smirks on Bill’s & Melinda’s faces, is incredibly creepy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmP6_gy-MIE I’ll quote a You Tuber here about this vid. “The fact he smirks and claims the second one will get attention means this is orchestrated.”
Here is a video with Senator Robert Kennedy Jr. vs Alan Dershowitz. Kennedy gives tons of hard core data about how he discovered how harmful vaccines are. His eyes were opened during his work as an attorney bringing lawsuits against Big Pharma for the incredible damage they knowlingly inflicted on people through their vaccines. Derschowitz gives the draconian party line.
See the doctor produced movie Vaxxed now on You Tube. It has hard core documentation showing the corruption in Big Pharma in regard to vaccines. It is heart breaking, especially for blacks.
As for masks which Dems and Repulicans in Congress support, people are abandoning their common sense and common knowledge to the ever changing and ever varying opinions of the “experts” of their choice. Viruses and germs are infinitesimally smaller than the spaces between the fibers in masks. Of course the viruses and germs are going to go right through with the air! And of course depleted oxygen and rebreathing air with increased carbon dioxide is a health hazard. We all need to toss out the fear mongering, trance inducing t.v. and think for ourselves.
But if you want to hear from an expert outside the box: Dr. Shiva is a biological engineer, running for Senate, and invented email. Here he presents research on how totally ineffective masks are:
And here is webpage from surgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock who gives research showing masks are all harm and no help at all. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/megan-fox/2020/05/14/neurosurgeon-says-face-masks-pose-serious-risk-to-healthy-people-n392431
Here is a little song vid from Disney. I think it can be used as a metaphor, with the boy representing the mostly sleeping populace, and with the snake representing MSM, Big Pharma, Gates and the NWO in general. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDs57R6MYsY
Now I’m gonna end by citing Biblical prophecy and maybe you will want to quit reading here. But if you are curious…
Bill Gates can be heard saying he wants everyone to have an implantable micro chip to prove they took the vaccine, and that if they don’t have it they should not be able to buy or sell. He wants there to be tattoos on people showing where the chip can be scanned.
You may or may not know how amazingly that sounds like Revelation 13, from the Bible. There we see that the anti Christ “causes all great and small” to take a mark on their hands or foreheads or they can’t buy or sell. The effect on those who take the Mark turns out to be horrific. Two popular places for implantable micro chips are on the hand and forehead.
Revelation 13:16 It [A beast. In the Bible beasts are used to symbolize evil rulers or evil kingdoms – and in this case the anti Christ] also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.”
For Biblical reasons I don’t see Gates as being the anti Christ, or his vaccine as being the Mark of the Beast, but I believe we are seeing their precursors.
My point? The Lord Who “knows the end from the beginning” is the One we should all be looking to in every way now, not any mortals or human systems.
I have prayed for all who read this post.
As a president, he’s just shifting responsibility by saying “That’s China’s fault”!
Sorry but “not knowing much about his work, not caring about his work”… how is that even possible????
He should face MANSLAUGHTER charges at least. Maybe even TREASON.
but his supporters still love him more than Jesus. mind boggling. just shows where the heart of America REALLY is…