The Globe and Mail's Justin Ling describes online and social media findings of the suspects, saying they exhibited interest in the far right.
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Why isn’t this shocking to me!?
Hire a pro gamer to untangle their strategy.

Yeah.. they’re conservatives.. why are people finding this surprising..?
Jay Ray, You are just not very bright. Deal in fact.
George Simon where am I wrong? It was two far right conservatives, which a vast majority of these kind of acts come from.
Yeah right
This was a useless interview
= Indoctrination runs DEEPER than we know ~ this is the WHY Canadians show legitimate and REAL concerns, about foreign ideologies that rules and command their kind to destroy ” diversity ” even though deceptively pretending to be at peace – coming from peace BUT displaying INTOLERANCE if they are being scrutinized, questioned, assessed, evaluated, and spin narratives in their favor *** News must go much deeper to understand the very DEEP ROOTS OF EVENTS ( events are just SYMPTOMS showing diseases manipulated from THE MIND LEVELS !!!
Earthlings are at a serious CROSSROAD of PURGING ITS ENTIRE HISTORY ***
I AM not religiously inclined and must call this by its name : {{{ REDEMPTION }}} when all books get balanced by a higher CONSCIENCE & resonates with the frequency of LOVE OF TRUTH AND WISDOM ( LOVE UNDER LAW OF THE LAW AND FOR THE LAW = UNIVERSAL LAW OF LIFE & ITS CREATION !!
EVOLUTION SETS ITS OWN INFORMATION RELEASE FROM THE PURITY OF ITS LIGHT CORE * nothing and no one can stop this tidal wave of Light Particles penetrating all matter from a MIND SPACE ~ FEEL IT ~~~ it is here for the CHANGE OVER !!
I blame the NDP and Liberals in BC for being soo incompetent and untrustworthy they practically pushed them to the far right.
mark tugwood
, You and Jay Ray will get along well, both short on the IQ scale.
George Simon hyuck hyuck.
Hitter and Nazis are far left why Did he saying far right!?!?
Jay Ray wasn’t Hitler’s party called: National Socialist German Workers’ Party? Aren’t socialist on the left ….? What source are you asking for?
flowerdiva18 Are buffalo wings made from buffalo..? I know this is common sense.. but you know a name is.. just a name right? Or do you seriously think buffalo wings are made from a chicken-buffalo hybrid..?
A source showing their policies were left wing.
Concepts of left and right in extreme political views may actually conflate on specific issues for pragmatic reasons to some adherents.
Strange bedfellows and so forth.
Thanks for your Detective work Justin, you go on a Facebook page and your an expert, bringing up political points what a joke. They probably tried to rob the couple, the couple fought back they were shot. Same thing probably happened to the older gentleman. My thoughts, but only the people involved know the truth.
Justin needs to do some actual research and find out Hitler’s Socialism and Communism are on the LEFT of the spectrum. $595M buys anything but fact.
Mortally corrupt people lie to get votes? We all know that, it’s how Trudeau got to be PM.
Lone Wanderer the LPC hardly has a monopoly on political bullshet. Try not to be so naive
Oh goodness. Please take a history course and a polisci course or at least do some academic reading into the matter. You’re embarrassing yourself.
@Michael R Annis Right wing extremists are infiltrating this channel.
Guy Souriandt the low quality of the debate here is a direct result of fractured education funding. Look to Finland. Amongst the best performing education system in the world. Completely state funded and private schools are prohibited…all in the shadow of Russia.
When ever the News tackles the “gaming” scene for their research, they make it sound like anyone who games is going to be a killer lol.
Its kinda like saying most murders have been to a grocery store, therefore grocery store customers are more likely to kill.
Don’t post a video if you’re going to disable comments!
Far right I’m wrong socialist are left. Nice spin though
Here come the right wing extremists.
Guy Souriandt quick to your safe place
Pro trump posts? So even youth see Trump as radical.
Not surprising that these guys are into pro Trump movements
@John Edward I think there into being homicidal murdering psychopaths.I don’t think this is Donald Trumps fault
@brian poole Trump encourages extremism.
@Guy…. Glad were all entitled to our own opinions I fail to see the connection to Donald Trump on this one . Obviously you do
Guy Souriandt what are you talking about ??
PRO TRUMP??????????????????????????????????????
More left wing propaganda
They are building a base in Northern Manitoba.