Financial Times editor Ed Luce discusses his story about President Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic and why officials around him won't correct his falsehoods. New York Time reporter Susan Glasser joins the discussion with CNN's Christiane Amanpour.
#Trump #CNN #News
Whether Trump takes hydroxycloroquine or Viagra … it simply doesn’t work.
@Boom Mack * Melania
@Sean Sparks *Maleficent
The Tweatles Not supporting abortion, supporting women’s rights to control their bodies rather than men doing it. Men can’t even control their own bodies, they should have no right to control anyone else’s. And that includes those of LGBT people.
Boom Mack
Um because he retaliates on them? Going on a long shot here…
@Sam Harris It’s less of a presidency and more a cult of personality
Not just him, his evil base also retaliates on his behalf.
@brian gardner What facts do you dispute?
brian gardner what an angry little Comrade lol
We get it…youre from WeSuckistan and its upsetting.
Folks all over the USA pray daily that Trump must be removed from office.
@OBRon Konobe Cuomo killed the baby boomers. the # your looking for is .0003%
Or dies.
@David Eby
The US accounts for 4.4% of the world’s population, and if the number of deaths in the US was proportional to population, we should have only 14,300 fatalities. Clearly, the difference (75,700) is attributed to the negligence/incompetence of this wacko administration.
@David Eby Where did you get that Fact? you should be ashamed that .0003% and growing is a number you like. We are Americans. It’s sad to know you are sharing you’re Cornucopia of useless knowledge, maybe
One night in Bangkok”, might be what the doctor ordered, I’m glad I was born there. Spicy American blood.
@G.W. Rick Trump imposed travel restrictions WEEKS before prominent Liberals like Pelosi and DeBlasio stopped encouraging people to defy social distancing. As usual Trump had to fight two enemies of America,the virus and the Democrats.
Cus he’ll fire em on the spot and then sue them
yup because he always makes the sign NDA that is why no one talks even after they leave
These families who have loved ones who have died from this virus should sue the f out of trump
@Diane Mcdonnell wouldn’t that be nice
Trump is a Criminal.
They are too afraid to contradict him. They will lose their jobs if they do so.
Lose their jobs? They are unemployable after the demise of this BS administration. Who the hell would want them? Damn right they are afraid.
JD that means we have a controlling President.
@M T crime is going on now as we speak, that’s why we’re are in this situation. So are you saying crime is ok just as long as it’s not on your street. Keep it at the corporate level. we are 24 trillion dollars in debt. Do you think America is actually going to pay that. It’s just a matter of time before this house of cards comes crashing down.
Guess the job is More important than the SOUL
Contradict your boss at work you would happen
Well said about America’s reason for the failure of virus response,His advisors are Ivanka and Kushner
John 3:16- “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Ask him to forgive you for all your sins. If you believe he died on the cross to pay for your sins, he was buried, and he was resurrected on the third day then you will be saved. Repent from your sins before it is too late. He is coming back very soon! Our lord and savior Jesus Christ can fix the broken, and make the weak strong again. Only he can fill your heart with everlasting love, acceptance, peace, and wholeness. Seek the Lord before he returns for his true believers. God bless you brothers and sisters
He has no clue what he’s talking about.
Ken and Barbie.
@Doc Malthus We sure damn WILL!
@Sophie Robinson

but, but, HUNTER 

I pray trump lives long enough to face prison in New York.
Wouldn’t he look better in Guantanamo Bay?
I hope he doesn’t and he goes face the gates of hell.
I too!
And I hope he is sane enough at that time to realize he’s been caught
From Canada, please God, and America, ensure that this man goes to jail. He is simply a criminal thug. Do NOT let him dodge jail.
Trump folding his arm and no eye contact when talking with reporters is lack of transparency and strength so weak
@S.W. Warbirds Hahaha he is not sane so try another excuse for your useless cult leader.
@S.W. Warbirds Oh nice argument – not! Childish like that dangerous moron you support.
@S.W. Warbirds No, that award goes to you for your pathetic, substance lacking come backs.
and childish
He’s a classic case of a person who was never affirmed by his father.
I never seem somebody so repugnant than this president.
@Felix Rivero next to my house is the labor camp for our farm. You’ll be right at home.
Repulsive at best. He makes my skin crawl and nauseous at the same time.
@Mark Green Yup! Also, speaking of which, my dad was always a democrat, so we often saw things very differently…but we had one mantra, “agreement not necessary…but keeping an open mind is vitally important!” We ended many of our debates with a simple, “I don’t agree with you, but I see where you’re coming from”
As for criticizing, I’m so sick and tired of hearing my fellow Americans saying that if you criticize the President, that you’re being un-American. I wish they would read our Constitution ’cause speaking up and being critical of our President is EXTREMELY AMERICAN. Our President is NOT a demigod, our President is NOT a celebrity, our President is NOT above the law, our President does NOT have absolute power, and our President is NOT an autocrat or dictator…he holds 1/3 of the power in the Executive branch, and it is co-equal with the Legislative branch (aka Congress, which is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate), with the final 1/3 power belonging to the Judicial branch (aka the Supreme Court). Problems arise when any of the 3 yield their power to another branch…they’re all supposed to be protecting their power from the other two. That’s why it sickened me when I saw Mitch McConnell FREELY YIELD his power to Donald Trump!!! McConnell is NOT supposed to be saying, “I won’t bring a bill up for a vote if President Trump doesn’t like the bill ’cause even if we pass it in the Senate, he’ll just veto it.” In that statement, what he’s telling the American people is, “YOU GUYS ARE STUPID!!!” Why? Because Mitch McConnell KNOWS that even if Trump vetoes a bill…the House and the Senate can both OVERTURN his veto with a 2/3 majority vote in both bodies of Congress.
Anyway, I’m done ranting. LOL. I’m just so tired of the Trump supporters blindly following that narcissist ’cause Trump doesn’t care about them…AT ALL. If he did, why did he give a $1,300,000,000,000 (yeah, that’s TRILLION…you can also look at it as $1.3 million TIMES 100,000!!!) tax cut to HIMSELF AND HIS ULTRA-RICH FRIENDS?!?
Mark, I hope that you and your ohana are staying safe and healthy during this pandemic. Much love and aloha to your ohana…heaven knows we need more of both during the Trump Administration’s pseudo-regime. Take care.

@Marcia Bradley But you are ok with all the disgusting ways people on the left behave?
@King of America i didn’t know that the king of america is a hillbillies punk.
The Lyin’ King is easily irritated by talking heads.
joven ibarra I wish they would take his head
See What U.S Military is doing
Jeremy Wittekind bruh the Derp State is soooo 2017.
@Eli Dicken See What U.S Military is doing
Trump criticizes everyone, yet
he cannot handle ANY criticism. Even when he says or does something completely insane.
Too bad with tRump’s narcissistic wuss arse!
@Andrew Dover God Bless you too sir

M7 Social He is a president, not God. When he deserves the respect, he will get it. I doubt that will happen.

@M7 SOCIAL If you’re not his equal, then would you give your pathetic life to him if he asked you to give up your organs for him?
There’s no question that Trump dropped the ball on this one and is personally responsible for the resultant needless deaths of tens of thousands of Americans after not paying attention to the multiple warnings he received that the virus was on its way.
This president will sacrifice as many lives as it takes to get re-elected. Republicans democrats doesn’t matter.
Yes Trump dropped the ball
but the American people are responsible for not removing him from office
before now
Nobody ever asks him about his sources which he criticizes the press of
@TripleAstyle1 A CNN isn’t fake news, but it does have a centrist bent. Fox News is so far right that it’s laughable and the closest thing to true fake news in the MSM. It truly is a joke to anyone outside America. There is no true left wing news in America, apart from independent sources like Democracy Now.
No, journalists ask him; he just never answers.
SmilingWolf – Nailed it! That was Trump
to a T 
@Kirk Thiets you’re dumber than the guy that you’re responding to
@Formulaic 78 Yeah it irritates me nobody asks politicians hard questions anymore in the US.
If everyone knows 45 has some screws loose then it’s time to get rid of him.
Yeah, we’ve been saying this for 3 years. That is the rub. Why the hell is he still there when we all see the fool he is?
screws aren’t just loose, they’re missing completely.
But none of the people around him know how to use a screwdriver
We tried, but all but one Republican senator (Romney) gave 45 let him off without even rapping his knuckles. Now 45 thinks he has a free pass to do whatever he wants.
@Becky Einolf – Which is why they have to be voted out with him.
He fires everyone who doesn’t worship him or kisses his backside!! That’s why!
so true!!!
@Mr. Greatness
@Mr. Greatness comrade, is that you?
He thinks he’s a king.haha lol
No wonder the US is such a mess. Dumbo, his daughter who he is boinking, and con man slumlord son in law are running the country.
Well put…lol
Jared Kushner has no soul.
Perfect description of disgrace and abomination family.
replace that first n in running with an i and you get an A double +
A deliberate anti- science message delivered through a deliberate lie.
Scuze me, he ain’t takin that drug.
.Correct, it’s a big fat bluff. He is living in Never Never land.
*Trump’s a failure, always has been.*
As Tom Steyer once said not too long ago: he’s a fraud and a failure
@Chris Olsen
He’s been a failure since childhood and has struggled his entire life to reverse that standing.
That’s a lovely sentiment but it doesn’t do anything to get him out of office. I wish I didn’t think that he will be reelected. The republicans will stop at nothing, smears, lies, manipulation, and voter suppression.
Enjoy the Trump Landslide Victory
He’s somehow got a financial interest in the drug [or one of his big funders] it’s obvious because he doesn’t do things for other reasons unless he’s just throwing up sand so we won’t see something else
You right
He try to make money
“It’s like bringing fruits to the volcano”