NBC News' Gabe Gutierrez reports on the ground from Minneapolis as protests over the death of George Floyd continue. Aired on 5/29/2020.
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Reporter Describes 'Dramatic Change' In Minneapolis | Morning Joe | MSNBC
There will be more civil unrest. People are tired of being oppressed by governments, law etc. This will get worse.
40 million unemployed this is the tip of the iceberg. What happens when unemployment runs out and you have to decide between starving and looting a store?
@Joann Riner The white people were bused in by the democrat party to stir up the riots and cause the neighborhood to get destroyed. There are literally local blacks asking them to leave, just like they did in Ferguson and those local black dudes were found murdered not long after the publicly questioned the outsiders being there. SHAME ON DEMOCRATS. SHAME
@Jason Thompson You see anyone in those conservative towns burning and looting and attacking people?
bobby fairchild especially if all 4 Officers aren’t charged!
@lupehn Uses the entirely wrong form of “their” and the possessive form of “dummy” rather than the plural form; Calls others a “bunch of idiots,”…yeah, seems legit…
Quick he’s reporting the truth! Arrest him!
Are in a Democratic -Communist country .& take No prisoner now.
@Dennis Hink you’re full of
klansman. Trump is honored by the KKK, white supremacists. Because he is one. He hates all black and brown people.
@Mole Js Meh. Stfu
It’s almost election time.
CNN is has always been proven to be fake.
This is all staged by the left.
Don’t fall for it guys.
Why did the CNN reporter and crew get arrested and not the MSNBC reporter
Now this should be investigated.
@brandon Brandon You’re a racist loser.
@Rock Thao XD true
Because the NBC reporter is white & the CNN reporter is black plain & simple.
@William H liberals live rent free in that empty cranium of yours. It’s comical
He was not arrested like the CNN guy? Likely because “Him white”.
Annie Warbux . There is a large card hanging from his pants. Credentials like you get to go into certain places. You have to wear it around your neck or a visible area. They knew all about Intimidation.
that, plus herr fatass fluffy fuhrer has openly stated his Soviet orange disdain for CNN on many many occasions.
David Hale .. This was color. Race. Not political. Pure power and Hate. Politics may try to come in later
@Vranious STFU you pasty freak
@Nina Patterson, Esq Nina go look at the complexion of the first half dozen leaders of Jamaica, where my father is from. Try to find anyone who is more than ‘high yellow’.
This white reporter didn’t get arrested like the black reporter from CNN in the exact spot
Teotlazo Tzin they arrest to whites along side black reporter
WHO gave the order to arrest the CNN reporter and crew? IT IS DEFINITELY AN INTENTIONAL ILLEGAL ACT TO INTIMIDATE THE BLACK RACE – CAUSE A PANIC – and have the people retreat in fear. WHOEVER gave that order is an open enemy of America – just like these uniformed Gestapo thugs znd the republican political party.
@gary clark Funny when you call the Republican party Gestapo thugs yet it’s the political left and Democrats actually acting like 1940s Nazi such as censoring the news and only telling their side of the story to push their political agenda, not saying the right is right cause either way they’re both just 2 sides of the same coin. Also the reason given for arresting not just the black reporter but also 2 whites (get the story straight) was because they didn’t move when told to. George Floyd’s death was racially motivated, that doesn’t mean everything that happens from here on out is racially motivated
gary clark trump did
@Bitcoin Trades seriously? Orange man bad……. Right? You really want us whites to bring up all the crap Obama and Eric Holder let slide (Feguson,Baltimore, NYC just to name a few) but because a white man is in office it’s all his fault. MORONS
Be careful man, you might get arrested
mUndertakerg they literally arrested the white cnn team
He is white.
No way. He’s white.
No, racial victimization propagandists, it’s about the nature of police, not race. The CNN guy had the misfortune of being first. Now they’ve been told to control their impulses.
@RoachOmar got led away and there was like a period of.. I guess we should arrest these guys as well. Totally weird interaction
It is obvious why this reporter did not get arrested and just a few minutes ago, CNN reporter followed by a CNN producer are arrested.
@Karen Byrd you so realize that trump has no control over the police or any law enforcement/military/national guard. Law enforcement is state controlled, the police is not Trump’s problem, talk to your governor and blame him not trump. I hate Trump but I just wanted to make this clear.
@YOgooshusWHAT The intent was not to arrest the crew that was done for optics. They only had their hand on the reporter, the one officer lapped his hand over his arm. If he tried to move then they would have said they felt threatened, even though they are in full gear and armed with guns. Did you not see them hand the microphone back to the cameraman and walked away. They came back for them as an after thought.
@Marcus Anderson I just replied to him the same thing. Funny how people “un-see” things to make their argument justified.
Tom On The Go! The darker your skin, the worst you’re treated.
It’s Minnesota’s governor who decides how to manage the situation on his juridiction not Trump…to all Trump haters…
Are we to allow the police, the state police and federal marshals to arrest the media for reporting on a story? I think I must be in Russia.
@Alexander Wellen Iraq invasion killed half million people
@Rafael Scatena civilians fatality from iraq invasion war 7,269 to be infact. If you take the whole iraq war including the 2006 sectarian violence and the 2013-2017 civil war. The civilian toll is about half a million, most of those civilian loss are from suicide bombings, death squads, or isis massacres. Very little from American bombs, on average from 2003 to 2019 about 1,000 to 2,000 civilians were killed at most from american bomb each year, which gives a total of 35,000 civilians killed from american bombs. Almost all of Chechnyas fatality came from russian artillery or bombers. The first Chechen war killed 80,000 civilians the first war (2 years long) 50,000 in the second war (9 years long) 11 years 130,000 civilians from russian bombings, 4 times that of the usa in iraq.
It’s worse than Russia, it’s the USA, unequalled for its barbarism and hypocrisy.
@Jim Battersbee nah im pretty sure the CONGO is worse.
@Alexander Wellen
I’ve never been to the Congo but they never claimed to be the “leader of the free world”. They never claimed, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. They never claimed to be “exceptional”. They never waved their flag and their bible and their guns and chanted mindlessly about how ‘great’ they were.
So you see, it’s the hypocrisy of the US that makes it such a failure.
When you preach hate sell hate and perpetuate hate is going to come back to you as hate
@Rogue Diamond9587
white supremacist magatrash
Trumps been preaching hate and division before he got into office, worst now.
truerealityscott respond to make yourself look stupider do it
@Rob Blokdijk it already has and will
Omg another reporter in the street and they didn’t arrest him I wonder why
@Fat man the CNN guy was?
Micah Johnson Boxing exactly.. reading and seeing isnt fat man best suit smh
@Sunshine Trucker He’s Latino
@Sunshine Trucker Also the governor doesn’t allowed the arrest again. Although it was weird why they didn’t explain why he was arrested.
Looks like Hong Kong.
@Steve Polychronoplous There are many fairminded people in the free world to know the difference between CIA or China propanganda or the real truth. The only proven liars are significant proof which he cannot show POMPEO and the Hydrochoroquinine Trump.
except the road signs are in American.
@Steve Polychronoplous Only 1 and he is being honoured. How about Captain Cozier and the other 12 American Doctors that have spoken out and got fired regarding how bad Cov 19 has gotten in the US? I guess for the first time that Trump cares more about “face” than the whole Chinese government LOL Btw, there are lots of people talking crap about the government even on their media in a reasonable manner on their Media Platforms, Ask any Public information speakers (Gong zhi)
Steve Polychronoplous YouTube search “hongkong police van set on fire” “hongkong man set on fire” and tell me the difference between the two.
Hong Kong rioters were better equipped and organized. Thanks to CIA.
I think the State Prosecutor has studied the tape closely and has uncovered evidence that these four men were cops.
I bet the POOR man’s neck was broken. It was a 10 minute long execution. 10 minute long struggle for dear life!!!!!!!! In Europe this is constantly in the news.
America land of the few
They will be forming a committee to examine the possibility of convening an official board of inquiry to examine the new evidence that the men were wearing police uniforms.
Haha haha ! That’s the elementary dear Watson that the prosecutors always rest their cases on when investigating unprofessional behavior of a police officer. They determine after months and years of investigation that a corrupt police officer is a police officer and end their investigation with an acquittal.
Wow you made a none threatening sarcastic statement the implied no personal opinion and let people read in what they wanted and the hate flowed fourth.
Well done
@CJ Barahona Doesn’t matter what cops think about guilt or innocence. It’s actually their job to assume you are guilty when they arrest you. If they didn’t think you were guilty then they would have no reason to arrest you. Courts and juries through trials decide guilt or innocence. I have been arrested several times. I have been mistreated. I have been badgered by a cop trying to get me to give him an excuse to harm me. But nothing cops ever did mattered in court. I have never been convicted of felonies I was arrested for. And the only reason I was never badly beaten is I don’t fight cops. I’m polite and I comply. I’ve had my rights violated plenty but I said nothing and did as requested. The fight is in court. When they do wrong that’s where the fight is. Not where they can club you or mace you or shoot you. In court where the rules actually apply. Cops are needed. There will never not be cops and they will never change. Some will be good. Some will be corrupt. And all of them will mess up just like you and me. So you have to be smart. Do everything you can to be dealt with peaceably by the police no matter how angry or whatever you feel. It doesn’t always work out for the best but it’s still the best way to deal with the police.
Armed Tugs continue to arrest free press.
Minneapolis seems to have a very corrupt, murderous and under trained police department.
James Dunn Its nationwide
Expect to see them on trumps staff at some point then…
I hope my comment isn’t interpreted as a way of taking away from the civil rights and police brutality issues inherent in this whole sorry tragedy, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the FBI investigation were to find that these were all dirty cops. There are probably plenty of dirty cops on the MPD. There are probably plenty of dirty cops on every force.
Police force should end
It’s every city. When I moved to Denver I was naive and thought a teenager who stole a car and was shot to death by little scared cops was an anomaly. It was not. That’s why they’re referred to as “the police force”. They’ve been militarized and increasingly non-monitored and given little oversight by our elected officials. They should be psychologically vetted and checked, and any cop who ends a life or causes severe injury should be terminated. There’s no “Bad Apple” argument if 3 others remain silent as their co-worker obviously murders someone already subdued. Collaborating with prosecutors who get bonuses for convictions, viable or not. The gamification of the “legal system”. The convicts get sent to for-profit prisons. Chauvin is a murder-perv, look at his disgusting face as he stares into a head-on camera dead-eyed while killing someone.
If this reporter was black he would be cuffed and dragged to jail like the CNN guy
Nothing happened to that reporter who got arrested.He was back doing the same thing within an hour.
Janet Grandstaff it still happened, bich
Very true.
David or maybe they know the leader in orange would like the cnn reporters arrested.
@Janet Grandstaff what was the purpose of the arrest?
The riots should be a low level side story. College kids riot over winning footballs. Riots are just emotion. Pay attention to the real story and demand justice.
Trump has literally turned America into a War Zone!! We are a Failed State.
Baloney. This riot is a real story. It may be the bigger story. Mobs cannot rule. There are too many idiots on both sides.
Didn’t realize college kids looted and burned down buildings to get to winning footballs.
This. THIS. T H I S.
What’s the point of this? What do they think they are proving? Just infuriating the people. Go arrest the officers.
@Rogue Diamond9587 Notice that if the collinists hadn’t rioted with the Boston tea party America would not be here. Riots are an American answered to corrupt governments !
@Rogue Diamond9587 collateral damage the police are responsible for.
Judith Wake first off you spelled colonists wrong. Second off America was being controlled by a country that was not giving them a vote and was located thousands of miles away. It’s not the same
@rnelson299 more mad as a hatter comments by the mad maga hatters and their ubiquitous reasoning ! Ever heard of collateral damage hot shot ? It’s what police and governments do when they murder innocents.
Midoriya The cops should be arrested and charged, but MLK would never have supported such violence and destruction. These people are not protesting George Floyd’s death, they are taking advantage of a tragedy and destroying the community.
Why are these four policemen being protected at the expense of the people of Minneapolis?
There’s this thing called the justice system. It usually works pretty well if you give it a chance. Look at OJ for example.
@Steve Polychronoplous Mr G. Floyd had a death sentence in less than 15mins with just a single phone call without any evidence. Bro Thanks but no thank you.
Kwabena Obatwani yup. The police made a mistake for they’re human. How exactly do you condone destroying innocent businesses and people? It makes absolutely no sense to me.
its time for all races to start a movement and get all the unjustly events straightened out.
Yeah you get that started
might as well set the world on fire.
@loveja1 one police station or even one part of a city != “the world”
Yes, Stephanie, absolutely! The only Rights we can depend on are the ones we uphold for each other. We must stand up and speak out for responsible policing. Many have signed the petition for Mr. Floyd at Change.org. We can each do this, and/or participate however we can, and ask our friends and families to do the same. Thank you for a wise, All American post!
Police Academies across this Country train officers to Victimize, Violate and even Murder Lower Class citizens and minority Groups.
“Is it me or the world is getting crazier.” – Joker