While announcing a new grant program, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was asked if homeowners really need the support.
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Yes Canadians need as many distractions as possible to divert attention from my multiple scandals and utter failure as PM.
Ha Ha that’s as funny as mine..lol
See the one after yours:)
Yep. Take 30 thousand dollars from a mouse
, give it 20 dollars back and go “look at what I graciously gave you! Don’t be violent now go and make that money back! 
He’s “listening to Canadian’s needs.” But still acting like he’s deaf.
“I’ll keep taxing the hell our of Canadians with my carbon tax in the meantime so your fuel prices, food, clothing, building materials, everything, will cost more in the meantime” What a loser. Resign already pretty boy and shut your trap!!
Why does he always say ‘we know’ in most of his sentences? Strikes me as a knower of nothing
He knows how to be incompetent
I agree, you think he would want to avoid the word WE
When the dumb hear it, they think he speaks from experience and with education!
@Dr Rufus

I have a home and my savings haven’t skyrocketed. I have been losing money not running my independent non subsidized business during the pandemic. Especially with all the inflation and legislated utilities always increasing to cover civil servant salaries, benefits and pensions. Going forward I will be billing customers based on the basis of their homes value.
The point is your equity has. Home prices have gone up 20-30% last year alone. If you own property and still have a job you’ve done pretty well in this pandemic in comparision to everyone else. The question is valid, do those homeowners need a $5,000 hand-out? If it was part of the 2019 platform, a lot has happened since 2019. Maybe it doesn’t make sense now.
Reporter: ‘Mr. Trudeau…Mr. Trudeau…Sir……please ….just one question…Sir…..please.. ”
Justin: “OK ask me your stupid scripted question.”
Reporter: “Sir how much does your family stand to gain (this time) from your new corporate initiatives?”
No we don’t need this…..because they want any way to come into your home
Oh the government is personally coming into homes or is your statement based on paranoia
@Jumbo Me The latter.
Nope. But they want Their inspectors to inspect the job
@Canadian Peaches That’s…that’s what inspectors do…Wo are ‘they’? You know that you don’t have to let anyone into your home without a warrant, …right?
Oh goodness. No inspectors are great but what he made it sound like is another level of inspectors as in the ones we have already are below par and will have to report to this new level.
Might be changing to True Costa Rica Golf soon
18 to 23% of your bodyweight I repeat of your body weight is carbon
The p.m is a joke. Why do we have to pay his wage? He needs a new job and maybe some lessons on answering questions with the truth
Trump worked for free for during his four year term, refusing to be paid, saving taxpayers $1.6 million dollars
@glenn hankins lmfao
glenn hankins hahahahaha
doesn’t want an election ? lol , such solid reporting happening there!
Does the woman doing the sign language include the endless ums and ahs from Justin? Serious question.
nah but she does Dope gang Signs though!
There is no point in this program for the mere reason of me being UNABLE TO AFFORD A HOME because the real estate prices sky rocketed thanks to this Trudeau government.
This guy wants to dress up as “ dark” face again ….,
A 2019 election platform plank just getting talked about implementation now sounds like an election bribe to me
Elect a clown, expect a circus
Reporter states the obvious waste, and Trudeaus response is that it was already committed to in 2019.
When inflation happens ur $ is worth less, that’s not a booming economy
Canadians are so overtaxed that they need any help they can get.
I see this as Trudeau increasing our debt another 2.6 billion that we don’t have !