Authorities in Boulder, Colorado, alerted residents Monday to an active shooter incident at a grocery store. MSNBC's Ari Melber is joined by retired ATF agent Jim Cavanaugh to monitor the developing situation. Aired on 03/22/2021.
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Reported Active Shooter At Grocery Store In Boulder, Colorado | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
He must’ve been having a bad day as well.
He thought shopping carts brought out an undesirable side of him. Poor guy.
He was just lashing out.
He needs a Happy meal
imagine getting killed by a fat shirtless dude in mismatched socks
edit: the mismatched socks could be blood
@thegags hahahahaha keep up the good work lieutenant Dan.
@Ro G it is the shooter
@Big Bizz420 answer the question dopey. Or does your small troll brain not comprehend?
@Dolly the Llama guess what you libfuck!? He was a lib!!! Allah strikes again!!!
@Tommy Devine bruh the only word this girl knows is liberal lmfao
I guess some people want to spend the summer in jail this year huh
@Guy North jjjjhjjj
@rhonda drop; Sure hope that includes Moscow Mitch.
Summer….LOLOLOL….genius remark
10 counts of first degree murder
I’d be surprised if he is t sentenced to death
@CT-5736 Bladez; Could be, they are considering opening the death penalty for the Boston Bomber, I hope that also includes all those vile, filthy, sick seditionist.
Colorado police: “He was just having a really bad day.”

2. Since they are holding our tax and stimulus money
shouldn’t we be getting interest
I mean I can’t even get a hold of a representative. What if I need to verify my information… If someone is holding your money you should be getting interest unless you’re just doing it out of the good of your heart. The government is bigger than ever and has super computers so there is no way we should not have our money. they are clearly making money off of our money or manipulating our money to make money/etc.
@Bass INC 2. Since they are holding our tax and stimulus money
shouldn’t we be getting interest
I mean I can’t even get a hold of a representative. What if I need to verify my information… If someone is holding your money you should be getting interest unless you’re just doing it out of the good of your heart. The government is bigger than ever and has super computers so there is no way we should not have our money. they are clearly making money off of our money or manipulating our money to make money/etc.
your interest is your freedom to live wherever you want. Even another country if you think this one is cheating you.
Pay closer attention and stop following others blindly.
Question everything. Believe half of what you witness and very little of what others say.
Surround yourself in a positive enviroment, positive experiences will occur.
You shall become your environment.
@Ronald Williams Simple
@Jeffrey Loveless or america
hen they’re putting you on a gurney, while HANDCUFFED, that’s not a good sign. That guy isn’t a ‘victim.’
And they knew it the whole time.
he saw the snack food aisle as too much of a temptation
Oh noooooooooo
Good one.
makes no sense..
Active shooter……………….in Boulder Colorado
? At this point, they can’t keep classifying them as “isolated incidents”
@Fjk Fjk that was an abominable amalgamation of words. i don’t know what on earth you’re talking about
i say again, there is no gun violence epidemic.
@Fjk Fjk Domestic terror always seems to come from the left. , Antifa, BLM, militant jihadist and many full blown communist.
@dagmastr12 Okay, so you just don’t count things like Trumpists storming the Capitol with the intent of killing the VP and others, and “militia” men plotting to abduct and murder the governor of Michigan (over mask mandates). Then there was Paul Hasson’s plot to murder numerous prominent “leftists in general”.
Of the mass murders committed in, ohh, the last five years, name the murderers you consider to be “from the left”, and give your reasons for that characterization. (Other than, “Cuz I say so.”)
You consider jihadists “left”??
Give us an example of Communist terrorism.
Give us an example of an Antifa terrorist attack or plot labeled as such by law enforcement.
As for BLM, I don’t disagree. This is aggressively driven by the major news media. After all, race riots are money in the bank for news services. Their profit “holy grail” is an all-out race war. Politicians and even police chiefs fall in line because they don’t want to be labeled as racists or be the cause of more riots.
As “woke” as they presume to be, the news media don’t give a crap how many black lives are ruined or lost because of such events. It’s just more “blockbuster breaking news” for them, more police to persecute, and consequently: $$$ KACHING!!!
@Lloyd Christmas Bruh stfu
@Joshua Espinoza of course there isn’t a “gun violence” epidemic, there’s a whyt on whomever Crime epidemic. You know what the fuqk I’m saying! Stop with the weak mental gymnastics and let’s be honest about the rampant hypocrisy
Lord have mercy, we are truly a nation gone mad.
Imagine the day when everyone in the super market shoots back
@Areyou kiddingme I agree
@Lue Gordon it’s not only the rampant VIOLENCE and murder that sets America apart and utterly VILE. You religious freaks are burning your very own bridges at a stunning pace, as well.
Last time I looked, the Lord had a few goes with genocide, so, please, don’t beg on him. I don’t want to see more animals caught up in his maniacal side.
@Bob Kozalov That was suspected gang shooting not the same thing as a lone shooter in a public place.
[The suspect fired on the patrols officers…]
and somehow he still alive
@Memphis Stef 100% wrong
@Linda Jackson Nope
@Mike C He isn’t white tho he’s an arab
@Linda Jackson looks white…Muslim name
@Dolly Wood Muslim name, the local ministries will villify him.
He was triggered by the “no shoes, no shirt, no service” sign on the door.
@Mike Brown
How do I know were you claim to live is true.
Explain why the da and the chief refused outright not to divulge number of victims and the suspect is the one most seriously injured?
On going investigation. At this time the victims names will be released at proper time.
@Mike Brown
you must believe whatever an unknown shill has to offer and expect the same from others?
I’m different.
@Bass INC Boulder police now confirm 10 dead, one of which was one of their officers. Check it out, know it all.
@Bass INC The name of the officer killed is Eric Talley. Might as well check that out, too.
@birdlynn What was the exact time frame for this utopian group? Through studies and research, I noted lip service to these ideals during many periods of history, but hypocrisy was generally the more pervasive cultural norm.
Wait a minute…HOW quick did backup help get to grocery store??? AND HOW many HOURS did it take to get to Capitol Hill??
@Mark Simpson No just the person at the top. Or do you have another reason why he drags his feet on everything the Democrats in congress wants? They have been waiting 2+ years for simple reports.
@RogueXw Capitol police actually denied backup or assistance when they were asked prior and during the incident. They also let people through gates, showed them where to go and people walked calmly into the building.
@Mark Simpson you are one of the best Trump Trolls I have ever seen, and that’s saying…meh. Bravo, nonetheless.
3 hours 19 minutes
wjere i live cops take forever to get to a domestic some areas when a robbery occurs they cops dont show up at all.
It’s sad that this what “getting back to normal” means in our society?
@T H where does the average citizen go to buy illegal drugs?
@Mike Rich I don’t know that either. Do you just randomly wander around asking people for crack?
Do you think that might expose you to a cop? Or someone reporting you?
Let’s be real. Career Criminals don’t do mass shootings. They’re interested in money.
Mass shooter nut jobs having to get security checks, waiting periods, gun licenses, requiring licenses to buy ammo, and limits on how much ammo one can buy per month will cut down on the number of mass shootings.
The argument that “Criminals will always get guns” as justification is a joke. Yes Criminals will always get guns, but the Criminals aren’t the ones laying waste to 6 year Olds at a grade school now are they? Only person that has a problem with better gun legislation are folks that shouldn’t have guns. Nothing about tighter legislation would stop the average law abiding citizen from owning a gun.
@T H
Mexico has a de facto gun ban.
Go there & see how safe it is.
Take your family.
@Billy Bob Where do you think Mexico gets their guns? They come from America.
@Billy Bob hahahaha
Even with the drug cartels shooting each other they still have less shootings than the US.
Now let’s go over how many mass shootings have occurred in Scandinavian and western European countries? Shall we do Australia and New Zealand?
US 4.5 gun related homicides per 100k people each year.
You can’t even find a gun related homicide in 100,000 people. You need to do 500k or a million to get 1 gun related homicide.
You have to head to Uruguay to find the next most murderous country to the US.
Even Nicaragua only has 3.7 gun related homiced per 100k a year.
NICARAGUA is safer than the U.S.!!! Let that sink in.
Wait … in Atlanta pretty sure they asked ‘what happened’. People probably said ‘White kid … goatee … assault rifle … shot everybody.’ Cops say ‘Uh uh … cuff the Mexican’. Apparently, the guy’s wife died inside while he was cuffed outside. You’d have to be a moron to think there is a reason for 2hrs.
A lot of people sure are having bad days. When I have a bad day I just eat oreos Netflix and chill.
My friend died in there from highschool His name was neven stansic he went to alameda high in lakewood. He was very nice to me and a funny dude We have photos from homecoming together this is so crazy
@jacofalltradez; It is a good thing, do they still coat the mouth with that horrid greasy coating? (didn’t mean to be gross if you enjoy them, some folks just developed a taste).
2. Since they are holding our tax and stimulus money
shouldn’t we be getting interest
I mean I can’t even get a hold of a representative. What if I need to verify my information… If someone is holding your money you should be getting interest unless you’re just doing it out of the good of your heart. The government is bigger than ever and has super computers so there is no way we should not have our money. they are clearly making money off of our money or manipulating our money to make money/etc.
@One World 2. Since they are holding our tax and stimulus money
shouldn’t we be getting interest
I mean I can’t even get a hold of a representative. What if I need to verify my information… If someone is holding your money you should be getting interest unless you’re just doing it out of the good of your heart. The government is bigger than ever and has super computers so there is no way we should not have our money. they are clearly making money off of our money or manipulating our money to make money/etc.
Everyone have different circumstances
Yeah, a legendary Police officer says this shooter also had a BAD DAY and he reached the end of his bloodclaat rope .
The shooter’s name is Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa.
If he told police he was having a bad day, that’s what they would report to the public — at least until there is more information. If a murderer said he was incensed about B’rittni dumping Austin on _ The Bachelorette_ , then that’s what the police would report. No reasonable, objective person would think the police were trying to excuse Long or minimize what he did.
Another “BAD DAY”
… what’s going on with some of these individuals
Look at the killer. How does one get to look like that at the young age of 21? I could almost see why he would be suicidal but he should have just taken his own miserable life. How could a person even stand to wake up after killing 10 innocent people?
He was took in alive, he must of had a bad day.
@acajudi100 where I’m from its took
Due process and more information about the situation.
If he was black, he wouldn’t have been shot in the leg, they would have had 8 swat members all empty their magazines in him… and probably reloaded. And “they would of had a bad day “
@Karma-Jade lol. Always playing the victim. Typical.
The guy was just having a “Bad Day” I guess.

Poor guy
I heard reason he killed those people was in response to Biden’s air strikes in Syria
Pay attention to your surroundings and the people around you, when you walk into a building map out the exit and entrance and stay alert and try and stay out of building with one door or limit the time you stay in there and or locate a place you can hide. It’s sad but we have to be careful out here..
Just moved to Kentucky from San Diego. Everyone here has a 9 in their pants. Dude would’ve been dead before the cops got the call.
@Gregory Thomas Sr lol. Check out kanyes spread in Wyoming.
@bill davis That is such a lie.
@perhaps today Why do you think the safest neighborhoods are all majority white, Dunce? Turn off the corporate media, they’re gaslighting you.
@bill davis How are you going to tell me how I think? I defiantly know all white neighborhoods are not safe neighborhoods. Check out Kensington in Philadelphia. Lots of drugs and you can buy some head for $3 or $4 bucks.
Now let’s watch as officials don’t call him a terrorist, just another regular man “having a bad day”
Now they probably call him a terrorist since they now know he was born in Syria.
@perhaps today it is paramount the contrast on coverage and airtime the two recent tragedies are getting. I do wonder if one or both are going to be called acts of terror, since they are, indeed, acts of terror. Let’s see how they frame it since it will be revealing.
@Nera Kar Maybe it is time for a little geography. Most of the terrorists countries are in Asia. But still no reason to attack innocent Asians.
The Asian peninsula is still Asia.
@Black Patriot the Proletarian You speak for yourself.