MSNBC’s John Heilemann, Republican strategist Rick Wilson, Bloomberg Opinion’s Tim O’Brien, former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance, and Center for American Progress Action Fund’s Juanita Tolliver on the reporting that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on the call between Trump and the president of Ukraine that’s at the center of the impeachment inquiry. Aired on 09/30/19.
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Report: Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo Was On The Ukraine Call | Deadline | MSNBC
Well well well, draining the swamp seems more like “let’s make the swamp make the Pacific look like a puddle” !!!
To be fair…. exposing himself and those around him like that… could very well to lead him having drained the swamp, afterward. Or, rather, forced the Democrats to drain the swamp and supply them with more than enough evidence to do so in one swift swoop.
tRump is the “Swamp Monster”, so why on earth would he drain it? He’s making it swampier!! And tRump is not even part of the establishment.
I said this on another thread – why would an alligator want the swamp drained?
This Wrong wingnut swamp is reeeeeeeally _bigly_ and getting _biglier and biglier_ by the hour, by the second… Soon, it’ll be by the NANOSECOND.
(In that single sense, these bums are “progressive”!)
The English language will adopt TRUMP as a negative connotation….
“Stop being a trump”
“Trump you!”
Son of a Trump!
Watch out kids…if you don’t eat your peas the trump will get you.
One of the most important questions that should be asked of each candidate in the upcoming debate?
Will you pardon ANY criminal activity within the previous administration and if not would you insist on serious prison time to deter any more such blatant violations of the laws we the people are expected to obey?
@Dorothy Gears the presidency race was all political. They attack each other for power not personal gain. Remember the picture they took together and they also attended the Al Smith Charity and had a good laugh. It’s just like Obama and Hillary they were both running against each for the presidency and at the end obama put Hillary at Sec. Of state. Why on earth would I make somebody that wanted to see me fail as my Sec of State?? Because they are all buddies
No. The question should be will you interfere with any investigations or will you allow justice to take it’s full course from investigation, trial all the way through to completion of potential sentences.
The only way Pompeo is guiltless is in the end, he had been the whistle blower.
@signalfire6 Too quiet. Are they frantically grabbing all there assets from being frozen? Maybe making plans to bail before Putin comes knocking on their doors to pay up? Oh, oops Putin is scared too and running.
@Just Jessy That would be poetic justice!
@Minnie Venkat I don’t think any of them stand a chance at this time. The Repukacans really did a number on their own party now, didn’t they?!!!!!
I think john bolton IS the whistleblower or pushed the whistleblower to come out now
alphatrion100 it was probably a russian agent or a secret nazi or maybe a homophobe or an evil white sexist male. Maybe even a purple
Pompeo, Giuliani, Barr are all headed to jail. They may even be the fall guys for Trump who will avoid jail but be forced out of office.
I hope Trump was worth it boys. Flynn, Michael Cohen, Manafort etc etc etc, convicted and jailed for Trump, all now realize Trump wasn’t worth it. Womp womp. Make Trump Enablers Imprisoned Again.
Ironically, when Trump starts to decline and the extent of his corruption and crimes begins to surface, the Trump cult will fade back into the woodwork where they were for ages. Don’t let them forget the way they betrayed your country and almost destroyed it, even threatening civil war in response to what? Following the rule of law? Soon the MAGA scum will be denying they ever supported him, but I hope they get what’s coming to them.
Are you a prophet? Where do you get your divine knowledge? How do you know this?
@Austin Cox turn off fox news and look around.
The whistler blower did in 1 day what Muller couldn’t , god bless the whistler blower an American hero
@D Kahn

D Kahn trump is guilty with out a doubt impeach.
You’re so right, there are a lot Muller didn’t do……if you noticed immediately Bar took came on board Muller quickly concluded his investigation. I kept saying it there are more to come …… America Waiting for
Yeah BUT keep in mind Mueller did a very good job no matter what….A lot of what’s is coming out is because of Mueller investigation.
@Connie Echols your caps lock is stuck
Well well… looks like its going to be the Democratic-led US Congress that will actually be “draining the swamp” after all.
That’s amusing. Note that the Dem establishment ONLY went after the loathsome Trump when Trump went after another member of the oligarchy in Biden. War crimes? No. Crimes against humanity? Nah. The Emoluments Clause? Not a chance.
I guess now it is confirmed Pompeo was actually there in the room during the call, that clearly explains why, prior to the release of the transcripts he was talking about how it would set a bad precedent to release talks between presidents. He was just worried, about how damaging this would be, but also about the fact that he had a big role in all this. Typical republican behavior. Everything they say or do is really just for their own good.
Not to mention, Pompeo vows his an Evangelical who teached Sunday School… Lying is not allowed by that group of hypocrites.
felon michael cohen tried to warn everybody! he will bring all of his team down to jail
“We lied
We cheated
We stole”
Mike Pompeo
“Russia never stops aggressively trying to divide and expand and work to gain partners with which to work around the world. In much the same way we -do- … work with our allies.” – Mike Pompeo to the intel committee, July 25th 2019
>same day as this phone call
>the 200 million withheld from Ukraine, that was dangled in the call, is mentioned as being released in the same session by a republican senator, further implicating Pompeo and State.
And he was #1 graduate in his class at West Point, guess he forgot all of what he learned on govt $s there too now he personifies the opposite of everything the school’s motto states, “will not lie, cheat or steal nor tolerate those who do!” Someone needs to ask him about these words & what they mean to him today?
Did Pompeo quote this about Ukraine or are you lying like liddle shifty? Would love your source…..
This demonstrates the age presently in Washington, u can’t do anything that everyone will not know , these idiots live in the 70s

Michael Cohen warned them all during his appearance before Congress earlier this year.
William Dorsey he certainly dead
William Dorsey he certainly did
Actually he did warn them.
Imagine now how much of our money is in his bank account .and he paid Putin back by trying to ease sanctions he borrowed millions and millions from Putin
Wait till they run through all his conversations and find out he’s a traitor all hells going to break lose
YIKES! October, I feel, is going to be an explosive month! Seriously though – I’m not surprised Barr and Pompeo are being implicated in this – they are Trump’s personal henchmen after all
REMEMBER – Pompeo & Jordan were so angry that their 5th Bengazi take-down of H. Clinton had failed, they wrote a mini-book about it.
Now if he gets canned for corrupt activities after landing her old job for himself — it will be karma served.
GIULIANI SNITCHED ON POMPEO and he didn’t even know- (AKA state Department sent me to UKRAINE
Corruption at every level in the Highest Office of The Land
Somewhere someone wrote, “Everything trump touches died.”
That is, Businesses, governments, people, countries, etc. EVERYTHING!
Rick Wilson said this!
@J Bell Sweet burn bro. Your reply… is that of a low IQ person.
Rick Wilson, wrote that book and he is speaking on this panel.
J Bell trump has destroyed the Republican party. Obviously you are brainless. I will vote blue no matter who.
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to deceive”