Report: Rudy Giuliani’s Shadow Policy Efforts Extended To Venezuela – Day That Was | MSNBC

New reporting by The Washington Post reveals that Rudy Giuliani was conducting shadow foreign policy in locations other than Ukraine. The president’s personal lawyer was conducting business in Venezuela to try and ease President Nicolás Maduro from power. Giuliani’s Venezuelan operations ran counter to the policies backed by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. During her impeachment inquiry testimony, Dr. Fiona Hill stated that Bolton called Giuliani a “hand grenade that was going to blow everyone up”. Aired on 12/31/19
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Report: Rudy Giuliani’s Shadow Policy Efforts Extended To Venezuela – Day That Was | MSNBC

Report: Rudy Giuliani’s Shadow Policy Efforts Extended To Venezuela - Day That Was | MSNBC


  1. Giuliani isn’t even in the government, so he needs to stop interfering in US affairs, or be locked up for it. Also he better be paying for these trips out of his own money as if he’s using tax payer’s money, well…lock him up! #Remove #voteBlue2020!!

    1. White Centaur Giuliani has been investigating in Ukraine. He’s interviewed Ukrainian officials in regards to US corruption in their country. His interviews are on One America News Network if you’re interested. You’re certainly not going to get any truth on this crap-azz propaganda network.

    2. @Rod Allen Is he making these efforts with Ukraine and Venezuela as a private citizen or as an “ambassador” for Trump? What do you know about his efforts with Turkey? I have watched him give numerous interviews on TV and find the possibility of his representing the US alarming. He oftentimes contradicts himself and becomes confused. I wouldn’t want him to represent me, not in court and not with a foreign country.

    3. The nighrmarish surrealness is just a lot to take after a whle. Are they all going to live in Russia in the end?

    4. @Catherine W Nightmarish and Surreal .. That perfectly describes life after the Monster in Chief was installed ..

  2. Rudy hasnt never been voted for or sworn into office at the white house. Janky besh and friends, “The number 1 rated show ever”

  3. Given what we already know about 45* and his “crew,” one has to wonder about what we don’t know…yet!

    1. 🚨 WARNING!!! 🚨
      The story here is not Trump. Anybody with a television and access to the news over the last 20 years knows that Trump is pure scum. It’s all the Republiclowns that you thought would have stood up, who are now laying down like spineless corrupt cowards. Trump has really exposed the Republiclown corruption which has clearly always existed under the surface.
      ⛔ IMPEACH then IMPRISON ⛔

  4. The Tangerine Tyrant should make him officially part of the cabinet.. Oh wait then he’d be subject to some form of checks and balances.. can’t have that rats prefer the shadows

    1. @Denyze i still can’t believe Trump got elected. How can someone be as incompetant and ignorant become president. What is really scary is a big majority of his voters think he is an excellent speaker, giving some of the greatest speeches of all time. Its time for me to wake up from this twilight zone.

    1. I guess G is a “backchannel” is what he is called working like this on behalf of the president.

    1. @foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild – I think Firtash is Ukrainian but with strong links to Putin and incidentally, to Shokin, the former Ukrainian prosecutor who was removed and who Giuliani has been dealing with recently. I was making the point above that although he is being paid, indirectly by Firtash, it makes it possible for him to work as he sees it, on behalf of the president, for free – I think we’ll find eventually, that’s not how it will be regarded – in effect the US taxpayer is picking up the tab.

    2. @Insight Of the ages – If you think that – he’s going down – and he’s definitely taking a whole lot of people with him – including your man. Don’t you see that’s why he (the president) is denying all knowledge of what Giuliani’s doing in Ukraine. Even if you’re prepared to cut him some slack why has Giuliani been dealing with politicians in Venezuela. This is getting to a stage where Bolton and Pompeo will be forced to give evidence. Ill-founded insight I’m afraid.

    3. @Insight Of the ages Man, what can I say. You are so naive. Ok, keep believing this guy.
      He DID promise, several times, to release his taxes as soon as the IRS completed a supposed audit. Look it up. There never was an audit, and he never intended to do so.
      It is true that there is no legal obligation for a president to release his taxes, but ALL presidential candidates since Nixon have done so, voluntarily. In fact you and I can check Obama´s taxes, or George Bush´s, or Jimmy Carter´s online. This because citizens should be able to check whether a presidential decision benefits him personally.
      Which are the public servants who came out millionaires? Can you be specific, or is this a generic accusation?
      And don´t fall for the line “I won´t steal, I am already rich”. Being rich never stopped anyone from being dishonest. The rich are as tempted to steal as the average person, if not more. Whether you do it or not comes down to character, not wealth.
      Donating your salary (is anyone checking if he is still doing that? Where did he donate his November paycheck?) is a nice PR thing when you are more than offsetting that with Saudis booking your hotels, and the like.
      That´s all from me. Peace.

    1. Ha! You just don’t see the money that’s under the table. I’m sure there are also other things under tables that Rudy is after.

    1. I thought “attorney client privilege” was to keep an attorney from implicating their client. It’s interesting to see the rule switch roles.

    2. He only takes credit for knowing dirt he can tweet about or harangue his followers with at his Nuremberg rallies.

    3. @Lana Kahl Giuliani: “President Trump sent me”. Trump: “I don´t know what he is doing, you´ll have to ask him”. Sure.

  5. All i picture is rudy rideing in the back of the gop clown bus licking the windows what a loser he has become hope he’s behind bars soon with President bone spurs

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