The Department of Defense Inspector General plans to release a report that found Rep. Ronny Jackson drank while on duty and harassed staff while serving as the White House physician under the Trump administration. Aired on 03/3/2021.
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#RonnyJackson #Trump #MSNBC
Report Finds Ronny Jackson Drank On Duty And Harassed Staff While WH Physician | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Dr. Jekll where is Mr. Hyde?
john smith: Florida
What integrity dude? I see AA and NA meetings in your future.
Just add alcohol!
I’m a recovering alcoholic of almost 19 years. It’s not my place to call someone else an alcoholic, but sometimes you just can’t help but recognize it and boy did recognize it.
@live2groove sad but true
but guys please explain to me, writing from london. texas, i heard a beautiful place, what s wrong with it? who voted this loser in? and its governor now? are they all nuts? is it truly such a racist state?
Good for you.
@Rere Simone Let’s be clear.. All elections in the US are rigged, it’s just that sometimes they’re not rigged enough. The electoral college rigs the elections, just not enough always. Texas is Gerrymandered and full of voter suppression tactics
Did ya miss something there groove?
All the worst of the worst worked there on our dime. Any chance of discipline? Doubt it.
Millions of single Democrat mothers have babies on my dime. Any chance they can keep their legs crossed?
@Wally Censorship Wow, you’re so clever. Just not quite clever enough to discern that ‘we’ is a word that refers to a group of people; not just one individual. It includes the speaker, but also others. Like, for example, the over 525,000 US dead of said plague.
@Communism is Slavery That’s not relevant. It’s whataboutism. You’re deflecting. We’re talking about this one person here. You either oppose such behavior or you don’t. That’s all that matters. You can condemn this man without supporting all unrelated Democrat-led policies. If you’re not blinded by partisanship, anyway.
…Though also, you think no Republicans do anything on your dime? Only Democrats collecting state assistance, is it?
The intellects here are truly *astounding.*
@Communism is Slavery and there’s no trailer trash single parents under the Trump banner?
Your pathetic and weak, that’s why you LOST the election
@Bismuth Crystal bingo.
Trailer trash all into Trump!
Isn’t this the doctor that said that Trump weighed 239 pounds?
@cool kid due…process. It’s under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. He has his rights. You can’t just take accusations, arrest him, and throw him in prison. If they charge him through the military there’s a hearing to see if there’s enough FACTS and EVIDENCE (not “anonymous whistleblowers”) to charge.
@Frank Castle Hardly perfect but hey then again when in doubt cast the blame on the other side or conspiracy theory double standards from republidunces have always been their forte.
Yeah, he’s the doctor who insisted that Trump was in perfect physical condition.
@Osv Carbajal go back under that bridge little guy…
@Ridge Briar did you miss the part where he was Obama’s doctor too?
Even when THEY screw up, they blame the Democrats. Just blame blame blame.
@The KYLE Projekt trump could’ve fired him but he didn’t lol
@The KYLE Projekt and trump kept him on and was only caught drinking under trumps watch
@Jay Hay well he only drank on the job under trump so….
@Trapkos That’s not Trump’s fault, you dolt
did Trump put a gun to his head and force him to drink? Lmao
“What equals 2+2?” Trumpster: “I don’t know, why are you not asking the Democrats?”
Dr. Ronnie’s speech pattern seemed odd.
Anyone named “Dr. Ronny” is suspect.
What integrity dude? I see AA and NA meetings in your future.
@The Blade Whaaaat?????
@Donta Holloway Why would I open a sus link?
In the good ole days it was some kid slinging heroin. Come to think of it, wasn’t that great,..
@The Blade I see a visit to Dr. Ronny in yours!
I had zero idea he was in congress now… awesome job Texas, you really know how to pick them
@Matthew Clark you can’t get rid of any of the original 13.
@GusCraft460 for real
Better than the Governor
Yep, ain’t it just beautiful?
@Matthew Clark You can’t get rid of the states that keep you inbreds in trailers
I’m betting a lot of people witnessed his “integrity”.
At least his integrity is not based on fake russian news.
What integrity dude? I see AA and NA meetings in your future.
@The Blade Uh, guess you’re not smart enough to recognize sarcasm, dude.
his “integrity” was hard
well, at least he didn’t send selfies of his junk to anyone… that we know of…
Didn’t have to be a body language expert to see ALL of that in just one of his public appearances.
Sounds like court-martial offense has to me ! And I’m so sick and tired of hearing the Democrats made me do it!
@robert Tsmith of he was told not to drink and did so anyway, it’s called disobeying a direct order. Court martial? No. He’s got eagles. Reprimand and removal? NJP for conduct unbecoming? Totally realistic. And we all know enlisted get eaten when they screw up. If an NCO did this crap, they’d be busted down and booted.
@Eric Petosky with his position, it would have been forced early retirement, and thats about it.
@Kirsten S hey stupid, trump could’ve fired him but he kept him instead
We can blame everything on the GOP though! “What? Why did I hack Ron Johnson’s head off? Because THEY MADE ME DO IT! THE GOP made me do it!”
Sure, I’m game.
@Kirsten S No he wasn’t.
When you were corrupt you surround yourself with people that are corrupt because an honest person is going to rat you out
That’s exactly what potato is doing
You know he served under Obama first, right?
Sing along, America…”The Candy Man can….”
“I know the best people. And I make sure they never work for me.” – Donald the Twice Impeached
Trump’s gone now. Time to focus on President Vegetable.
@Biden’s Brain wow, so clever and insightful
FYI he was also part of Obama’s team…
See your PCP for TDS.
I’m originally from his district, and he is an absolute disgrace to his office.
And he started under Obama.
i think democrats should spend millions and impeach his a$$$!
oh yeah!
@Kirsten S If it was known during the obama administration that he was doing this, he should have been fired. My guess is either it wasn’t known or reported to ‘no drama Obama’. It would have been the biggest scandal of his presidency.
Yay Ronny?
@Kirsten S That shouldn’t matter, the point is he changed! I’m sure Dr Ronald McDonald the wasn’t acting disgracefully under Obama. Was he?
In other words, he’s a mean DRUNK!
Leave him alone, he has white privilege, youre not allowed to critique his performance.
Ah yes, because white people are the only people that you get to talk s*** about with no repercussions. THAT’S the privilege you’re talking about? Whatever.
@Davy B. you took the bait lul
I am an RN. MD Jackson is a “Little Napoleon.” Can spot them from a mile away.
Most nurses have huge egos.
People with petty authority can easily get too big for their britches.
@GusCraft460 Yep, notice the picture/graphic…even though he worked for both Obama’s and Trump’s admin. and yet MSNBC only shows him with Trump while highlight the sexual harassment allegations. lol – no petty manipulations going on there.
@GusCraft460 Hey I got a boat w/ a 460 too
@BWolf yeah seriously, read the video description… They leave Obama out. Surprised they said it in the video tbh
So freaking tired of listening to Republicans blame democrats for everything they did or doing!!!
It goes both ways bud. Don’t fool yourself.
Hahaha! That’s a joke!
The year is 2950, and MSNBC still talking about Trump administration.