Dr. Taraneh Shirazian of Global Women's Health discusses the need for addressing high mortality rates of pregnant women across the globe. Aired on 1/2/20.
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Report Addresses Fighting Maternal Mortality | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Wow it’s almost like women would live through child birth if they had equal access or access at all to health care then lives would be saved. Funny how that works…
They do ….
@Quiet EntropyIt’s a silly thing called Gods love. If you’re not a Christian you won’t like how this story ends.
@Quiet Entropy – #45 *did* warn them, at all those ill-willed ‘rallies’…
“You *knew* d@mn well I was a snake when *you took me* in!”
ShaunieBNaturalista And a lot of evangelicals have a medieval way of understanding the world — they accept what they’re told by their religious leaders and Fox, as opposed to the enlightenment idea that people can gather information and decide for themselves.
@Dave Schultz Actually, it’s a matter of life or death. Think , how would you feel if this was someone that worked at a low paying
job BUT worked !! and could not afford the cost of a system that
costs twice as much
in the rest of the modern world. Dave is your world all about
political talking points? Don’t worry , there are many more
independents out there than party members. These are good people and rational people. Be well
USA’s maternal mortality rate is so high because they don’t have the universal health care that we in civilized countries have. At the World heath organization they rank 36th behind Costa Rica.
No its because they way we classify maternal deaths.
So Keep in mind A pregnancy-related death in America is defined as the death of a woman while pregnant or within 1 year of the end of a pregnancy
And suicide/Overdose is one of the leading causes of maternal death in the US.
You need to look at the bright side of this… you don’t have to worry about child support or being told what weekends and holidays you get your child…lol
So if they are haveing there children in a hospital and the hospital is letting them die because of lack of insurance…..I dont think so
If you need medical care you just go to a emergency room ask a illegal.
@Buddy Mckimmey Is that like the border crisis?
Simple truth is USA has 4th world healthcare.
Rich B
Let’s have some more fun with facts!
“Georgia, Louisiana and Indiana all had rates above 40 deaths per 100,000 live births from 2011 to 2015, a rate that puts them on par with Malaysia, Turkmenistan and Cabo Verde.”
Funny – all deep RED states particularly hostile to Planned Parenthood and ob/gyn’s.
The states with the lowest rates? the deep BLUE states of California (4.5) and Massachusetts (5.1).
@David NOT TRUE says a Canadian!!!
@David Not true, says a Canadian!
@David NOT TRUE says Canada!
@Sherry Stewart Canada is irrelevant to me EH
They have money and time for Israeli wars but can’t deal with domestic problems.
@Dave Schultz way to stay on topic you Trumpers are so focused.
@Jorg Letchler So was the budget for the Holocaust So from your “logic” exterminating them was fine since it was a separate budget.
@Brad Farrow You think republican care to think homelessness is a problem? they blocked the laws that where introduced to reduce the problem.
@Dave Schultz Dc is a democratic city and yes the criminal in the white house is in the process of being convicted.
The republicans on the other hand SUPPORT CRIME.
“but can’t deal with domestic problems”. Like mass illegal immigration right?
Hang on a second, aren’t those some of the same states that dead set on blocading abortions?
William H Music 2020 Thank God they do.
@Elizabeth G Enat-Hung Blockading abortions is part of the war on women.
@Deborah Freedman you think I didn’t know that! So is making it hard to impossable for women to get medical care.
William H Music 2020 Because you think dead and damaged women and babies aren’t important — get that hat on tighter so it can squeeze that casual cruelty out of you
Not meaning to over-simplify childbirth deaths or infant mortality, but intending to elevate this to a big picture of the more pervasive problems: (1) FOR-PROFIT healthcare, and (2) Deficit mentality about PREVENTATIVE medicine in all disciplines.
@Carol Williams , You score minor points for not taking Robert Reich completely seriously. Republicans want to work on pharmacy prices to start but Congress is locked in an Impeachment death spiral.
@Dave Schultz – – wait, you’re giving me points because I agree with something that you perceive to be your way of thinking. Convoluted. Really arrogant of you. Take them back

@Carol Williams , I’m trying to be polite. Reich is a DEMOCRAT hack, posing as an intellectual, dressed in 7yr old boys clothes.
@Dave Schultz – – and Friedman is a Libertarian-leaning intellectual in bed with Ayn Rand, John Galt and Dagny Taggart. Where’s Atlas when you need him – – no thanks.
@Carol Williams –

she made a point of mentioning that black women die at a rate of 12 to 1. wonder if they’ll have the guts to publish the causes by race?
Marius Thefaker just curious but are u asking because u genuinely want to help prevent their deaths?
While education is important.. that’s not going to help anyone if they can’t afford to see their doctor while pregnant, or can’t get time off work to go see their doctor, or can’t afford to take pregnancy leave. So much of this revolves around economic issues and access to universal/affordable healthcare. Saying that we just need to educate ignorant poor people or people of color is pushing aside a HUGE part of the problem.
Bernie is the only candidate with the political will to fix this problem.
@Julia Lerner False, all of them have solutions. And the solution other candidates have are all better than Sanders’.
That is a shock! I had no idea the mortality rate was 700+ yr. It’s a wonder we haven’t all been touched in some way on a personal level.
I think that humans are genetically engineered species by some kind of life or existence that we don’t really know about yet.
Why don’t you just declare war on it – Seems to work wonders.
If a cat scan cost 3000? Without insurance no wonder healthcare is out of control. Universal healthcare.
A cat scan does not COST 3000; people are being CHARGED 3000 there is a huge difference between the two.
A used CAT scanner can be about $65k and a state of the art new one $2.5m (again that includes the extortion profit of the company who makes them)
Nothing stops the government to build there own machines at cost. Interns at D.A.R.P.A. might find that a fun exercise… and that can easily cut the cost of the machines itself in half.
*What a shock – poor people have worse health outcomes, and America has more poor people than any other industrialized nation. Well, duh.*
Go with this lead in: “Another heath ‘story’ we are following, concerns about infant mortality on a global scale.” Talk about a non-news story. A fake news story is what it is. Very fake news on a global scale, from the leader in fake news coverage, MSNBC. A prestigious spot they wrested away from CNN, the former number one leader in fake news coverage. Unfortunately, CNN’s ratings are so low that they are no longer relevant.
Conservatives policies have led to this.
Aren’t the majority of those states ones that refused to implement Obamacare?
test test
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States can help increase access to healthcare sector markets.
What we should be fighting is population growth. Maybe Mother Nature is trying to tell us something.
Have you considered looking at what other more successful countries do with healthcare and education? If America continues to look inward in this more women and babies will die.