Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla., made her Senate bid official Wednesday, announcing that she plans to challenge GOP Sen. Marco Rubio for his seat next year.
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Rep. Val Demings announces challenge to Marco Rubio | MSNBC
Fantastic. She would do a great job. Rubio is a joke.
@Ace1King1 – excuse me as the ‘birthing’ person of five adults (4 sons, one daughter)who may or may not ultimately choose to parent, I repeat “Val Demmings is the WOMAN!”
She should challenge him to hand to hand combat. Sparring with ideas would only humiliate him!
@Brian Jones why is she going to lose badly?
Kinda angry.
@N 827 YE Sure!
Even my 18 month old grandson knows how to put on his trousers!
Trump is so dumb he can’t even change hi own Dirty Diapers!
@Reggie Wagstaff – she has a righteous anger.
She’s got my vote. I love what she’s been doing for us.. Rubio, ughhh
Why because she’s black
@Luis Enrique No because Rubio is nothing but a Trump following hack that has done NOTHING for Florida but cause hate.
Why – because she’s black
Not crazy enough, I’m afraid. Does she even believe in conspiracies?
That’s funny, she’s not running as a Trumplublician.
Way tot go Ms.Val.
She’s a mother of 4, an ex-chief of police, and she rides a Harley.

It’s time to diaper-up Rubio.
It is funny to me how your opinion would basically be reversed if “she” was a white male
Don’t worry though. You aren’t as evil as the people you claim to be fighting against! Since you are you….
Also. The big bad Orangeman is the worst thing to ever exist even though he was the only Democrat to kick out Epstein instead of taking his money to look the other way. I’m sure the Clinton family did the same…
2nd also: You’ll whine about the Trump family… AKA a dad who joked about grabbing a HYPOTHETICAL woman by her P, and a “main son” who had a drug problem… while propping up the Biden family… AKA a dad who ACTUALY GRABBED A NON CONSENTING WOMAN BY HER P, and a “main son” who has a lot more than a drug problem…
You think you’re a hero and scientist b/c the people on TV told you so…. that way you’d actually watch them…. but in reality you couldn’t even complete a titration experiment
She has done very little while she has been in Congress. Only one piece of legislation that she introduced was passed and that was to rename a post office. She has an empty suit.
Marco made ca ca in his diaper
¿Adonde Mommy? 
@T R- And Rubio has been a failure so what’s your point? At least she’s not a traitor to this country.
Let’s go! Come on Florida, I know you’re smart enough to elect her over spineless Rubio.
You are giving Florida too much credit. It is a state of fools.
Rubio is nothing but a Trump follower and is only there for the money he gets from the Russian NRA.
@Bazooka Joe and Florida loves him for that…also because he stands up to the imaginary communists who hide under their beds.
@skrapyard444 key word “imaginary.”
I’m all in, she’s tremendous! I thought she would be a part of the white house staff

Vote Val Demings for Senate. Help the American people get rid of 45s Corrupt Republican party.
@Bill Rodriguez OK.. lay your case out for me genius. I’ll wait.
@Mary Beth Hillary said the basic democrat voter is stupid
@Bill Rodriguez oh no!
Oh I am so upset.
And this is relevant how?
@Mary Beth democrats hate Hispanics
@Bill Rodriguez Really??
All of them?
Every single one?
Even J Lo?
You do know how ridiculous that reads.
Yassssss!!! Moooove over wee Marco. Val’s the gal.
She got my vote. You go girl! lets go out and vote those voter suppression laws into the ground.
You must be a SIMPLETON!
I wish her luck. I doubt she will win but I hope she does. If I lived in the state, she’d definitely get my vote.
Yeah She is the best! Wish I could vote for Val!!
Val Demings is stepping up! Love it!
Can we put someone up in Virginia to replace Manchin please!
Shahnul Islam – Manchin is from WEST VIRGINIA not Virginia.
@Linda Spach-Korepta Thank you
Her hands are bigger than Marco’s so he can’t use that against her like he did with Donald.
it’ll be a hard upward struggle in Florida, but I wish her all the best. She’s well qualified.
I wish I could vote for Miss Val!!! Even though I live in Tampa I can still volunteer with your campaign!
Thank you:)
Rubio will lose to Demmings for sure. He should get his resume into Burger King now.
She’s not a coward; Florida Republicans are, apparently, anti-spine.
We love her in Florida coming out blacks and Latinos to win Florida