Rep. Tim Ryan Torches GOP, Demands Help For Working Class | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Democrat Tim Ryan gave an fiery speech on the House floor Tuesday excoriating his Republican colleagues. Ryan accused the GOP of leaning into culture war politics and not cooperating with his party to help American workers. Aired on 03/10/2021.
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#TimRyan #GOP #MSNBC

Rep. Tim Ryan Torches GOP, Demands Help For Working Class | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. Can you guys share this video? Ohio has a bad rep with some OSU wrestlers, epstein and a different loud mouth from Ohio like Jim Jordan. Turn the tables and share

    2. I hope he runs again for president next time. Dems need to be the working mans party, this is a good start

    3. Heaven forbid. Then we’d truly be a fascist state. What we truly need is more people like Tim Scott and Ron DeSantis.

    1. Barbies been right all his career, the politicians refuse to listen. He did a Fox town Hall, and shredded them. The people heard him, the politicians don’t.

    2. Not only gets it, but yells and waves his arms about it. You’ve got to show some passion to get above the 24/7 news cycle blather.

  1. We ♡ Tim Ryan for speaking truth and common sense to the GOP ( *Grand Old Pointlessness* ) party.

    1. No need to chastize neaderthugs who has zero conscience.. Dems need to just do wtf the GOP did in 2016…BULLDOZE over these gop slags.. and crush EVERYTHING they try to do.. gloves must be OFF this time.. NO more niceties.. DESTROY them

    2. Can you guys share this video? Ohio has a bad rep with some OSU wrestlers, epstein and a different loud mouth from Ohio like Jim Jordan. Turn the tables and share

  2. FINALLY! give that man a standing ovation!! Someone needed to put reality into motion, no more Dr.Zeus nursery rhymes! It is time to do something for the tax payers of America! Thank you Sir!!!

    1. @pakalolo420 If I may ask: it is a political forum and if an American, who do you believe to be insulting/attacking in these threads?

    2. @pakalolo420 Yeah the USA locks like a laughingstock from the outside, but just bc of people like you. Trowing words/claims around like communist sympathizer, or this person i don´t know is “genitally mutilating ten year old”s. Objectivity or reasoning no where to be seen. Your claims come from a filter bubble and not a single one has any substance behind it. At your border for example, nothing changed till now numbers are the same than under Trump. u are a disgrace for the holy 420 my dude😌

  3. As an American from born and raised in Ohio Tim Ryan has my vote for the senate seat and my support.

    1. Can you guys share this video? Ohio has a bad rep with some OSU wrestlers, epstein and a different loud mouth from Ohio like Jim Jordan. Turn the tables and share

    2. He will get my vote too, most definitely. He’s awesome. My husband and son will be voting for him as well.

    1. Can you guys share this video? Ohio has a bad rep with some OSU wrestlers, epstein and a different loud mouth from Ohio like Jim Jordan. Turn the tables and share

    2. @The Blade Well it’s generally have to do with race abortion gun rights and immigrants. Not to mention they Use the McCarthy playbook of calling everything they hate Communist. These simple minded voters fall for it far too often

    3. I guess none of the Republican’s constituents need help . Time to think hard about who to vote for in your next election.

  4. That’s the best 34 seconds this year. Sure beats the 4 years the Orange Turd did. An American concerned about his fellow Americans; simply inspiring

    1. Can you guys share this video? Ohio has a bad rep with some OSU wrestlers, epstein and a different loud mouth from Ohio like Jim Jordan. Turn the tables and share

    1. It baffles me when people one paycheck away from poverty vote RED. As a middle class worker I have never met a Republican who truly cared for me. My vote yes but they workers who want a living wage as parasites.

    2. @The Blade i agree. To me, it like they are saying “I’m ok struggling, but I want the rich to get richer.”

    3. Ryan was Awesome 👏 GOP SUCKS Yeah so take from us hard working people and give it to the rich so they can sock it away in offshore bank accounts. Oh and by the way let’s make sure we create some tax cuts and loop holes..wouldn’t want them to pay any taxes. Also we shouldn’t pay them a living wage while cost of living has been going up for years..,FU GOP

  5. I wish they’d aired the full clip, which starts with him saying that CEOs used to get paid like 37 times what a worker makes, and now it’s up to 300-400 times. He sort of builds up a head of steam, and it’s glorious.

    1. Compare a performance like this one to the hissy fits thrown by Lindsey Graham, Gym Jordan, Matt Gaetz. This guy’s hitting the exact right spot between outrage and dignity.

  6. Please, let other members of the Democratic take a page from his book. Republicans have discarded the etiquette rules by which the US Congress maintained civil discourse. The white gloves need to come off and the peoples work needs to get done.

    1. The GOP wants a rich and poor society, it’s not about what color you are it’s about the almighty dollar.

    2. You’ve missed a lot to think Rep. Ryan’s is all alone in the Democratic fight! Congress members are fed up with the Repugnants that could care less about The People! It’s a true joy to see them at work! 😳

  7. As much as I truly HATE to say it, I didn’t know anything at all about Tim Ryan but my God I’m a supporter now!!

    1. He didn’t exhibit that kind of fire on the campaign trail when running for president in 2020. Glad he finally said, “Enough is enough” in no uncertain terms.

    2. He gave a similar speech about the Covid relief bill. He’ll be a formidable candidate in the future.

    3. I’ve watched him for a number of years. We need him to run for a Senate seat. When he’s FIRED UP like that no one says a word! 😳

    1. @andrew zgoda Walmart is strictly non union. Which is why they workers less. It’s also why Bloomberg wouldn’t allow Walmart in NYC. At least according to my intel.

    2. @andrew zgoda it wouldn’t make sense then why Bloomberg wouldn’t want Walmart in NYC then. also doesn’t make sense why non-union pays higher than union. it’s usually the other way.

    3. @Preds72 they don’t want it in new York City because it’s too efficient- it does too good of a job bargaining for manufacturers (take the classic rubbermaid story and what ran rubbermaid nearly out of business) so all the inefficient shops would be overtaken by the the products walmart produces. It’s a “job killer” for that reason. “The mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, said Thursday that Walmart stores are not welcome in New York City, Newsday reported. His attitude is much different from his predecessor, Michael Bloomberg.”

    4. @Preds72 if you offer a population a ton of products for cheap, they’re not going to go to “sally b’s corner shop”. So those businesses will go out of business but good news! Other businesses will move in that will deliver more relevant and competitive products. And since everyone will be paid higher they’ll be able to buy a lot more of those a lot cheaper products.

      Small business that isn’t innovative, isn’t competitive and can’t get funding will be demolished… Because consumers.

    1. Pretty difficult to have patience with an infatuation with Dr. Seuss when there are numerous five-alarm fires to put out.

    2. @John Molyneux So, may I assume you are part of the 48.6% of the country who voted for the current person of interest, 5 years ago.

    3. @John Molyneux I lost my patience for our government 24 years ago, and that’s only because I was too young to know any better before then. 9/11 opened my eyes to how useless and uncaring our politicians are.

  8. Wonder when somebody would say enough is enough. People dying and suffering and they want to talk about children books. Unreal

    1. I have said this for so many years. The GOP does NOT work for the American people. Republican politicians choose to aid the billionaires who refuse to pay their workers a living wage. No political party has the moral high ground, but the fact that republican politicians can’t work FOR Americans should tell you their true intentions!

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