Rep. Tim Ryan Makes His Presidential Endorsement | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former 2020 Democratic candidate, Rep. Tim Ryan, returns to Morning Joe to exclusively endorse former VP Joe Biden for president. Aired on 11/13/19.
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Rep. Tim Ryan Makes His Presidential Endorsement | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Rep. Tim Ryan Makes His Presidential Endorsement | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Besides Biden, Warren and Sanders none of the other bozos have any chance of getting the south and bible belt to vote for them; so what are they up to? Even Warren and Sanders are going to be attacked as Commies! Why should our government work for us; the poor 1% need more tax breaks. Still you don’t have worry, by this time next year your Idol god drumpf will have started the war, declared martial law and suspend elections! Then you will not have to worry about self-rule anymore. Your 1% owners controlled senate and installed corporate judges will back their puppet! So get your favorite Corporate Flags out, whatever flag you like, USA, The Patriots or The Yankees, it doesn’t matter. As long as you bow down to your 1% owners! Our Democracy is Dead, corporation are now “We The People” and money is “Free Speech.” The only question left now is, are you going to jump into your owner’s grinder; or walk away and let their Beast system die? You should watch it all, but at least @ 8:23, you’ll see the start of phase 2; this is where we are today.

  2. He is too old, his role should be that of advisor, not an executive of the largest administrative beast on the planet.

  3. It’s funny watching him pretend Biden has the best Union, wages and technology record. He doesnt. It’s hilarious that Tim Ryan thinks that Biden had his best online fundraising after he pulled all his online ads and when he performed millions of dollars below 3 other candidates.

  4. Biden is simply “more of the same”. Besides he’s so senile that he’s practically past  ready for the pickling barrel.

    1. @Mr G Nope. Y’all lost the popular vote when we started enforcing our border laws. Nobody is willingly living in liberal shitholes like San Francisco anymore.

  5. I don’t like Biden — Too many issues going in. What’s he going to do for my sick wife and unemployed nephews, all good citizens and hard workers. No, not Biden.

  6. Someone’s been promised a job. Advocating for the same old establishment dem control isn’t exactly an inspiring msg

  7. i don’t vote for Corporate personal greed improvement business
    Wisdom tell me it’s time for greedy people to share and don’t be so greedy!


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