Following yet another mass shooting, Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA) expresses urgency in passing gun legislation and explains why he is optimistic something will get done. Aired on 04/16/2021.
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#EricSwalwell #GunLegislation #MSNBC
Rep. Swalwell Says That On Gun Legislation ‘Senate Needs To Reflect Where The American People Are’
The Senate is not going to reflect where the American people are. The Republicans will oppose anything from the Dems just on ‘principle’.
Out of spite, is more like it.
GOP, party without principles, will oppose based on “principle”.
They don’t care, they just play to their brainwashed base.
Just like the DEMS did to Trump…
@Marilyn Emanuelson The Dems put forwartd over three hundred bills debated and passed in the Senate. McConnell held back every one of them. One was entitled Election Security.
Where the American people are? In big trouble, I would say.
Worth breaking the filibuster over indeed
Thoughts and prayers aren’t working. Something needs to be done. The Senate is likely to shoot down any gun restrictions. I haven’t seen anything from either side addressing the real issue, mental health. Ever seen a PSA from the NRA addressing mental health issues and giving these potential murderers any options to get help? Nope. See you tomorrow for more thoughts and prayers!
Most of the rest of civilised, developed countries don’t have their population running around with guns! Catch up!
And that why they aren’t the United States
@Joel Rivard thats why folks flee those shitholes and come here where they can shoot any oppressors
How are you gonna take them from everone? I hope YOU come for mine.
So why lie from Canada to Norway to Australia every country has guns and that’s not counting Syria or Mexico cartels or Somali so keep lying
The USA is pretty far gone at this point. There are more guns in our country than people. At this point, we’re shutting the barn door after the horse has escaped. But we MUST work to enforce sane gun regulation and comprehensive background checks to save our country.
Spoken like a true foreigner.
war is inevitable at this point
Absolutely. Sane gun regulations are necessary. Guns are in the wrong hands more and more.
In Australia, gun laws were changed drastically after a mass shooting. Australians wanted this and the government saw that.
In the US Americans want better gun control and politicians know it. The government won’t react to the will of the people.
America always end up doing the right thing after trying every other option first.
Which is what??
And the head of the NRA LaPierre? Hiding out on a yacht for protection. I guess he doesn’t believe that guns work either
I Veggie Boi Biden still hiding from Putin?
Right?! What a loser!

Hunter Biden lied on his background check!!!!!!! Like father like son.
@David Eby Did Rudy tell you this?
@David Eby Hunter Biden is NOT an elected official, go snort some more rails Davey.
@Scott Graham Yes,but if background checks don’t work one the Presidents son,how would they work on lesser ppl? Wait,He’s a Biden,there are no lesser ppl.
America is moving on, past the GOP, because they’re stuck in the 60’s and 70’s where that kind of thinking doesn’t work anymore. They’re going to destroy themselves. Let’s just wait and watch it happen. It should be entertaining.
Demonrats are destroying America one right at a time.
@David Eby oh yeah all “dems” stormed the capital?? NOT!! ORANGE-HEAD DID N HIS CROONIES ACQUITTED HIM, NEVER 4GET!! JS….AHOLE
Yeah, trying to get the GOP to ANYTHING is exactly like Talking to a BRICK WALL… No Action and NO Response…. They are USELESS…
They are absolutely spineless.
Call it a massacre, not a shooting.
As long as the cartoon villain Republicans are involved and the NRA raking in cash they will never want gun safety or laws.
Maybe a different approach because some people are going to oppose everything just to be contrary.
This country should have a national day of prayer. To date Washington DC has been in a stalemate with taking action but prayer can change things
@CShield your the only one that can answer your question
@CShield if you choose no God then you have no hope
@Jerry Walker That’s your opinion. We also have freedom from religion.
@CShield Glad to hear to that you recognize our freedom of religion and I would be unable to give anyone any opinion other than mine
@Jerry Walker Freedom from religion, sweetheart. Respect it.
147 mass shootings in this year…does anything thing more need be said …
Since when has the Senate EVER reflected “where the American people are..?”
Did anyone check out that map? Texas had a large number of mass shootings this year alone.
Nobody is interested in what a Pinko’s Swalwell and Fang-Fang want.