Ahead of lawmakers offering a sweeping police reform bill on Capitol Hill, Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell joins Stephanie Ruhle to discuss how he is seeking common ground to achieve reform. Aired on 06/10/2020.
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Rep. Swalwell: ‘Not Every Cop Is A Bad Cop’ But There Are Many Exceptions | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
Too many exceptions.
But, a closed system is the rule with few exceptions.
The State’s attorney or prosecutor need to charge the dirty cops.
We need the good cops to weed-out and identify the bad cops to protect and serve the public.
That good cops do not tend to weed-out and identify bad cops and thereby fail to protect and serve the public strongly suggests that there are no real good cops.
@zerooskul You believe it’s ok and or acceptable to be HOMOSEXUAL in 2020 correct?

Freedom & Liberty Bot

. Unfortunately no one wants to look in the mirror and admit they keep voting for the same people who keep them down.
@Freedom & Liberty Bot
The incarceration rates for African-American men and women fell during each year of the Obama Administration and are at their lowest points in over two decades.
The number of African American juveniles in secure detention has been reduced dramatically over the last decade.
President Obama launched the My Brother’s Keeper initiative on February 27, 2014 to address persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color and ensure that all young people can reach their full potential.
In May 2014, the MBK Task Force gave President Obama nearly 80 recommendations to address persistent opportunity gaps faced by young people, including boys and young men of color.
In 2014, the Council on Women and Girls (CWG) launched a specific work stream called “Advancing Equity for Women and Girls of Color”
There are 8 million minority-owned firms in the U.S.—a 38% increase since 2007.
n early 2015, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) launched the MBK Millennial Entrepreneurs Initiative, which seeks to address the challenges faced by underserved millennials, including boys and young men of color, through self-employment and entrepreneurship.
President Obama has made 62 lifetime appointments of African Americans to serve on the federal bench.
Under President Obama, over one million more black and Hispanic students enrolled in college.
Life expectancy at birth is the highest it’s ever been for African Americans.
Teen pregnancy among African-American women is at an historic low in 2016
@Freedom & Liberty Bot Hmm, just a little projection there. Hipocrasy at its finest.
As long as they can turn them off at will….we have no chance!!!
You just explained the entire black community…. 50 million people… That’s why police do it, fight fire with fire… you don’t bring a knife to a gun fight…… You DOMINATE the streets in any way necessary…. or you will lose every time.
A cop that doesn’t turn in a bad cop is also a bad cop. Hundreds and hundreds of videos where the alleged “good cops” are watching the bad cops plant evidence, make up charges, batter citizens and they say and remain the blue wall of silence.
@Freedom & Liberty Bot you would have been dead
@Freedom & Liberty Bot so the racist diatribe becomes murderous “if only” sick dude, sick
@Freedom & Liberty Bot “I’d be spraying bullets all over every day”… You’ve never been in a fight in your life. Go back to your video games, kid.
No not all cops are bad BUT the ones that are bad are really BAD!
Not every Senator is a bad Senator but Swalwell is a bad one!
@Paul He’s not a senator. If you don’t know that, you obviously don’t know anything about it.
@John McKenna he still sucks sorry representative big deal still a moron
@John McKenna is a representative from California land of the liberal conspiracy just can’t seem to be able to tell the truth
@Paul You just proved my point. Nobody who knows anything says “representative”. He’s a Congressman.
Cops: The Original Union Thugs.
You just explained the entire black community…. 50 million people… That’s why police do it, fight fire with fire… you don’t bring a knife to a gun fight…… You DOMINATE the streets in any way necessary…. or you will lose every time.
Richard K but the blacks that disproportionately murder each daily in the street are not thugs ?
In all Honesty even the good ones are bad because even if they know of bad behavior they won’t talk up won’t call out bad behavior mostly because of fear it’s a fraternity that’s why there unions , city managers the mayor and commissioner of police protect them and this is why
F.O.P fraternal order of police protects their bad behavior we are fighting a powerful enemy and it goes all the way to the governors , senators and those that run our municipalities so we have a long fight ahead of us
They made George Floyd, a 6 time Felon a martyr!!! These Democrats have spent DECADES purposefully doing NOTHING for black communities…them doing nothing wasn’t by accident.
Never Forget!!!!
Same goes for ALL democrats.
Freedom & Liberty Bot Yes never forge until now you just started speaking up your the good cop with the bad buddies I was referring too
Evil persists when good men stand by and do nothing!
@zerooskul Yes, I’m a Ukrainian-Russian American lovin bot

….. Where as you’re a Communist Chinese fake news brainwashed ignorant fool.
@Fred A With you ignorant morons, facts have no use…. Just liberal fantasy… and Minneapolis is what ya idiots end up with all over the Country. We know who the real racists are….. they’re democrats and they’re the lowest form of life.
@zerooskul Embrace your homosexuality, princess. You’ll be far less bitter.
@Freedom & Liberty Bot I boycott China.
You are a bot.
@Freedom & Liberty Bot Why not admit that kneeling on someone’s neck for five minutes after they have lost consciousness is murder?
Then I suggest that the good cops clean up their own. We’re tired of the bad ones period.
@Larry Garland no they don’t. They cover the bad ones up, they let them slide way to often. No cop would have multiple complaints against them if that were true.
@Larry Garland I’d side with that statement, if I had seen one of those cops say get off the man’s neck we have him subdued already, but I watched 3 of them allow it. I’m not saying all cops are bad at all, but the good ones need to run the bad ones out the moment they see any corrupt behavior. We all know that they don’t. I’m simply suggesting that they should probably start too more than they do already.
@I’m a Survivor Even worse is going on with school unions… They are the reason for what the cops are now dealing with.
@Rosalyn Jeffery Yes, I’m a Ukrainian-Russian American lovin bot

….. Where as you’re a Communist Chinese fake news brainwashed ignorant fool.
+@Freedom & Liberty Bot You mean LAPD pigs of 1991. You have to be kidding.
Too many exceptions if you ask people that were harassed, arrested, imprisoned, AND murdered unlawfully over the decades!
Glock Coley That’s a broad and dumb statement. When now it’s a GOP lead senate that’s is completely complicit and in collaboration with a racist White House & president the audacity of your statement is utter nonsense
Gambier Massive “if you don’t vote Democrat, you ain’t black.” – Joe Biden
Gambier Massive “Obama is a clean, articulate African-American.” – Joe Biden
Waitwhat Jones I don’t understand the correlation
But ok trump slave you can’t win come November you can act like trumps not his own worst enemy he failed the American people first during the pandemic now with the riots you can chat politics allies day my friend till the cows come home the harsh reality come November I think ole creepy joe is the next man up now I know you can’t deal with that . I think that’s why you keep coming at me with slow joe quotes but you better come to grips my gut but Good night Gatta work tomorrow ya kno
Glock Coley: Where are murders taking place?
If you will be killed by police whether you are a criminal or not, what does it matter if you commit a crime that does not deserve the death penalty?
Who exactly is this Democrat who started it?
What is the proof?
Stop behaving as a liar; reality matters.
Better screening could keep out those who could become bad cops.
Democrats and the media fully endorsed the riots and today say nothing about the hatred, violence or drugs going on in the black community….. These are the issues that need to be discussed, not bad cops, it’s the bad people and bad communities that caused these problems, cops are just reacting to it. They love division and hatred, without it, they could never win an election. This is the whole problem in a nutshell.
Yes let’s get miss cleo to do a psychological test on people before they become cops.
Freedom bot: Ok, Comrade. Thanks for the psa. Give my respects to the Kremlin. Here they are:

It takes up to two years of vetting to be an RCMP officer in Canada and still a few slip through, not many but a few.
Eradicate the corrupt police unions!!!
Good job cops! You need to DOMINATE the streets in any way necessary…. or you will be dominated by the thugs every time.
@Freedom & Liberty Bot a Russian bot. Makes me happy to see y’all out like this shows Biden got y’all running scared…
@Rosalyn Jeffery you’re a Chinease BOT sowing discord.
This year’s presidential election will decide if America will continue its downward path into a feudalistic kleptocracy or not.
4 more years of a reality TV carnival barker that hookwinked enough voters the first time around is something this nation literally cannot afford anymore.
Complacency is the biggest enemy around. Vote. And keep an eye on your voter status. That’s what the cons will attack soon enough when their balls are already getting close to the buzzsaw
@White Jesus You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Did you even read the Mueller report? I don’t know why I’m even talking to you as you are clearly a troll.
@Brady N Trump has a criminal genius mind. He always comes out on top. The day I see this career criminal in prison though, I’ll then retract my current opinion here. Sure, MCConnell and co. are running interference, but, still, Trump is there. AND, remember, just when you thought the GOP couldn’t lie, cheat, and steal any more, here comes rationalized martial law and no presidential election soon. Though, the General apologizing for supporting Trump’s church stunt the other day does give one some hope.
@Brady N Bunker Bonespurs down to 39% approval per usually favorable Rasmussen. Wonder what it will drop to after invading Seattle?
@Brady N Trump is weak, cowardly, and low IQ. He is literally too stupid to understand how cowardly and weak he looks when he impotently threatens people with criminal violence that he falsely believes he can command other people to commit. We have already established that the army is not going to start shooting American citizens, even if Trump orders them to. Once again, he looks like just what he is, a weakling and a loser.
@Brady N He makes things up instead of learning about them. This only leads to disaster, as the nation now is experiencing with respect to the corona virus. How long before a disaster caused by Trump knocks you over ? Close your eyes to Trump, and he will knock you over and pick your pocket on the way out. Good luck with him
“Some of those that work forces
“Are the same that burn crosses.
“Some of those that hold office
“Are the same that burn crosses.”
~Zach de la Rocha; Killing In The Name Of
The KKK endorsed TRUMP! Whatever the situation may have been in 1956, white racists do not vote liberal or democrat today; theyre GOP all the way baby!
“Maybe today will be constructive”
Me: probably not 
Democrats and the media fully endorsed the riots and today say nothing about the hatred, violence or drugs going on in the black community….. These are the issues that need to be discussed, not bad cops, it’s the bad people and bad communities that caused these problems, cops are just reacting to it. They love division and hatred, without it, they could never win an election. This is the whole problem in a nutshell.
“We just have to keep him (trump) irrelevant for now”….thanks Congressman Swalwell. Standing ovation.
@Larry Garland is projecting.
Obviously Larry has it hard for Eric.
Not every cop is a bad cop but they are COMPLICIT when they stand by and see corruption and criminal cop behavior and do nothing.These good cops say and do nothing when they witness and sign off on false reports. Quit with the “few bad apples” BS
The Chief of Police in Minnesota got it right! DEFUND AND DISMANTLE THE UNION, NOT THE POLICE DEPARTMENT!
Not all, but like doctor’s, cops usually grow cold, get a God complex. Many start out good, but get greedy then turn dirty
Not every cop is a bad cop, but every bad cop makes all cops look bad.