Twitter labeled a video promoted by House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) of a progressive activist interviewing Joe Biden about police funding "manipulated content." Scalise later deleted the tweet.
The video splices together footage from an interview between, Ady Barkan, who has ALS and speaks using a computerized artificial voice, and Biden.
#CNN #News
Rep. Scalise promoted doctored video of Joe Biden on Twitter

No need to doctor any Trumps videos. He looks like a fool without any editing.
@Thomas De Quincey that’s all you got? Lol it’s going to change back to Republican. Americans are sick of how the Dems went to far left. Lots have changed in 2 years. I live in Ohio and work in PA. I’ve seen 2 Biden signs in the past 4 weeks. Trump will win Ohio and PA and that will seal the deal. You can run your chops all you want but it falls on deaf ears. Trump 2020 then Pence for 8 then Trump’s sons after that.
Watch “Alveda King explains why she’s grateful Trump’s president ‘at this time’” on YouTube
@David J Amen! He’s got to go!
THAT’S what’s important, looks
@Michelle M Got to go kick the democrats out of our government and send em to jail. It’ll be hilarious when the corruption charges go to trial, they’re found guilty in a court of law and the socialist politicians, including black ones get marched off to prison in shackles.
It’s interesting that being shot and almost dying (which of course no-one deserves) didn’t make Scalise any more of an honest or decent human being. He’s still the same lying scumbag.

@Cookie Monster
@Cookie Monster Trump has put loyalists in the CDC and routed full info away from them. It’s hard to trust what they put out now. A much better indicator is the hospitals- they are filled with Covid sick and people are still dying from it in droves. I have diabetes 2 and I’m in great health with good control and a senior working out almost daily. But Covid will kill me. An article today talked about how children and young people are getting increasingly sick, hospitalised and dying from Covid and they are superspreadors for their families. I’ll try to find it and send it to you. You may just be a troll but I want other people in the feed to have access to this info which is more truthful.
You’re right. He didn’t deserve to almost-die.
@Cookie Monster Trump has put loyalist in the CDC and got rid of real specialists who speak the truth. However wthe report they put out is not what Trump says it was. He misinterpretated and twisted the meaning of the report. He said that it means only 6% of the 180k+ deaths were not due to Covid but to other underlying health conditions. This is the interpretation of a third grader. It does not mean that at all. It means simply people living healthy and happy lives died in greater numbers from Covid if they had some other health problem. That is not equivalent at all to saying they didn’t die of Covid they died of other problems. Not the same at all.
Its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
@Notched Bandit please stay stupid. It suits you. Clearly you haven’t spent 2 seconds looking into this.
@cjp Self reflection is funny.
@Notched Bandit you’re still lying. You didn’t look it up did you?
This is why you fake news losers know nothing. I never lie in here. Where is the fun in that?
I didn’t ask you, fool
Ron Kek I was looking trough my responses and i noticed i only get verbally attacked by people who views Cnn, they are really violent. What the he’ll why can’t you have open reasonable conversations?
They burning television stations in Iraq. Just saying

Jealous much?
@bisquitnspanky no. Just saying when the people start realizing what these media outlets are up to. CNN biggest hypocrite in news.
used to love them. Until i realized they played me during 9/11.
If republicanism is so great, why the need for lying, cheating and dirty tricks?
They don’t you live in a world of misinformation and unicorns.
“Poor kids are just as smart as white kids”
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black”
“Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.”
“Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things” -Joe Biden
Sherman Dudley cause these people are the scum of the earth. Just like the moron they worship.
Dave Schultz he did pass the crime bill that incriminated loads of colored young men.
If those quotes are so impactful, why are they resorting to making up lies and fakes?
@Dave Schultz He hasn’t been responsible for the deaths of more than 180,000 Americans…
@Sherman Dudley they are “doctored” only to shorten bidens long exaggerated answers to confuse his small minded base and think he’s saying something they would agree with only to say the opposite
do you actually LISTEN to things he says?
This is just downright pathetic. Trying to make that man look like something that he’s not. What can you expect from someone who stands side by side with Donald Trump.
He was not well shoot in 2016.
Watch “Alveda King explains why she’s grateful Trump’s president ‘at this time’” on YouTube

Mr Popeye what cities have we burn down? And when you won’t stop letting your citizens die this is what you get. People over property.
So pathetic!
@Truthsayer Suz Lmao! You Trump trolls are as ignorant as him!
@Michelle M
They don’t need to make “ joke” videos they are a joke.
The Joke is Don Lemon telling America about the importance of Context.
Wayne Trinier the only joke I see here is your face
@TheBase1aransas okay Racist.
@Mick E Black people aren’t stupid. You are insulting and so is Don Lemon.
When you know you’re losing, this is the stuff you resort to.
@MatterIsNotSolid. Where are the lies, Zombie???
@C Note This thread is long I have no idea what post of mine you are responding to. In general though all the lies are coming from the left. Hope that answers your question ghoul.
@MatterIsNotSolid. The Orange Jim Jones lies CONSTANTLY. How do you NOT know this??? You brainwashed, cult-like zombies are PHENOMENALLY STUPID

@C Note Poor lil snowflake, get help for your TDS.

@Abe Sky Touchy Joe hasn’t done anything in his career except hurt black community’s
Abe Skywalker we want to see Trump ride a bike.
@Movies Movies He is such a gentleman. He is definitely “in touch” with his voters. Specially with their small kids and teen girls.
@Abe Sky

You can tell he’s a trumpist simply by looking at his forehead.
Yes!!! He is!!!
That is all trump and his minions have, lies and projection.
Yo , why Biden keep sayin racist stuff and getting a pass ?
I seen it FIVE times !
I ain’t seen trump say nothin !!
So true!
An America led by lying “leaders” take away their salaries…
Arrest them
When this trumptard ‘s all Lying the call politics ,and they are promoted
.If any citizen do it it’s calling fraud and get charge in prison. This is bone spurs ERA. VOTE OUT ALL CRIMINALS!!!!!JOE B.& HARIS K. 2020!!!!!

Only the honest ones need their salary.
“We can preserve the dream of America…We need all our people, men and women, young and old, individuals of every race, to be happy, healthy, and whole , And that’s what our mission is really all about.”….Full Stop
I’m ridin with Biden “2020”
Empowerthevote !
F–k that
I am for Trump 2020

@Betty Blackburn Trump 2020 make the Bitc-es cry again
Mind Begs the Question:
Hitler = Govts can be Sinister & Evil
Did I just watched a liar tell another liar to stop lying!?
No need to edit the last trump/ingraham interview…the guy has lost his marbles, for good.
Yeah, that was a pretty bad mess wasn’t it ? I mean, if there was any doubt…..
Trump’s the worst!
Is it true?
CNN is changing its name to : “Coronavirus News Network“.
Can anyone confirm that CNN is making this name change?
How about you little fat Jeff Zucker is it true? CNN changing its name to coronavirus news network?
No matter what they do, they will always be the Fable News Network to me!!
RNC: Who needs Russia we can troll farm a misinformation campaign ourselves!
They have learned well from their Putinist Siloviki masters.