Republican Congressman Tom Reed defends President Trump's call with Ukrainian President despite incriminating testimony. Aired on 11/14/19.
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Rep. Reed: Trump's Actions Don't Rise To Level Of Impeachment | All In | MSNBC
LIAR and TOADY. Shame on him.
“The american people aren’t stupid”, yeah we aren’t, this is a painfully obvious bribe. Republicans are so snobby and stupid at the same time. What a joke.
@james mack Give me a break. The amount of times that CNN has been called out for fake stories or had to retract stories is overwhelming. To call them or MSNPC real news is ludacrious. Your proble is that you are suffering from TDS.
@Mark Shumate It was Nancy Pelosi that called it a bribe first not the media
@T Boned You must get your news from Fox. You can change your name from T bone to Bone head
@Frederick Nialetz You presume to assume. You can change your name from dummy to moron.
@Frederick Nialetz Not a lot of difference there. Both are the arms of the Democratic party.
If this was a dem president. It wouldn’t call for impeachment either. It would call for public execution by firing squad.
@Jay Andrew That is the reason you go to more than one source for your information. As far as protecting the Biden’s, Obama’s or the Clinton’s – I personally don’t remember them making as many dangerous mistakes as Trump has. Every Presidency has mistakes – the Trump one has gone way over the line with what he has done in my opinion.
@Jay Andrew what a load of crap. quit watching fox
hilarious, obama and biden will be charged with treason anyways, enjoy the show
So now its clear that Tommy boy is smoking crack!
Tom Reed blinks constantly which is indicative of constant lying.
Kate White There’s a gun to his head. He is trying to tell us something.
@Sammy Bolo why are you here then? dont you have an immigrant to assault? or a wall to build? or a redhat party somewhere
The Tarot cards say otherwise though
We heard evidence to substantiate at least three articles of impeachment: There was indeed bribery, which is specifically cited in the Constitution as grounds for impeachment. The federal bribery statute does not require the corrupt exchange to be consummated. For a federal official to seek such a favor, in exchange for an official act, is a crime. The second impeachable act we heard of at Wednesday’s hearing was abuse of power. To put our security at risk — by withholding the military aid — for personal political gain is a gross abuse of power and clear grounds for impeachment.The third impeachable act Trump has committed, and continues to commit, is obstruction of Congress.The House would love to have acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and others close to the president take a turn in the witness chair to give firsthand accounts of Trump’s actions. For some reason, Trump won’t let them. History is in motion. Tweets and tantrums cannot stop it.
@Sammy Bolo You spelled “correct” incorrectly.
@Sammy Bolo I need to do me a favour though.
Asking for benefit in exchange for government money.
a Campaign seeking aid from a foreign power.
@Sammy Bolo _”You’re delusional.”_
And you’re exactly 180 degrees away from reality. JAY JAY stated the matter very clearly and concisely, and it is you who are delusional. Even you know that, deep down. Now, you might not like the situation, but it doesn’t stop the situation being real.
Like that time you caught your mom sucking off the dog, not nice, but undeniable.
Reed translation:
I’m OK with future presidents using the power of the office for personal gain that may also compromise our nations security, as long as they are a Republican.
republicans never care about anything but more power and money
@Tessmage Tessera unfortunate the red states still have power and little brains
@Rene Chavez The blue states have more power and more brains.
3LD not an American but listening to this person it’s disgusting! He wouldn’t have a job in Australia! Totally disgusting
You forgot to add “being corrupt and no one should go against Trump is the New Normal”
Just wondering how many times Tom Reed was on his knees when Trump was standing close to his face?
M H : Trump Tramps HATE the Dems SO MUCH that they actually WANT the END of our Republic. They, “think,” a Putin Style, Single Party State, would be a GOOD THING! They’re BURNING the Constitution! Trump SO HAS TO GO!
@Ash Roskell what?? Burn the Constitution?! Do you even know what the Constitution is. Get outta here.
@Dearly Diane I would ask, but you don’t seem to know anything
What do you mean
Rep. Tom Reed says impeachment-worthy acts are only “crimes that are subject to the penalty of death.” He must think no one remembers when his party impeached Clinton over a sexual relationship in his personal life. Or the Nixon or Andrew Johnson cases. None were ever in jeopardy of the death penalty. The Republicans really are grasping at straws. They sound like fools. A high school graduate (who paid attention in Social Studies class) has the Constitutional knowledge to see the GOP arguments are a joke. They’d better serve Trump by staying quiet and hoping for the best.
A side note about Clinton: he didn’t seduce Monica Lewinsky… it was the other way around. She wrote about it in her book. I’m mentioning this because there were people at the time who complained that Clinton took advantage of his power and prestige, to coerce Lewinsky into that relationship. Turns out it was totally different — she wanted to make a name for herself, and she figured blowing the president would be a great way to make her mark in the world.
How to tell when a GOP knows he’s cornered, and caught in a lie? He tries to shout down the interviewer. America sees right through the GOP. While they accuse decent people of, “tearing apart the Republic,” they’re busy tearing apart the Republic. They HATE America
Is Ivanka and Kushner qualified to be adviser to the president of US?
No, not in my opinion. I’m looking forward to the whole crew getting out of the white house.
Nope Not buy a long shot
Even if they were qualified, the disgustingly obvious nepotism involved here would shame a banana republic.
Stop putting all these tools on air. Just giving these S O B air time to pass their lies and Russian propaganda!
2 thousand thumbs up!
My name is Ivan. And yours?
I agree with you from the standpoint of emotional sentiments. But we need to hear the corruption & hypocrisy coming from these guys, to make sure we as Americans stay intellectually vigilant/sharp.
As they attempt to insult our intelligence (esp. #45 himself) we have to challenge our intelligence as well as our patriotism/activism (regardless if its Republican or Democrat) so that we can push back.
But we need to be cognizant that there are either ignorant or charlatan public servants (like he & other Lindsey Graham types) who believe that if a guy like Donald Trump was elected to be President of The United States, we must all be a flock of ignorant sheep.
So the likes of him are encouraged to say anything on national television.
When we push back, it makes these “tools” know we are watching listening, guys like this will go away & it’ll create drivers/pressures (a culture) to get better representatives for us, The American People.
They represent us, not the other way around.
Tom Reed & most of the GOP comes across as smug, arrogant & ignorant or else he’s totally corrupt & shameless.
Your dog comes across as unhappy.
Hey Tom Reed we’ve never had a complete criminal as a president before either impeach the motherfuker already
Calm down, Vernon
@Dearly Diane it’s time to get excited not Calm down
This guy omg how lame are these guys I’m sick of the party
Carlos, show us your biceps!
Tom Reed talks to us as he would to one of his hill Billy followers, go back to Fox news your not fooling anyone here.
We need to get all these traitors out of office
He blinis his eyes an awful lot. Tells me he’s lieing as he speaks.
In poker, that would be a tell.
My psychic says he is telling the truth though.
@Dearly Diane Your psychic, like all psychics, is both wrong and a fraud.
Get your money back.
Chris to himself: “Oh, so he’s one of ‘those’. “