Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., finds the allegations against Postmaster General Louis DeJoy for reimbursing workers for political contributions they made "deeply concerning" and calls for him to resign. Aired on 09/07/2020.
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Rep. Raja: DeJoy Reimbursing Workers For Political Contributions Is 'Deeply Concerning' | MSNBC
Most corrupt administration of our lifetime
@Lars Jones it does seem forever and dark with absolutely no hope in sight. What worries me is even though there are a lot more people voting against Trump the electro college vote states haven’t changed and it was the electro college vote that got him elected in the first place. What is beyond strange is even after the abomination he said about fallen American soldiers his poll numbers haven’t dropped.
@David Brown The fact his base is solid is evidence it is a cult of personality. The RNC has no platform for the first time in history – that platform is whatever dear leader says.
The electoral college map is not as dark as you might think
go to and see where it is today, then you can play with the map too lol
senate is tied with 6 in toss up
The house takes a lot of work to decypher because we need to actually control 26 states, not just have a majority in the House. If we control the house and senate, it won’t matter if he delays the vote certification, dems would select the president
@Lars Jones you are absolutely right with the senate and the house we can stop them from destroying lives. I would be happy beyond words to see Moscow Mitch go.
Come on man Joe for 2020
You really want to vote for this
Dan Dan AND yet another NEGATIVE story on another Conservative, running WITHOUT EVIDENCE!!! AND they will repeat and repeat and repeat in yet another attempt to brainwash! You would think people would get tired of MSNBC believing them fools? Interesting they NEVER NEVER NEVER run a Negative story on ANY Democrat? Oh yeah, that’s right, ONLY Republicans do bad things!! If you believe that, their brainwashing is complete!!!!!!
Support the troops back to more war maybe. No thanks. You really sick enough to vote for this
R Thomas AND yet another NEGATIVE story on another Conservative, running WITHOUT EVIDENCE!!! AND they will repeat and repeat and repeat in yet another attempt to brainwash! You would think people would get tired of MSNBC believing them fools? Interesting they NEVER NEVER NEVER run a Negative story on ANY Democrat? Oh yeah, that’s right, ONLY Republicans do bad things!! If you believe that, their brainwashing is complete!!!!!!
Trailin’ Annie what more evidence do you need? Trump is the most divisive, racist, immoral pos to ever occupy the people’s house… take off your Trump blinders and see him for what he is!
Gabe Dudley fake news
Trailin’ Annie
i’m pretty sure it’s a violation of campaign finance laws.
But he hired a lawyer just to tell him how close he could come to breaking the law without actually doing it
Then Trump will do it for sure!
Emsley Wyatt Then he hired a stupid lawyer… because it is absolutely a violation of federal campaign finance laws. DeJoy will be serving a prison sentence by early summer 2021.
James Oxford AND yet another NEGATIVE story on another Conservative, running WITHOUT EVIDENCE!!! AND they will repeat and repeat and repeat in yet another attempt to brainwash! You would think people would get tired of MSNBC believing them fools? Interesting they NEVER NEVER NEVER run a Negative story on ANY Democrat? Oh yeah, that’s right, ONLY Republicans do bad things!! If you believe that, their brainwashing is complete!!!!!!
@Trailin’ Annie Annie, I hope you get some help soon my dear
Sir what are your qualifications? Well I’m a top donor.
Oh and a mafia thug too!
and being a conman is highly regarded by trumpet
And I got my employees to give money to the GOP, refunding it to them with bonuses to get round campaign finance laws.
This is your postmaster-general … in any half-sane country he would be spending his life in prison.
El Loco
yes , and in the insane ones you would
In that “half sane country”, half the congressional Democrats would be his cellmates.
@Trailin’ Annie evidence evidence evidence
You’ll see plenty of it once Barr and McConnell are moved out of the way.
Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations
Remember the donald is STILL Individual 1; nothing has changed that evidence. Barr stepped in and committed obstruction of justice to try and block evidence; totally breaking his oath to the Constitution and breaking the law.
Democracy sometimes feels slow in righting wrongs….
But never fear, it’s coming ….RICO!
@Whicker Boy if the donald is reelected, you’re going to wish you had Cuba’s health care. It is by far not the best; positive is health care is considered a right; it’s community based; The UK has sent doctors and other medical professionals their and they voiced their compliments to Cuba’s commitment to medical care.
Downers are economic disasters; poor provisions of medicine and medical equipment
…… kinda sounds like the US right now with covid19.
If you, or a loved one, has Social Security and Medicare now, it will be gone and the funding for it will head straight to the donald…. to his wall, to his hotels, to his family’s pockets.
This payroll deduction thing the donald has going….. stopping that, stops the funding. Bye bye any health care with donnie….only for the filthy rich, or for the his fan club he’s installed in our government.
Your neighborhood postman is eminently more qualified to be Postmaster General than this DeJoke guy.
Any post person is better qualified to be president of america! Than Trumpski!
241 indictments so far and counting 9 “best people” in jail already and more charges on the way
the trump administration turned the Whitehouse into a halfway home for criminals
Love your comments.
@FWSC female white senior citizen thank you I will be here until Nov 3rd then hopefully we can all get some of our normal life back and not have to worry about the insane baby in the Whitehouse 24/7 it’s been exhausting

jason rodgers AND yet another NEGATIVE story on another Conservative, running WITHOUT EVIDENCE!!! AND they will repeat and repeat and repeat in yet another attempt to brainwash! You would think people would get tired of MSNBC believing them fools? Interesting they NEVER NEVER NEVER run a Negative story on ANY Democrat? Oh yeah, that’s right, ONLY Republicans do bad things!! If you believe that, their brainwashing is complete!!!!!!
@H.M. Murdock Oh look, a second grader made his way into the comments section. Go play with your toys, little boy.
_ sillyEyes _ AND yet another NEGATIVE story on another Conservative, running WITHOUT EVIDENCE!!! AND they will repeat and repeat and repeat in yet another attempt to brainwash! You would think people would get tired of MSNBC believing them fools? Interesting they NEVER NEVER NEVER run a Negative story on ANY Democrat? Oh yeah, that’s right, ONLY Republicans do bad things!! If you believe that, their brainwashing is complete!!!!!!
Add him to the pile of Trump felons.
Electing Beijing Biden/Hateful Harris wil b nearly like electing Fidel & Raul Castro!!!!!
@Whicker Boy mean re-electing putins puppet..the one ACTIVELY destroying america..the one who turned america into a 3rd world dictatorship. The TRAITOR IN THE WHITEHOUSE! Guess that makes you a TRAITOR TO AMERICA also. SMH..americans a f’d. Thier country and democracy is destroyed and still they prefer the hate and division and destruction as opposed to unity and grasping the final thread of democracy. You, and ppl like you ARE traitors to america.
@Whicker Boy Kewl. They’ve got some _excellent_ healthcare going on there. Have you seen that Elian Gonzales lately? What a fine, healthy young man he is!
glad russian troll
@halalslagt en dansk panser og gør Allah glad can you site a single time so called president trump has displayed valor, honesty, integrity? Tre45on.
When I first heard this story I thought “Why would anyone bother? It can’t be worth the odd $10 to $100 donations employees make”. Then I found out that one employee claims to have made (and been reimbursed for) donations totaling $19,000! DeJoy belongs in jail for this!
I forget what the term was but this is essentially dirty money ( mob payoff to break the law or look the other way) being called donations. and no it is not legal for him to accept that money for personal use if its called “donations”.
K Tell AND yet another NEGATIVE story on another Conservative, running WITHOUT EVIDENCE!!! AND they will repeat and repeat and repeat in yet another attempt to brainwash! You would think people would get tired of MSNBC believing them fools? Interesting they NEVER NEVER NEVER run a Negative story on ANY Democrat? Oh yeah, that’s right, ONLY Republicans do bad things!! If you believe that, their brainwashing is complete!!!!!!
@Joseph Meholick dejoy was not elected and there was no election for his job
And there’s the same comment from trolling annie that she pastes as often as she can.
@Trailin’ Annie It’s funny how many of these stories “WITHOUT EVIDENCE!!!” end up with the “Conservatives” being convicted in a court of law!
van der Zwaan
About 30 others charged or indited, and that’s just from the Muller investigation.
Maybe you think Bannon is innocent too?
And you think *I am the one who is brainwashed* !!!
Are we really surprised that there’s another crook in This administration
@Whicker Boy Not really. I don’t think every Trump supporter is as dumb as the president. Hopefully you don’t hide your grades like you know who:) I’m not going to trade credential but I’m well educated as well so all good.
@Investigative Audit good read, have you continued?
Whicker boy<<<
@Sky Captain real conservatives are fiscally responsible and detest chaos. How can someone who refuses to plan and revel in chaos be a conservative. Active duty and military veterans take pride in their service. They do not serve for monetary gain. Trump has just called the military personnel stupid, suckers, and losers. I hapoen to believe all those adjectives describe Trump, but not the military. Trump has treated John McCain disrespectfully. He has shown nothing but contempt for McCain and his service. Trump is all about Trump. As a conservative, would you have thought it appropriate to “nuke” a hurricane? Or waternomb the ancient Cathedral of Notre Dame during a damaging fire (the French were afraid it would destroy the structure further)
There is more. Listen to Steve Schmidt. Really absorb the ads the Lincoln Project are producing. They are conservative Republicans. Would you welcome advice from Vladimir Putin? Would you take an avowed enemy’s word over your own intelligence agencies? Would you chum up to Putin, fall in love with Kim, obey Erdogan’s desire to remove troops and causing a massacre of our allies, the Kurds? Would you ask who was on whose side in WWI, and why? Would you put off paying respects to fallen veterans from WWI because it might mess up your hair and you don’t want to be there are in a bad mood and refuse to TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF A LEADER AND SHOW UP? Conservatives have principles. Trump doesn’t know what they are. Conservatives would never lie so much and so pathologically so as to draw attention to oneself because your life revolves around yourself. Trump is anathema to anyone with principles, who uses his brain to plan instead of bleating out whatever he feels like whether appropriate or embarrassing. There is nothing about Trump that is conservative, not his policies, style, or manner. He has turned the Republican party into the party of Trump. I will be surprised if you get it back.
Yes, DeJoy should go…right into prison.
A Centaur AND yet another NEGATIVE story on another Conservative, running WITHOUT EVIDENCE!!! AND they will repeat and repeat and repeat in yet another attempt to brainwash! You would think people would get tired of MSNBC believing them fools? Interesting they NEVER NEVER NEVER run a Negative story on ANY Democrat? Oh yeah, that’s right, ONLY Republicans do bad things!! If you believe that, their brainwashing is complete!!!!!!
I’ve never understood how he obtained that position witout any direct experience. Only to get in and immediately begin dismantling it.
@Silly Milkmaid I operated one of those mail sorting machines, you willfully ignorant MAGAt.. OUR UNITED States Postal SERVICE is NOT up for sale, and we will NOT tolerate the “disruptive” innovation of that filthy dollar chasing RNC operative DeJoy. Gitmo should be FILLED UP before the end of BIDEN’s first term with all these mendacious traitors. Starting first with Billy Barr, DeJoy, and TRUMP.
@Meg Yeah, I could tell. Postal.
@Whicker Boy Fidel and Raul were supported by the USSR dummy. You cult types are dumb AF.
@Silly Milkmaid is that the best you got, MAGAt traitor?
@Meg For the likes of you, yeah. You aren’t even worth this sentence.
DeJoy needs to held responsible for the dumped bags of mail in Glendale, too!
@Kaye Zbiciak whether it’s to do away with the USPS or affect the election or both, it’s a Federal Crime.
For a little while I sold things on eBay. The first week I made 13 sales. I insured them with USPS because they were my first sales. Luckily. Within a few days I had SEVEN people contact me and claim they hadn’t received anything and wanting their money back. I let them know the packages were insured and to let the post office know any details because it would be a Federal Crime to steal those packages. All seven people mysteriously received those packages within a day.
Lmao so you think usps uses budget trucks
@thenspeakonit if I was going to commit a Federal offence I wouldn’t use a USPS truck.
@Laura Lafauve even if.. although very unlikely.. it was USPS.. there is 0% chance DeJoy personally ordered that.. so what’s the story here?
Get rid of DeJoy now!!!!!
IKR? They need to quit talkin crap and make a move!!! Quit bein soft!!!
Dejoy should be spending his retirement in prison
Electing Beijing Biden/Hateful Harris wil b nearly like electing Fidel & Raul Castro!!!!!
thank you-keep posting
Yes what a corruption under this trump hand picked joy
Every Democrat that I know is voting for Trump. It is over. 2016 repeat. This President saved our economy, and rebuilt our military, built a good part of the wall. Saved us from Covid-19. Trump 2020 all day.
@America First Stop Lying. Another Hand caught in the Cookie Jar.
It’s time to consider jail terms for the President and His Co-conspirators , Minions.
@Little Rabbit You sure that wasn’t Nunes’ cow?
larrysigourney Trump learned from the best the Democrats
Yet another “Trump pick” who’s a professional criminal.
Kat C
I nominated you for the position. They just laugh hysterically.
@teek75ifty also Republicans one of which is in charge of Mitch Mcconnell super pac
@Raging Monk I don’t care what quote you posted. It doesn’t serve as proof that what I said is wrong. As a former PO employee, I have intimate knowledge about how it works. People can easily find the laws governing the PO and the mandates of the Board— of which I explained. It is law that there be 5-4 split of Democrat and Republican, or vise versa, on the PO Board of Governors. It doesn’t matter who appoints them, or confirmed them, because that ratio still has to exist.
@Jason m so?
You’re drawing a line of correlation that isn’t relevant.
Dang it, DeJoy.
The one and only rule was: don’t get caught.
Yeah, He’s a loser and a sucker!
Trump’s already throwing DeJoy under the USPS bus.