Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA), who is the only member of Congress who is a single mother of young children, talks to Lawrence O’Donnell about why female workers and single mothers are being hit especially hard by the current economic crisis. Aired on 5/27/2020.
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Rep. Porter On Why Unemployment Is Disproportionally Hitting Single Mothers | The Last Word | MSNBC
Because they are watching the children
Google Guide These bums are watching TV and breeding fatherless children so they can get more tattoos and piercings and food stamps to feed the studs school for babysitting and breakfast and lunch
@Carlos Stranger and all this is based on child support money which they get from men. Lol I don’t know the govt wants to feed these landwhales
I must’ve jumped into a different conversation. I’m writing about the video I’m watching. #illwait
She is a great rep. She calls it out all the time. And is beautiful as a woman just saying!
Katie Porter is brilliant and she is doing more for you then any rep in any state. She is what your worst enemy fears on capital hill.
@ted kaczynski i am not a tween, she is boring….
@ted kaczynski smoking a big blunt thinking we could be friends….now if everyone sparked up do you think all of us could get along? Find common ground….

@ted kaczynski how come Taylor is the only thing in your content? I am much older than her, you still want to be friends?
@Kathy Weis age means nothing to me. sure.
@ted kaczynski ya know, ted was really good looking before his mug shot…
There are 197 republicans in the House.

13 of them are women. That’s 7%
In America, 51% of people are women.
Way to represent, republicMANS!
Ro G #Vote Joe The great White father
I love this woman. She needs to be on Biden’s cabinet
While I respect the first amendment- there is absolutely NO reason to call someone a moron.
@Maggie Hogland – ok. Shallow thinker is probably more accurate. Has the intelligence but didn’t use it
@Eddy Hanson a real moronic statement from a brainwashed fool who knows nothing. Go back to the right-wing delusional channels.
You’re very dull
@Eddy Hanson “I didn’t let her!”? How do you keep her leg irons from chaffing? It’s nice to know she’s staying “voluntarily”.
I would love to see Katie Porter go up against #MoscowMitch. She’d tear him to pieces.
She tears everyone who dare to face her. No one knows its matters more than here.
After 35 years, Kentuckians are still waiting for the kinds of opportunities #RichMitch has worked so hard to give himself. The Lincoln Project New Ad
Katy Porter is extremely talented person.
Auckland. NZ
John Lightfoot A true imbecile with female parts Maybe?
Carlos Stranger
This NEEDS to be looked at! We are struggling and terrified during these uncertain times!!
Teva Lee : Please forgive my Copy&Pasting my comment, just once, from above? But I think it pertains?
A science-based approach would save more lives, more jobs and more MONEY, America. Sadly, Donny has to get his Lobbyists PAID. And paid BEFORE the elections. So, his Herd of Sheeple are going for Herd Immunity, and we won’t have any choice in the long run. Even though this is how most sci fi apocalypse movies and video games start, should we be worried? I think so
Smartest woman in government that actually CARES about people.
Así mismo


Rep.. Porter looks out for the people and doesn’t stand for BS
We must get rid of Moscow Mitch and all of the Republican Senators that he insists on ruling like a King. The American people absolutely can not get any legislation passed unless it financially benefits Mitch McConnell.
Rigor mortise to the tortoise. Put Moscow Mitch in a 6ft ditch
Absolutely. We the people did not give Mitch McConnell the power to determine which bills may be voted upon, he gave himself that dictatorial power. He must be removed from the Senate.
After 35 years, Kentuckians are still waiting for the kinds of opportunities #RichMitch has worked so hard to give himself. The Lincoln Project New Ad
Pls, don’t overlook: there are lots of single dads too : full custody, full responsibility, one income, employers expect magic that you can provide childcare & be at work. . Pls be inclusive. &Yes, Senators are ignoring needs of
main street citizens. Republicans are a virus.
Yes but generally women still do more house work, child care etc. even in a two parent household. The women’s work whether as a Doctor, Lawyer or shop clerk is seen as being less important than the man’s whether Doctor Lawyer or shop clerk. This has been well researched and documented. So generally their work includes the work of running a house hold.
s whaht so did u lose ur job?
They do nothing, they dont get paid.
Yes! They get the best healthcare in the country! Take it all away!
Its a result of Republicans bailing out billionaire donors only.
No it’s a result of the whole world shutting down.
It gets worse and worse for women with this administration. Yet, how do they plan on voting in November?
Now THIS is great presidential material.
Single dads too. It ain’t just single women out there
Just compare Katie Porter and Moscow Mitch. He works exclusively for his donors while Katie works for the American people. Still, the Electorate College will continue to bring parasites like McConnell into government.
After 35 years, Kentuckians are still waiting for the kinds of opportunities #RichMitch has worked so hard to give himself. The Lincoln Project New Ad
Get them Katie Porter. I love the way you speak up for justice.