House to vote on George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020.
RELATED: Protestors attempt to take down Andrew Jackson statue
The House of Representatives is preparing to move forward with its police reform bill Thursday, a day after Senate Democrats blocked a package proposed by Senate Republicans because they argued that it wasn't enough to bring change needed in the aftermath of George Floyd's death.
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Are these really leaders?
@Think Box yes but we have too many evil ones running interference and causing chaos .same thing all the theives would do when i worked in retail.distract, divide ,and conquer
@M M true and most of the benefit recipients were not even citizens
@M M best comment yet
@J. J. hahahahahahah you are dilusional
@M M well i wish all the liberals would move to one side and make 2 seperate countries with closed borders
Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Biden have been in office over 30 yrs each and nothing has changed, except their families have become very wealthy while in office.
@Larry Dakin By the way, it not about what anyone can do for us. It’s about what we can, and will do for ourselves, as Black people. Once we all get a grip on how, and where our Dollars are spent, we will definitely help ourselves tremendously. As a matter of fact, to the point of being very competitive in all markets. I ask you the question about black spending power in America, alone. I’ll tell you, it’s 1.2 Trillion dollars annually. This doesn’t include wealthy blacks. I’ll let you figure it out from there whether or not anyone needs to give us anything. Especially if we channel our spending power down the correct avenue’s.
@Leroy Thomas your last comment about doing for yourself is the one I am responding too I have my opinions you have yours for me biden is a pandering puppet of the democrat party Trump is nobodies puppet he is crass and unfiltered but he stands his ground and is not politicly correct now you go find your own reasons to vote for whom ever you want that is the only freedom in this mess we have
@W B amen
@Leroy Thomas you are right no one should get special privileges because of color of skin rather its white ,black , purple ,pink , or polka dot .get it ?
You really have to tie a career felon’s name to your legislation?
@JC X By “trumpers” you mean anyone that is not a leftist fucktard.
@Bill Randleman Whatever, trumper.
Bill Randleman Way to dodge my questions, demonstrating mine.
I suggest you go watch the docu 13th. It’s available free on this platform so you have no excuse not to do it.
Zissou Moonshot I haven’t even seen it myself, so I doubt Bill will sit down, watch and actually appreciate it.
That’s actually what I’ll do… It’s our family movie night, but I want to watch that instead of a cartoon. It’s not graphic is it? My husband and I have 2 four year olds that will likely be in the room… not that they would remember anything about it. I just would rather put them to sleep first before watching if it gets too dark.
She don’t care about floyed at all! She’s using this for a new agenda wake up
She’s racist
And whats that?You guys jeep saying LIBERALS are going to take control of the world. You guys called OBAMA the antichrist and still nothing happen.Stop the conspiracy theories and wake up!!
@rose bud Create chaos, then take total control.
@M M thanks for your comment, COMRADE.
She can’t do both at the same time? Care about “floyed” and also use it as a platform to forward an agenda?
Gawd, these people are frauds.
The art of talking without talking
I thought it was just me! Why do politicians do that???
Nicole Cordova probably because they are taught Circumlocution or Persilfage to keep people vague on what they actually stand for or their ulterior motives. Easy way to confuse someone if you talk a lot but don’t actually make any sense …
It’s interesting that more white people are killed by police than black people are.
@Nicole Cordova so true
@King Groover bullshit
@Voodoo Child so true i am so glad a lot of people are realizing it and it is getting real old.i am sick of being called a racist for no reason
@Bill Randleman hahahahahah true
@Roland Felix Thank you!
Nancy needs a brain transplant !
Willaev what the hell are you talking about ! That’s why she needs a new brain !
@Richard Rockie as usual false fact. She did not call him a murderer. Go read the response, that is if you know how to read!
My dog is smarter than her
Bob Miller; I have a cousin named Bob Miller, still on vacation ?
@Ana Velarde hahahahahahahah what a fairy tale
I have never been treated that way and he was a criminal pos that put a gun to a woman and child unborn what happens was to awful but don’t you have a better poster child or all they all criminals
Silvia Sottili I agree with you 100%
@Gen r
well I might no write well ,English is my 3″ language ….
@Victoria Biggs
totally agree ,facts are facts …He was not an example of goodness .
Silvia Sottili it is my third language too! You are awesome! Lol
@Victoria Biggs thank you …
Floyd the landlord , a porn star taken from us way too soon
You are idiots when u can’t see people actually making a difference for others u selfish ignorant people should build four walls around u
@Ana Velarde Shutup, you brainwashed moron.
This would fix a whole lot. Politics should not be a career.
Won’t mean a thing unless you also get big money out of politics and campaigns.
@Zissou Moonshot true but they won’t be around long enough to cause as much damage
with no grandfathering of the poilcy!
1:33 mins in, woman in white – flashin’ the symbol. we see you.
@Infinity Master Illuminati
Who holds their hands like that? She even looked like she was struggling to get her fingers correctly positioned.
@infinity – the triangle she is making with her hands is illumanati symbolism.
Yep. The
triangle symbol.
@Redheaded Beauty 4 inch nails.
Propaganda and hidden deals , time they post all Bill’s for public viewing 10 days b4 voting on bills
Blue lives don’t matter when they circle-jerk each other.
I wonder who wrote that speech for her
They need to fix the volume, I can barely hear ,but some of it
She furthered the monument defacing when they took down those portraits