"I believe they have blood on their hands. And no one should forget that," says Rep. Ilhan Omar of the Republicans who enabled Trump's anti-democratic fallacies. Aired on 1/7/2021.
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#RepOmar #Trump #MSNBC
Rep. Omar Says Republicans Who Enabled Trump ‘Have Blood On Their Hands’ | All In | MSNBC
I agree, hold them all accountable
Peri Kimball who’s going to be responsible for all the covid deaths your
irresponsible president & his party members OMG
@Janet Chaplin id imagine a virus is gonna be responsible for at least some of them
Toh great
@Michael Crippen Out back getting a bIow job from Jared.
This is WHITE PRIVILEGE; If Black and Brown people like myself had stormed the Capitol, I WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOT. THERE IS NO EQUAL JUSTICE Unless the FBI gets a warrant to check the Cell Phone Towers, Get a printout of everyone who was AUTHORIZED to be INSIDE the Capitol…any OTHER CELL PHONES that were INSIDE the CAPITOL and NOT EMPLOYED OR AUTHORIZED TO BE IN THE CAPITOL JAN. 6, 2021, SHOULD BE ARRESTED FOR INSURRECTION, TRESPASSING, LOOTING, INCITING A RIOT, THE FBI SHOULD CONFISCATE ALL OF THOSE CELLPHONES that “PINGED” in the nearby tower, as well as COMPUTERS of those cellphone holders IN ORDER TO ROUND UP CONGRESSMEN and OTHERS WHO WERE IN CONTACT TO SET UP THE CONSPIRACY to HAVE A COUP and take over the congressional counting of electoral votes . DO THIS IMMEDIATELY. PERIOD.
Remember when Trump said he could murder someone and get away with it.
@wendell gaskins Absolutely! As a proud no nonsense type Black Man in America, I would have much rather had a Bernie Sanders Administration over Obama’s Administration.
I am thinking about Ruth Bader Ginsburg tonight as she is roasting like a marshmallow burning day and night in eternal torment and suffering. If she had one word to speak from the grave what would it be? That being a democrat and a liberal at heart who follows after the doctrines of AntiChrist was not worth it. Burning in flames of torment I see her screaming at Joe and Kamala to repent of their wickedness to beg God to forgive them for performing satanic marriage death rituals that she herself put in to law. From the greatest liberal satanist to the least, where do they go when they die?
@Fair Warning And you like to think you’re going to heaven… HA! Not after that comment.
@Jacob Duran How does Jesus define Satan?
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Does Kamala Harris and Joe Biden support murder from the beginning than they lie about it calling it reproductive justice, planned parenthood and women’s reproductive rights?
Is this of God or the Devil?
Who’s bidding will Kamala Harris and Joe Biden do? Is Jesus a liar?
(John 8:44) “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
(John 8:45) “And because I tell you the truth, you believe me not.”
(John 8:47) “He that is of God heareth God’s words: you therefore hear them not, because you are not of God.”
He never said that. Fake news.
I’ll quote Trump himself about himself; “Get that SOB out of here.”
@Shannon Smith it’s true. Why didn’t she sue Trump like Nick sandman sued CNN? Ilhan Omar could be a millionaire!!!!
But she married her brother, making the demopedo cult the party of incest. Isn’t diversity fun?
@Generalissimo Donald Trump no she didn’t however that MAGA L hurts doesn’t it?!
@Generalissimo Donald Trump How she would be a MILLIONARE when Trump broke he taking all y’all money now what you married your sister.
@Generalissimo Donald Trump You Trump followers sure know how to be offensive.
The police officer trumpers attacked during the riot has died. He was tazed and attacked on the head with a fire extinguisher and stomped. 2 murders 4 deaths.
Oh my. I am so sorry that happened. This is so painful.
No police officers died.
Earlier , it was reported that a cop had died . However , the last that I heard , he was on life support . If he was bashed on the head with a fire extinguisher , that doesn`t sound good for him . Badly injured people are sometimes kept on life support in order to give family a chance ” to say goodbye” .
Trump is responsible for the carnage Inciting RIOTS resulting in deaths Let the trial for the traitors begin ASAP !
Hilter’s first coup attempt failed and he went virtually unpunished, years later he rose to power and we all know what happened afterward. Do we really wanna risk the same thing happening to America down the line? There needs to be accountability
@dac00007 terrorist thug supporters lol that’s antifa and blm!
@Wes Hawkins they called it the Summer Of Love!
@Jer Smith
Again, nice try… Anyone on left or right that breaks the law needs to be locked up for their crimes as per our laws.
The difference however is Trump & his Terrorist Thugs attempted a violent Coup against the US People & our Constitution…. which is not only abhorrent it’s the ultimate betrayal & sin, and exposes them as US Traitors & Terrorists which carries the highest sentences & dishonor.
So I agree that regardless of political side, anyone caught breaking the law needs to be locked up… the question now is do YOU agree Trump & his Terrorist thugs must also be lockied up for their disgusting & treasonous attempt at a violent & murderous Coup?
If you don’t, then you treasonously support Terrorism against our US People & Constitution.
Choose your answer wisely…
Really what aboutisms at this point@Jer Smith? Your patriotism not your intellegience comes into question then! Everything about the Banana Republicans is now anti American! Don’t eveb bother denying it!!
@Wes Hawkins You literally just described a dishonest debating technique called whataboutism. You are using this dishonest technique to defend these terrorists. If its unintentional then correct it, and discuss the topic at hand: Republican leaders who have blood on their hands because they encouraged these terrorists to attack America..
half are confederates….ummm now you know…yall late
It’s really sad, sickening, and enraging to see the confederate treasonous flag for the first time in the history of the US be planted inside the Capitol building.
There are 74 million Republican Racists who thought it was a beautiful thing to see !!
Yoh great
But they will never change what a confederate flag stands for —LOSERS!
@shad0wCh8ser Traitorous losers, at that.
So, get out there! Protest! I just don’t get how, and why, Americans aren’t filling up the streets of Washington, right now? Why aren’t you DEMANDING trump’s removal? He remains a Clear And Present Danger who STILL intends to steal the Republic! Push your politicians! They know they CANNOT ignore your response, since you turned out in record breaking numbers. There must be consequences or this will get worse over two weeks of criminal desperation! Do something about it! Or expect worse! Trump must be removed! Right now!
“Fall asleep in a Democracy and you will wake up in a Dictatorship.” —Otto Gritschneder
What happens if you fall asleep in a dictatorship?
@PrimevalTimes Everyone is trying to wake up in 2021, but a coma is a hars thing to shake off!!
So . . . Why are Americans NOT protesting this? Why are you not choking the streets of Washington in lawful PROTEST? Why is trump still there? This Clear And Present Danger is STILL THERE! He must be removed TODAY! Do you WANT more of this? Maybe worse? Do something, America! Your politicians need the push! They need to know you WANT THIS! Let them know! At least contact them? Emails, phone calls, texts, social media, anything! Fill up the streets! Organise! Let them know! America is still in DANGER!
So true, say it loud and clear, it only happens in a banana Republic
That’s an insult to banana republics!
America is a banana
Republic………. Ar yu blind……… 

Not the least! Y’all are in the club, the insult isn’t to the club, its to y’all for being so happy to being there@Meli Moo!!
@Itayi Mutandwa ruled by their minority Banana Republicans!!
@Preeth S Kumar – Not happy – Just sick of the double standard. If this was another country the coverage and conversation would be SO different…Keeping it real
The bullet holes must be kept as a reminder to how fragile democracy can be…for history’s sake there must be proof of this attempted coup retained!
I hear you, but also if they weren’t so stuck in awe of the history of the building and actually updated it with modern technology, it wouldn’t have been broken into.
@Jean Genie spoken like a true communist! Re-education camps? Gulags?
@Jer Smith Wanker
go back to your naked pictures of Trump 

@the 48thRonin Maybe there isn’t. Maybe there wasn’t an exit wound.
I just don’t get how, and why, Americans aren’t filling up the streets of Washington, right now? Why aren’t you DEMANDING trump’s removal? He remains a Clear And Present Danger who STILL intends to steal the Republic! Push your politicians! They know they CANNOT ignore your response, since you turned out in record breaking numbers. There must be consequences or this will get worse over two weeks of criminal desperation! Do something about it! Or expect worse!
Federal warrants, indictment and trials. This has been coming since this “gangster president “ took office you had to wonder when this would happen. From the rallies he held as a candidate where he stoked violence against journalists, its all been just a matter of time!
So true!
@DJR Take that psychotic garbage and shove it. Reported for spam.
80 million + people are boiling over and we are staring at the Liberals and RINOS. Better be careful what you wish for.
Better extend that out to the people too. None of this would’ve been possible without your vote.
…”how much damage can he do?” “A lot!”
Rep. Adam Schiff
Why are Americans NOT protesting this? Why are you not choking the streets of Washington in lawful PROTEST? Why is trump still there? This Clear And Present Danger is STILL THERE! He must be removed TODAY! Do you WANT more of this? Maybe worse? Do something, America! Your politicians need the push! They need to know you WANT THIS! Let them know! At least contact them? Emails, phone calls, texts, social media, anything! Fill up the streets! Organise! Let them know! America is still in DANGER!
Is America a first world country with a third world attitude ??
Thanks for telling the truth. And yes, they should all be held accountable.
Whoever that is with the rebel flag definitely needs to be brought in and charged. His intentions were definitely clear.
Gee almost like the middle east, almost like Africa, almost like eastern Europe, almost like south America I guess?
Trump to Ilhan Omar: “Go back to your country”
Ilhan Omar to Trump: “Why should I? America reminds me so much of my country of birth”
This woman inspires me. As an aging Australian who has no love for religion she gives me hope for my son.
Do religion with the people. Allah/God is direct to you without people to intercede
She inspires me too. Ever time I hear her. She makes me want to bang my head on the wall in frustration, of the crap that she pumps out.
So you listen to devil worshipers like Ilhan Omar?
I love this woman. The USA is lucky to have this intelligent brave woman represent its people so eloquentl.
Omar is a criminal you fool.