Rep. Mike MCCaul, R-Texas, criticized President Joe Biden's strategy to withdraw from Afghanistan after the Taliban stormed Kabul in a takeover of the country. McCaul said the president can't blame the Trump administration for the crisis and said Biden should take accountability.
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Rep. McCaul: Biden Needs To Take Responsibility For Afghanistan Crisis
An agreement to leave set by the last president, the first president to actually leave the country
Biden is the President he is the coward in chief.
Agreement to leave based on certain conditions, which is why we didn’t leave.
None of the previous presidents had the balls to finish it during their terms, all of them passed it down to the next, so it’s ironic to call the last one to actually do it a ‘coward’ right?
@Totally Accurate Botan Simulator It’s not leaving that is the problem. It’s the UTTER INCOMPETENCE he displayed in planning the exit. It’s also the total LACK of respect and fear that the Taliban had for Biden, in contrast of their very real fear of Trump, who they knew had DECIMATED Isis and was no one to fool with. That is why they never would have done this with Trump in the White House.
FFS ALL American administrations were complicit in this outcome.
Once the US occupied Afghanistan.
There was one outcome 99.99% probable.
US arrogance yet again. China Thanks we will secure those rare earth deposits
This guy is a fool …..
Biden is the fool.
George bush and Darth Cheney need to take responsibility for Afghanistan
Obama too. He never left like he said he would
And Hillary Clinton. She said that they trained and funded these groups in order to win against the soviets. She said the U.S. government basically created the entire problem.
Going into Afghanistan when the Saudis did it was the problem from Day 1.
Absolutely! Sadly, oil talks.
Thank you!
Yes but go after the right person that is responsible trump was the one who signed the deal not Biden
@Leeanne Bishop That’s right!! Another thing that diaper don (download that name) did that President Biden had to finish……….period….GS Family say’s Bring OUR people home.!
President Biden ended something that should never have happened
@Inside the Musical Mind
Only in your alternative reality. In the real world, Biden is still the president.
@jade yes, the worst in our nation’s history.
@Inside the Musical Mind
Again, only in your alternative reality. In the real world, most of us are happy under Biden’s administration.
If you don’t like Biden, you are welcome to move to Mara-Lago to live with your orange jesus and worship him on a daily basis.
Too bad, Trump doesn’t deal with peasants like you. Sad!
@jade lucky for me your opinion is invalid, as is your existence.
McCaul is a sorry excuse for a man.
Biden is a demented vegetable brain

He a Texas republican, a lower form of life.
A typical TRUMPER. SAD…..
Biden is a complete, and utter failure.
The blood is all the corporations got rich on extending this war …
Take responsibility? The most transparent administration in history? This is comedy gold.
that was the last administration. That was worse than a bad joke. Murderer’s..Over 550 thousands dead under Diaper Don’s (download that) watch.. He said he started the withdraw ? Now he’s changing his mind..Dear Lord that ‘god he’s gone
This is not a transparent presidency. The media makes sure of that.
@Tubal Cain just like the media did with Diaper don? He started it. Why NOT????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
@00- 00 yep, the media’s obsession with him got him elected.
The Afghans president RAN AWAY….it’s not BIDENs fault they have a weak leader!!
” I started the process . All the troops are coming back home .They couldn’t stop the process The Biden admin couldn’t stop the process …..They wanted to , but it was very tough to stop …. DONALD TRUMP June 26 2021 …
The Afghan military was supposed to defend their country.
They did. For 5-10 mins
while they learned how to defend themselves.. What’s so hard about this? Diaper donnie starts something, & President Biden ENDED it…..thank you President Biden…GS Family, it’s time to come home
“I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. [The Biden admin] couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop.” Trump on Afghanistan, June 26, 2021
Another Republican putting the blame on anyone but himself.
in four years trump never took responsibility for anything………………….
Republicans voted against getting afghans out anyway, this was their muslim ban policy.
It’s time to bring Our Troops home..This is another Vietnam, except a lot longer..enough is enough..
He didn’t tell trump to take responsibility for his policy but now they all deleting their Twitter accounts praising the taliban and the great deal they made, right Pompeo…
Biden got left holding the bag. Twenty years in the making and republicans will do everything they can to pin the failure of that war on him.
The Buck stops at Biden
Seems this guy forgot what trump did to the Kurds. And Biden is doing what trump planned to do.. kinda rich of this guy to call out Biden now, while Biden is actually taking responsibility and stands behind his decision.(right or wrong)
And he did say the buck stops with him. The Afghans gave up and ran away you DOPE
“Take responsiblity and accountability” and “don’t blame the prior administration”…who knew the GOP knew about such things?
LOL! The irony.
I don’t think this guy believes anything he said. He seems quite unconfortable and his body language says it all.
Trumpers b.s.