New York Times Magazine writer Mark Leibovich discusses why Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Ca., continues to support former President Trump.
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Rep. McCarthy Is 'Still Playing Defense' Over Trump: NYT | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Is anyone still surprised at the feckless “leader’ McCarthy actions anymore, WHY?
He does not deserve to be a leader in any party. Vote all of them out. If they are siding with a mentally unstable person then they are not in any way going to be reasonable for looking after the Country. The choice is Democracy or Dictatorship ?
Very surprised! …that he’s still in any office or position of power, rather than scraped off of Trump’s shoe somewhere in the golf course rough.
Ambition and greed. That is all that bounces around in McCarthy’s empty skull. Vote him out!
McCartney is only concerned WITH his own sidestepping and BLAHS. But Must of All he has to KEEP pedaling and licking in order to keep MAKING that.
When is the news going to treat these people as the bad faith actors they are instead of holding them accountable to standards they have long and publicly chosen to abandon?
@Dave McMillan you worship the government so you see no problems with what they do. Why do you care if the ruling class gets well deserved beating? You are not a real american
@Dave McMillan Or until Republican congressmen actually start to demonstrate the core traditional values of the party, rather than the insane power-hungry lack of interest or willingness to serve in the public interest that has become the earmark of the tRumpublican party.
The Radical Left Democrat Party has gone absolutely INSANE in fighting the Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, right now taking place in the Great State of Arizona.
They sent a team of over 100 lawyers to try and stop it because they know what the result of the Arizona Senate sponsored audit will be—and it won’t be good for the Dems.
The audit is independently run, with no advantage to either side, but the Democrats don’t want to hear anything about it because they know that they lost Arizona, and other scam election States, in a LANDSLIDE.
They also know that the Arizona State Legislature approved virtually none of their many election requests, which is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
The people of Arizona are very angry, as are the people of our Country. If we can’t have free and fair elections, we don’t have a Country.
The audit must continue. America deserves the TRUTH!
@HS Do you get a discount when you buy your tinfoil in bulk? Or do you just keep wearing the same beanie day after day?
@Dawn Oceanside What have the republicans done in the 100 days of Mr Biden President’$ office? Oh nothing
So he doesn’t want to talk about the TRUTH
So, It’s not just party over country, it’s me above the party and the country. That really defines a traitor!
That is the truth!!
A traitor and a coward, yes!
Kevin is a puppet of Rupert Murdock. His greatest donors next to Chevron Oil are two companies owned by Murdock: Castle and Cooke and Dole Foods. His constituents benefit greatly from illegal immigrant farm labor. He is not serving Trump. He is coexisting with him to keep himself in Murdock favor so his personal ambition to be the House Speaker comes true and it will because no one is cutting his supply chain of money.
“…this is what complicity looks like…” (it could be a chant)
The insanity of these GOP members is beyond belief. How could you possibly vote for someone who changes their minds so quickly and does a u turns so often. They shouldn’t be trusted with their own stuff, never mind a nations.
Personality Cult.
Personality disorder.
Cult of Personality. Trump used many of the USSR tactics of spreading the Big Lie and vilifying the other half of the country so he could gaslight his party into blind devotion. Mix in the conspiracy loons and you get the current GOP.
That’s not really unique to the GOP. The Democrats do that too. The Dems just happen to be better at covering up their lies when they flip flop. Look AOC on the border crisis for example
@M TM nice try, but try harder. Lol
@Komenisai The flood of lies unleashed by Trump and his enablers were unprecedented in this nation and did unbelievable damage (esp. w. respect to the pandemic, costing many, many lives).
It’s like passing BAD GAS. You gotta be careful when you expel, as the blowback can be stinky!
When he looks in the mirror he sees Satan looking back at him and decided that he must go the wrong way!! McCarthy should be thrown out of Congress as well as several others!!
Wasn’t McCarthy in the first episode of Black Mirror? You know, the one with the pig?

It’s clear McCarthy wears the knee pads in the relationship.
When he looks in the mirror, he sees dollars on dollars on dollars

Exactly. They are all doing this for one reason and that is to personally enrich themselves. NOT for the people or the country.
Ego has been given too much power within elected civil servant seats.
Voting majority rules.
Their job is to answer to the majority.
Greed is a disease.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy is not trustworthy and will say anything to stir all sorts of fear!
No wonder he is so entwined with Trump.Birds of a feather…….
@Pauline Stephens: Trump broke McCarthy’s back and now he is a spineless jelly fish!
As the One-Term Twice Impeached Game Show Host Koolaid wears off people will leave the Cult and wake up.
Dont forget 2 time popular vote loser .
I got one of the new Lindsey potato heads. Weird though, I can’t tell if it’s a boy or a girl and the box is so tight it wont come out. Finally got it out, but it has to go back – faulty – it’s got 2 faces. Like McCarthy.
Nice one.
So nice to see Mika and Joe sitting side by side again.
It’s curious. Every time I see Kevin McCarthy his nose seems to be getting longer. I think he has contracted “Pinocchio-itis!
Just like Trump,his nose will eventually fall off.
“Playing defense”? That’s a rather kind way of putting it. More accurate would be “behaving like a complete chickensh*t coward.”
Trump: who’s your daddy?
Kevin: you are!!! Can I please have another good sir!? I’m pretty sure this happened when Kevin went to see Trump after the 6th of January.