House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Monday criticized Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger as 'Pelosi Republicans' over their involvement in the January 6 select committee. The Morning Joe panel discusses.
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Rep. McCarthy Calls Reps. Cheney, Kinzinger 'Pelosi Republicans'
The behaviour of the Republican representatifs at the moment is absolutely disgusting and childish. They should be ashamed of themselves.
“Thomas Armsworthy Jr”:
@Spencer spencer
Libs: “my body my choice”
Also libs: “mandate
Sound about rite??
@srgreeniii …”If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain” ~ Who knows
@Spencer spencer …I’m sorry if I think my money is mine to spend and my words are mine to speak.
It is patently obvious these bootlickers have no shame. They have no honor or moral compass, either. They are simply despicable and beneath contempt.
Mccarthy is covering up his own and other Republicans involvement. Let’s get to the TRUTH.
Kennedy Suggs – Then why does he oppose an investigation?
@Kennedy Suggs are you stuck on stupid or what??
@Kennedy Suggs obviously you need your sucker. You’ve been conned, and by a Really bad conman. Just shows your own stupidity, and your willingness to revel in it.
They are covering up whatever Blackmail TrumPutin has on them!! At least Gaetz has been exposed! How many atrocities will be revealed about these Treacherous, Complicit, Criminal ReTrumpliCons??!!
Unveil the Truth!!
I wonder what happened to McConnell, no where in sight?
How many Republican members of Congress were in on the Insurrection and helped ?
gljm 1159 McCarthy does not want that to be known.
Everyone that voted against certifying the election. They should all be jailed for attempting a coup. F ing communists.
@Hood atheist Respectfully
@JJ E Actually it’s worse than that. They’re authoritarian. The one form of government that almost always turns genocidal.
Can’t wait!
Kevin McCarthy is Trumps Republican.
We can play kid games all day.
@JJ E They have a date with the Treason Tree…
Fun fact: Kevin McCarthy has voted along with Nancy Pelosi far more often than Liz Cheney has. This is a matter of public record.
@Federalist Papers said _”Pelosi is a tyrant. Pelosi Republicans are few and far between, thankfully.”_
…says the ReTrumplican cultist with his head still buried in the deep dark regions of his golden idols’ intergluteal cleft. YOU are the one that follows a tyrant. You know, Mango Mussolini, aka Agolf Twittler, aka The Lyin King.
@david clark That I totally agree
@NebTheWeb corruption is corruption regardless of party people from different parties should come together and call out corruption
The order from Trump to vote down the bipartisan commission isn’t working out for them.
Nothing is working out for them. The GOP is self-destructing.
They dont want there ‘it wasnt an inserection’ messaging being contradicted. They all should have been shot..
@Clown h Hunter if it was an insurrection you’d know it. How many guns Were seized and how many are being charged with insurrection. I’ll wait
@Kasshan85 Watch the Jan 6th video and see for yourself. Unless you need Trump to tell you everything?
Rather than making childish political comments, McCarthy should be watching the Insurrection Commission hearing. Tick-tok, McCarthy…
oh make no mistake of it, all of those old Senior Citizens got up early today ate there poridge and is watching it right now, especially mitch mcconnel looking at the screen with his saggy stupid face.
@Hood atheist

@Hood atheist thank you for the visual
McConnell also had more important business to attend to. But I’ll bet he got the Republican interpretation from a few flying monkeys who listened in.
Boy, does McCarthy hate it when Pelosi uses her God given power over him!
It’s not a god given power.
@Sean Hovan Neither is your life, if that’s the way you feel.
@Jeffrey Hagelin You want to talk about judgement???? You were the one who called out someone as an atheist basically for a difference of opinion. Which god is it you pray to….the orange god?
@Jeffrey Hagelin And by the way….there was nothing mentioned about a patriot but since you asked, my definition of a patriot are those guys trying to keep you believers of a liar out of Congress. I do believe one of the commandments was Thou Shalt Not Lie.
@chris palmer I was mocked for my belief in God, then l realized I was trying to reason with fools..
I have no way of knowing what you’re trying to communicate, good bye.
Don’t forget McCarthy called on trump to “accept his share of responsibility” for the violence that overtook the U.S. Capitol. “The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters,” McCarthy. Could the man be a bigger hypocrite? The man has no credibility.
i swear you are 100% correct, this is why i don’t believe anything the GOP says i remember he said that. they say they care about American people but all voted on a bill that would help them. and if you notice they don’t have a plan only stupid talking points like the Border.
The Truth speak for itself no need for Explaination that what The law of the land are put in place for in order. Just check the man paperwork no name calling just stating facts. She she know and using it against him she the one supporting this travesty.
I’d rather be a pelosi Republican than a McCarthy trumper!! The GOP has gone DOWM THE TUBES….
McCarthy is fallowing the loser’s off the cliff. They are all betting on the big loser’s luck to change, it wont….
By trying to rebrand the two republicans, you’re putting them in a more popular place..
I know they appreciate that..
He sounds like a 8th grader child calling people names, ridiculous even more ridiculous is the fact that he calls himself a leader and he’s obviously a follower
McCarthy doesn’t have the balls like these two. McCarthy must be a Trump Republican……….
Look up the term “Sadim Touch.” It’s 100% trump
It is sad that the Minority “Leader” thinks he’s fooling anyone when he claims that Trump didn’t pick Gym Jordan for the Select Committee. The “Leader” is being led by the failed & disgraced Trump. The Speaker’s Republicans have far more integrity than all of Trump’s Republicans combined.
John Swo: Kevin McCarthy is as “independent” from (3×5)** as a baseball mitt is from a baseball.
I wonder exactly what frump has on McCarthy. I wonder if frump had McCarthy’s phones tapped to. Frump is so paranoid he may have had all the Republicans phones tapped too
John I so agree with you. It is so obvious.
Trump knows who was on the island, McCarthy always looks so guilty.Hmmm!
Trump had plenty of time to fill a dossier on all these people. He’s holding damaging information on a LOT of people, and using it to get his way ! Stop him Now !
Trump is running a Shadow Government of Stooges who are still in office !
Isolate him from the political process NOW ! He has NO RIGHT to SEDITION !
We have an elected government in place. This is TREASON !
Ban Trump the Dictator !
@#Notapartisan#anticommunist trump’s not smart enough to do such a thing. On the other hand, Putin is and he’s no doubt pulling trump’s puppetstrings and feeding him dirt on every republican in D.C.
@Paul McClure Helsinki!!!!
@Andrew Fraser “President Putin was very strong and powerful in his denial.” Donald Trump, Helsinki 2018.
@Paul McClure Devious Don has twisted a few arms to get what he wants in his day. Master or Putin puppet makes no difference ? Their methods and objectives run on parallel tracks of ‘Control’
Two colors of the same brick – laid at different angles – Vladimir the Great & Donald the Duck, his American accomplice . The Gang’s all there Paul. It’s a stinky-butt game !
I know very well it’s unkind to hate. McCarthy is an exception.
McCarthy is contemptible. Not worthy of our hate, just our contempt.
I don’t wish ill upon any human being.
That said, I don’t consider McCarthy a human being… more like a heartless demon.
You said it.The boot licker makes it easy.
Hmm! Oh my yes totally agree with this statement.

Neither he nor the other trumpcultists deserve that type of energy.

He was the main one crying to trump to call off the rioters traitors.
Yep “Who the f**k do you think you’re talking to?” Well he changed his tune shortly after that day.
And yet he had the chance to have 6 Republicans on the committee and blew it. Twice. F him
…and the first members of Congress to run for the exit door, when rioters were approaching, were: ……Republicans
Right!! I’m waiting for everything to come out and I bet it’s a lot we already knew from the start
Only cause he feared for his life. But if they had of killed Pelosi and Pence then it would of been cool with him

He can’t handle her standing up for the truth . let justice be served
McCraffy is butthurt. That goes well with the orange stains inside his trousers.
He can’t stand her standing up at all.
The Dems gave every concession the republicans asked for. The committee was to be former republicans and Democrats to avoid partisanship. Then republicans leaders went to Fla talked to trump and came back cowards.Weak Republican leadership
Weak leadership? No. Its leadership designed for and intended to further the January 6th insurrection. Its a fascist and cultist leadership that is working to further erode our democracy.
Yeah, well he’s a trump Stalinist so who give’s a f’k what McCarthy says?
Amen! Exactly 100% corret!
@LF313 : Yeah, Coup leaders are pretty weak. As we all get to see, usually within weeks of the Coup, when they get executed by their BFF’s.
He’s calling people names and nobody really cares… I bet he is somewhere crying!!
@Charles Lofaro
Why would an eskimo want to buy ice?
@Mark B That`s how weak the rep lies are.
The whole GOP suffers from Adult Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). They’ve been this way their entire lives. I laugh at them.
@Charles Lofaro that’s a funny but unique way to put it… Selling ice to Eskimos

.. good one man!!
@Charles Lofaro I agree. NOTHING but lies from McCarthy and McConnell
McCarthy needs to take this seriously. He’s a clown in a circus.
Americans need to start voting as though they’re serious about the future of America.
Let him do whatever he wants. His party is doomed, so in the long run it won’t matter.
That is such a big insult to clowns who make a living by honest means.
All hail Trump . All hail McCarthy. All the warriors are Republicans no one cares or scared bout this junk lol.
I am full bloodedprpgressive liberal and don’t plan on ever voting republican… But should I have to choose…. I would rather have Cheney/Kinzinger as the speaker of house than McCarthy
I agree Cheney and kenzinger have gained a little respect. And the sane people should run the party.
Goes without saying.
Kev, is worried that some of the GOP will be found out that they also co-signed on that Shameful display on 1/6 Insurrection. He maybe exposed!