House Republicans are planning a vote on Wednesday to remove Rep. Liz Cheney from her position in caucus leadership after she vocally rebuked former President Donald Trump. The panel discusses.
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Rep. Liz Cheney Facing Vote To Remove Her From GOP Leadership | MSNBC
The party who denounces cancel culture, is sure good on cancelling members that don’t agree with them.
@John Mininger is a al-aqsa brigade HAMAS anti semite
Younger GOP members don’t like her policies so they dumped her. Not really anything like cancel culture.
@Robert Downes – That is some pretty amazing mental gymnastics.
@Robert Downes 9/Illhan Omar Tweeted Anti semite racial hatred while Israel recieved 400 rocket attacks.
Have I heard right? Biden is restarting the Border Wall!
Why isn’t Cheney’s speech on Fox News!! I see nothing on there channel!!!
Bcoz F*** News is politically influenced by the GOP. They don’t want The People to know the real truth!
@Raven 8080 foxy news is controlled by the murkdog newscorp global monopolistic media empire, denying scientific evidence and proven facts on three continents.
@Jaak Savat MSNBC peddled the Russia collusion hoax for years. Lmao
@Stone Men the Mueller report hasn’t disappeared because GOP put it under the carpet. You’re delusional and denying reality, get help, go back to school
Because she will be working for MSNBC soon
Paramedics called to the house to remove republicans unable to stand after Liz Cheney leaves with their only remaining spine.
@fred smith You use the word, but you do not know the meaning.
Let alone just how many liberals are committing suicide do to mental health crisis, that was peddled by democrats and the media.
But by all means, continue being a sheep.
@Robert Steele ……says the cult member
@fred smith Hilarious. Enjoy your sycophancy though. I’m sure you’ll be happy with your ADE.
@Robert Steele pointing out the GOP is spineless and the trump cult members are anti American scum is nothing sycophantic, which would lead me to the conclusion you haven’t got a clue what the word means.
As an example, Graham, gym Jordan, gaetz, Greene……they are sycophants in the classic definition.
Try using a dictionary.
@Robert Steele
Good Little Russian troll!!
Earning your vodka ration I see.
Now answer a few more posts and you can make your coal allotment!! Carry on Pavlov.
If only Cheney could craft conspiracy theories, the Republicans would have embraced her.
I’ve not always agree with Cheney, in that speech she was absolutely correct
@Giles Bowman – Just stop with the nonsense troll.
@Giles Bowman B.S. even Trump appointed judges threw his protestations out of court for lack of evidence, even the department of Justice and Bill Barr. So now you don’t even believe your own huh!? What a pathetic bunch you are.
@Claude LeBel “Dismissed as moot”, just means that the SCOTUS is saying it needs to have more discussion over. They did not dismiss it on grounds of anything but procedure. Of which, US Citizens began working to expose the corruption; Which the medias and democrats began to admit that there is.
If you actually bothered to look into these things, rather than take everything at face value, you would know what’s really going on. Seriously, go look into the voter rolls, fake addresses being used to cast ballots – that’s illegal, they should have been thrown out. 127% voter turn out over registered voters, that’s highly suspicious, and illegal. Dead people casting ballots, should be thrown out. All of these things happened (“Voter Irregularities”), and should have had hundreds of thousands of ballots thrown out (2.8Mn, according to the full research.) But how many were dismissed? All time record lows, some states did not reject a single one. take New York in 2018, 13.7% were rejected, what does the number say for 2020? Look it up.) Elections did not magically become secure, thinking overwise is just pure fantasy.
And you know why people were so up in arms about it, were Representatives and Senators were rejecting it? Because no one wanted to investigate the claims (Republicans investigate claims by democrats every time.) We wanted the illegal ballots to be rejected and the legal ballots to be counted. if Trump lost in a legal election, then he lost. But we’ll never know now will we.
Rep. Cheney gave a powerful and defiant speech speaking truth to the dysfunctional Republican party to which she belongs, which has abdicated its duty to be _LOYAL_ opposition—-except for one thing. Republicans did not end communism in the former USSR or cause its dissolution. A consistent foreign policy by both Democratic and Republican leaders in the Executive Branch and Congress (and our NATO allies, as well) over decades played a role, but it was the work and decisions of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that were the decisive factor and which deserve most credit. He instituted policies of glasnost and perestroika, changed Soviet law to allow other parties to compete against the Communist Party, motivated because he saw clearly that Russia was dysfunctional, its costly imperialism, political and economic structure moribund and detrimental to Russia’s progress. For his courage and actions, for speaking the truth to the Russian people, Gorbachev paid a much higher price politically than is Liz Cheney currently, who is displaying the same kind of courage as he did.
Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace prize in 1990 for all that he did for Russia and ending the Cold War, and it is wrong for Cheney to falsely attribute all credit to her Republican party for the results largely due to his independent decisions, engaging in history revisionism for the benefit of her political party. Isn’t that exactly why the GOP—-and Liz Cheney—-find themselves in their present predicament in the first place? So, it is heavily ironic that Cheney does not extend the same due for his bravery and patriotism in telling the truth to the Russian people that she is exhibiting telling the truth about the 2020 election to the American people. It is also heavily ironic that the credit she is falsely attributing to the Republican party for the USSR becoming more democratic comes at a time when the Republican party is corroding democracy and actively working to make America less democratic.
@wily wascal That’s hilarious.
So, where are you actual sources? Or are you just attempting to make a anecdotal statement. BTWs, the USSR collapsed. It was the cold war through economy and they could not compete, it’s why the designed a plot of introducing communism to America piecemeal at a time until, naturally, you have a bunch of communists running around.
Liz Cheney is not “brave”, like you’re falsely attributing to her. She’s a coward. She violated the will of the people, her constituents, so she was removed, as her own constituents demanded.
By the way, American is not a democracy, it never was, not was it meant to be one. it is a Constitutional Republic, of which, Democrats want to erase and turn it into a Democracy. What is Democracy? A tool of communism. (Since you’re talking about the USSR, you should be familiar with Vladimir Lennin’s view of “democracy”)
It will be another secret ballot vote. Best news on this story yet. Best wishes for the truth to prevail.
Truth? We are talking about Republican Party here. Truth is not in their vocabulary
She’s done, stick a fork in the RINO.
@Giles Bowman I hope that was sarcasm.
@Giles Bowman trump is a rino. He has destroyed the Republican party
The cowards left the room so they could go hide their faces and shame.
@Robert Steele
He’s such A Zinaphobe! I think I spelled that right! But HE! HE! CAN’T DO THAT EITHER!
@Wait! WHAT? Ok! Yeah, that’s some extreme xenophobia. How are we going to get out Chai from little India with all the Indian-hate groups going around. :<
@Robert Steele
I knew I spelled that wrong! Thank You!
I know! HE DO THAT!
@Wait! WHAT? Ok! You’re welcome. ; )
I know there is so much more comedy gold on Zeducation and Angry Cops channel.
@Robert Steele
You get me! You have to have a sense of humor! Life to short! Take Care my fellow YouTuber!
We support you Cheney! ♥️

@Giles Bowman if you want to stand with the liars, that is your choice but she is far from being alone in her stance for truth and integrity.
@UCRsNO_x66qkkZcrydfx7lMw this sentence is grammatically incorrect, it’s also wordy and hard to read. grammarly can help!
@Giles Bowman oh dear it looks your insecurity is shining through a bit…. off to your Trump shrine for some solace.
Whatever Lib! Leader President Trump is like a modern-day GOD to us Conservatives and you all persecuted the righteous man that was trying to make America Great Again!! Shame on you! LIz is a RINO Traitor and now she is best friends with Communist Nancy Pelosi and Biden!! She is not part of our MAGA Movement Anymore!!
Gone like yesterday LOL
And good riddance
I listen to the Star Spangled Banner with polite respect. However, America the Beautiful inspires a sense of admiration in me. And I am not an American. That piece fo music sparks the ideals that matter to those who love freedom for all.
America the Beautiful is a song about what’s best about our beautiful country. These people are an embarrassment to us.
I could say they are un-American. Just because they drape themselves in the flag and parrot articles of the Constitution and history, which they don’t understand, Doesn’t mean anything. They are actively working to destroy the sense of brotherhood among us that made us the UNITED States. They must either go the way of all Bad Ideas, or if they steer the course they’ve set, the USA, as we know it, will no longer exist.
But they won’t succeed. They have no platform other than
“Trump won, the election was stolen”. You cannot build a house on such a meager foundation of lies. It’s impossible. They will lose much in the end. Hopefully, young people will sing ‘America the Beautiful’ without a touch of irony once again.
Do not worry Liz. History will remember you as a woman of principle and a true leader.
Right next to that little Astrik will be that she disparaged her sister, and sent hundreds of thousands of soldiers to foreign lands in false pretenses. “Woman of principle and a true leader”, that violated the will of the people; Her constituents, that demanded her removal.
Are you kidding me she’s going to be an anchor on CNN
You are a Rock!!!
Cheney just got even more votes removed from that party with the speech she did yesterday. great post foreal: “She speaks about the Rule of Law and Constitutional Self Government where the GOP seems to ignore these subjects as they would not win the debate.”
No real voting was done, the cowards cowed to the third reich.
Right, she just took 1/2 of their votes because there a lot of decent people out there who have her same mindset of honesty, principals and values. LOL Go Cheney!!!
@Deborah Szczesniak You’ve obviously not been paying attention. You do know the race war has been active since 2009, yes? Do you even know Eric Holder’s statements?
LORD Above, y’all really, really need to do some research.
@Robert Steele and you don’t need to say much of anything and i don’t have mention the constitution to a trump troll traitor, i knew it before you were born.
You kidding? All of them wanted her gone
@The Patriot I doubt you even know what the Constitution says. Considering the several hundred articles within that little bill of rights, that Biden himself does not even believe in. “No amendment is absolute.” Hilarious.
So, why don’t you avail us what you ‘think’ the Constitution says. I could use a good laugh.
@Epic Mickey No sweetheart. She just took a ton of votes with her that cripple’s a national win for them. Don’t be mislead:
1) There are plenty of republicans and independents that think along the same lines as she does. And a lot of republicans want their old party back that used to stand for good old fashion values and principles.
2) Trump’s approval ratings remain down in the swing states.
3) There are even more from all parties across the board in total that admire Liz.
4) The majority of people also know Biden won a fair and free election.
5) Remember, Trump lost the presidency, the house and the senate unlike no other president within 4 years. He also was the cause of those two Senators in GA losing as they were connected with him and his big lie.
6) Liz is a hero for standing up for truth and transparency over power, while the GOPs cowardly look the other way, and then bullied her out. The bully part sounds very familiar too.
Nothing but respect.., keep going!
Yesterday Cheney spoke about good, decency and truth, and they all fled. Just like the devil flees when one mentions Jesus Christ. Just like darkness flees when light enters the room. LOL
@El Cruzer The side of history of the war hawks.
“Yesterday Cheney spoke about good, decency and truth, and they all fled.”
She lied about good people. LOL!! She’s bowing to Leftists. That’s evil!!!
@kelly hno YA SURE OKAY
Rep. Cheney gave a powerful and defiant speech speaking truth to the dysfunctional Republican party to which she belongs, which has abdicated its duty to be _LOYAL_ opposition—-except for one thing. Republicans did not end communism in the former USSR or cause its dissolution. A consistent foreign policy by both Democratic and Republican leaders in the Executive Branch and Congress (and our NATO allies, as well) over decades played a role, but it was the work and decisions of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that were the decisive factor and which deserve most credit. He instituted policies of glasnost and perestroika, changed Soviet law to allow other parties to compete against the Communist Party, motivated because he saw clearly that Russia was dysfunctional, its costly imperialism, political and economic structure moribund and detrimental to Russia’s progress. For his courage and actions, for speaking the truth to the Russian people, Gorbachev paid a much higher price politically than is Liz Cheney currently, who is displaying the same kind of courage as he did.
Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace prize in 1990 for all that he did for Russia and ending the Cold War, and it is wrong for Cheney to falsely attribute all credit to her Republican party for the results largely due to his independent decisions, engaging in history revisionism for the benefit of her political party. Isn’t that exactly why the GOP—-and Liz Cheney—-find themselves in their present predicament in the first place? So, it is heavily ironic that Cheney does not extend the same due for his bravery and patriotism in telling the truth to the Russian people that she is exhibiting telling the truth about the 2020 election to the American people. It is also heavily ironic that the credit she is falsely attributing to the Republican party for the USSR becoming more democratic comes at a time when the Republican party is corroding democracy and seeking to make America less democratic.
@wily wascal Liz Cheney is able to see reality and has the guts to challenge the Trumpy’s. But she’s
STILL A REPUBLICON, and they don’t have a sense of morality.
Chaney is a true Patriot!

“Those who refuse to accept the rulings of our courts are at war with the constitution. Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the lier. I will not participate in that.” Rep. Liz Cheney
She really is trash
Noli illegitimi carborundum, Liz. Do not let these spineless sycophants grind you down, keep rising above them.
Yay another Rino bites the dust!!

And good riddance