Fellow civil rights activists and community leaders shared stories about Rep. John Lewis in an emotional memorial service at historic Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church in Selma, Alabama.
From hearing the crack when Lewis was beaten on "Bloody Sunday" to imagining what it was like when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. welcomed Lewis on the other side, they paid tribute to the late civil rights icon with memories and calls to carry on his legacy.
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“Don’t wait for the right moment to start, start and make each moment right.” #quotes69 #viral69
The moment may finally be right, for the people in the 5th district…
Ughhhh let’s just let this go.
That’s what I’m going to say about trump
B Sims – I am fine with that too
Honoring politicians is becoming such a farce.
How many other politicians get this kind of Sent off. John mccain, John Lewis, ellijah Cummings. Not a lot.
@KHAL DROGO “Politician.” And that’s the ONLY reason he got this sendoff. Politicians love to applaud themselves.
He died on the 17th, he ought to smell awfully ripe by now. It’s kinda fruity wanting to keep him above ground for so long.
@quasimobius I guess it’s good to see…he’s finally out of politics.
What exactly did he do? We are all curious.
@F. Fredburger95 The victim card?
Spearhand it’s easy for u to say that because ur not affected negatively by the consequences of your ancestors
And it’s actually called the truth card.
@F. Fredburger95 Neither are you
I will say the best that happened to me in the year (2020) am so thankful for what Dr Daniel did for me Dr Daniel help me to get my ex lover will have been together for 2years and some of had spell on her so will started having serious problem so she
broke up with me and left me for another man so I did everything to get her back noting work so I did research online and I saw a testimony of Dr Daniel help have help many people around the world so i gave him a try and things work out and
my ex lover came back to me and beg for my forgiveness if you need your own lover back kindly email Dr Daniel for help who will help you put an end to your problem you can contact him via on whatsapp +2349033515595 Good luck
All these people are liars. Let the dead bury the dead.
Any politico who ever says, “MY PEOPLE” can never be trusted with the interests of any people because they are practicing demagoguery.
Washington is full of them by the way.
Lol YouTube deleting comments
He was a poverty pimp.
Wasn’t he the rat invested swampy one from last year…? 20 funerals again..?
he did nothing for BLACK PEOPLE! in life or death.
Yugetube Preach!
@Yugetube Cut the Reparations Check
@hagnuj Sorry, I didn’t own slaves nor had any of my known ancestors. My ancestors killed many of slave dealers and owners though, in that time period. Some lost their lives. You’re welcome. Where’s our check?
@micah slade THAT DID NOTHING
jeff pain that helped pass the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964
‘yes we can’ black can give fake money to cashier
One more down… and sooo many more to go.
Wish they’d all board a bus and go crashing off that dam bridge once and for all…can I get an amen?
@B. Graves AMEN!!!!
they won’t do week long coverage or any military members he sent off to die in one of our many endless wars only insures if a revolution starts the media will not be spared….nope.
We have helped some people and we are still helping people to flip their money through cash app due to unemployment people and it’s only people that have cash app
May be as good of a man as George Kirby.
That whole room smelled like weave, and Colt 45.
Lol! Weave gone too far!
I hate how they drag a Man’s dead body all over the country for people to look at and call it solemn
It’s not as bad as trashing this dead man’s body in these comment sections. Have you been reading the Trump trolls carrying on his racist tradition by dragging this man’s body through the mud. Trumps lack of compassion and overt racism is contagious and has spread through his base and they are now useful idiots. The good news is, just like Nixon, when tRump leaves in disgrace you will not hear a peep from the enablers. Politician will get whiplash trying to distance themselves.
@Ron S. Agreed
@Ron S. right on!
Fact, he is sitting in hell and he’s realizing that what he did to his state and to all the people that he used to climb the ladder of theft and dishonor using the platform of good people in his cities is now a fact, you can li e all you want but one day you’re going to be sitting where he is right now and you’re going to be facing the same realities, so enjoy life to the fullest because eternity for all of you in the fake news is certain whether you want to believe it or not God is a matter of fact.
david stanford you have to believe that some dude born 2000 years ago is a god in order to behave human? Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. Christianity is the death to the US. You deny math and science to benefit men like Jim & Tammy Bakker And Jimmy Swaggart, Robert Tilton, Ted Haggard, Richard Roberts, Frank Page, and too many more to name. All of them said “Let us Prey”
@gusZ77 back to facts, one day we’re all going to find out aren’t we, I’m betting on winning, and if I’m wrong then I’ll guess I’ll just be wherever you’re at but if I’m right and you’re wrong, this is your only chance that you’re going to get an eternity to figure that out. I’ve spent a lot of time watching people die and looking into their eyes when they took their last breath and I can tell you there’s a lot of people like you out there that are worried but you will one day face the fact that what is is.
@gusZ77 Christianity, offers a hope in a loving God and Savior, a personal savior, that gave his life for ours. He left us hiss word, describing the follies of behaving human, but; there is hope. How is that destroying the US? It’s what will SAVE the US!!!!
I will say the best that happened to me in the year (2020) am so thankful for what Dr Daniel did for me Dr Daniel help me to get my ex lover will have been together for 2years and some of had spell on her so will started having serious problem so she
broke up with me and left me for another man so I did everything to get her back noting work so I did research online and I saw a testimony of Dr Daniel help have help many people around the world so i gave him a try and things work out and
my ex lover came back to me and beg for my forgiveness if you need your own lover back kindly email Dr Daniel for help who will help you put an end to your problem you can contact him via on whatsapp +2349033515595 Good luck
NFAC celebrated his life by shooting their own people as per usual yesterday.
I wonder what his stance was towards abortion now that he’s past?
He’s against now.
The ‘Nutty Professor’ was a funny movie. RIP Jerry Lewis