Civil rights icon and US Democratic Rep. John Lewis of Georgia has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, his office announced. #CNN #News
Rep. John Lewis announces he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer

Civil rights icon and US Democratic Rep. John Lewis of Georgia has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, his office announced. #CNN #News
Get him the treatment Ruth gets and he will live for years.
Frankie Says Are you smoking crack?
Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg is being propped up like a rag doll.
@MK27 PILOT Knock it off you DUMBASS FUK BOI
Frankie Says …and her hate of President Trump…
I do not care the political stance of him.
I wish him all the best, I do not wish this on anyone.
ENDtheFED2012, I may not like Trump but I don’t wish this on anyone.
@No Regrets Well that was completely classless.
@ENDtheFED2012 well in terms of like general impact on humanity of course John would get much more praise lol
I’d thought he was Elijah Cummings for a minute ,they favor each other a lil like they could have been bruthas or distant relatives .
Those two PARTICULAR black people do happen to look a lot alike.
I think the commentator is Black so why are so many people tripping on here? Didn’t you know Black people can’t be racist?
@Michael Balagna Haha that was funny, but I have been to 13 countries, and in a few cases everyone around me looked the same…..kind of had to focus on the small physical features….I am an evolutionist, I pay close attention to different cultures over my many years of travel. Us Americans are “land locked” in division and the worst of it is the Liberal/Leftist Democrats, and also seem to be Trump triggered. This will be hard to overcome, but the better side to stabilize this will be the Republicans wining both houses and the Presidency. We must keep our distance from Socialism and hacking up the Constitution.
MK27 PILOT And you will be
in heaven with Satan.
Same!! They are identical lol
elijah 2.0
I was confused at first…
First Elijah and now Lewis? Wake
Don’t be surprised when you find yourself there. I’ll keep the fire stoked for you.
If the cancer doesn’t kill him , the hangman will, fool. I pity the fool!!!!
Ruplubicans will be the death of us all
@sunny montes All you filthy liberals? Yea, I hope so!!!
There are many who wish their loved ones could’ve lived to 80…
Very said new sir and I’m sorry you are dealing with it. God Bless you and sending prayers from PA.
Oh my God I thought I had a time lapse or I was going mad he’s like Elijah Cummings twin
@Kim Coates as soon as I’m dead I would imagine.
Well he will be in hell with Old Elijah soon.
Time to pay the piper.
@Koltred From your mouth to God’s ears.
@THE ONLY Johnson Racist. Even though you’re right.
@Kim Coates Unfortunately both Elijah and Lewis are a blight in America.
Satan is collecting.
Of the many battles we could face while down here on this earth, to have to fight one for basic human rights is such a shame.
Underrated comment, this
you do not have the right to any other person’s services. period.
What rights do you not have?
@Sp0okykidd they want tax payer funded healthcare for literally anyone that stumbles into the country from where ever they came from.
and that, to them, is a “basic human right.”
May God Bless the Honorable John Lewis and grant him many more years in His service.
Trump, his supporters and the republican party will be happy about this.
@Vlad and his Puppet YAY!!! I am happy. Two ugly mothaeffers gone… Elijah and Join
@Jennifer Arigo I’m looking forward to Trump getting full blown Alzheimer’s. He’s already had several videos of him wearing toilet paper on his shoe and wandering around the airport trying to find the limo that’s right in front of him. You right wingers are the mass shooters in America and terrorists
@Jennifer Arigo I find it laughable that you support the republican party thinking they are pro-life. Why didn’t they ban abortion when they had complete control of all 3 branches of government when Trump took office? When Bush was the president your party controlled everything then too, and all they did was murder our own soldiers and civilians in the middle east based on lies. They didn’t do a single thing about abortion.
I always remember Steve Jobs whenever I hear of pc…. Why’s this particular cancer so deadly? Praying he pulls through.
It’s hard to diagnose, and when it is it’s usually stage iv
Mahogany it also spreads to other organs quickly iirc could be wrong
My prayers go to him n his family. May u find peace in the after.
Hope he packs his aloe vera he’s gonna need it.
Oh My God the Swamp is
the size of an OCEAN. But you can see their faces now
Good man, sorry to hear that he might leave us soon I hope and pray he goes well and meets our father in heaven with the open arms we have for him here…
God always takes the good ones…..God Bless You John Lewis

Great Fighters will fight hard! They win or they will be remembered!
Well I’m gonna pray for him