Rep. Jim Clyburn explains why he issued a key endorsement of Joe Biden ahead of the South Carolina primary. Rep. Clyburn also discusses how he no longer recognizes the Republican party as it has been taken over by people who "seem to have no integrity." Aired on 02/26/20.
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Rep. Jim Clyburn: There Is No One ‘Better Suited’ Than Biden For President | The Last Word | MSNBC
Except Sanders for the poor and middle class. Biden is fine if you are rich and want more of the same.
We can afford wars and major tax cuts for the rich but when Regular People need help they always say HOW ARE WE GONNA PAY FOR IT
James Clyburn is Stephen from Django Unchained
@Todd B
that’s like saying, ” Hitler cared for jews!” The Democrats are for the poor, ” too always be poor!”
@dandagod official thanks for proving we should raise the age limit on voters!
Another MSNBC Credible story. Done by credible anchor man & credible guest. I trully don’t understand how is it they keep losing viewers. There so credible. Like CNN & Fox
No, only Fox News Channel and The Young Turks are losing viewers.
@Marcos Juarez Poor gullible you.. it’s ok to be sheep & believe in unicorns & Trumps rederics.
@Ozzy The Mighty wtf is a “rederics”?
His grandson is going to vote for Bernie Sanders I put my bet on that.
no..he is on the campaign of pete
Clyburn did praise Bernie Sanders
To be honest, I think biden is not *_progressive_* enough.
I think we should do what 1/1024 native Pocahontas suggests: Only hire people based on the approval by a nine year old trans species vegan mexican muslim
I,m 54 a veteran,and have worked my whole life in this country.We need massive change.No more half measures to massive problems of the working people of this country.Go Bernie!!
TRUMP 2020 !!
Biden has been in politics for decades and now claims he can fix everything lol not to mention he DID write the crime bill (implemented by Bill Clinton) that incarcerated mass amounts of African Americans.
I thought Biden said he was running for the US Senate.. Sure Clyburn is talking about the right guy?
Thanks for confirming the stereotype that Bernie’s supporters are the nastiest people on the internet.
@jy0 06m copy and pasting makes your comment sad and pathetic
Mike Laing I think he’s taking about the other Biden.
Did Clyburn WATCH last nights debate? If he did, pretty good at keeping a straight face while saying Bidens the only one suited to be president?
I haven’t seen that many gaffs since I worked on a fishing boat in the mid 80s
Biden can stammer or have minor missteps, but his answers were serious, direct, and offered proof of what he has done and would do.
@deborah lariscy so not much of anything?
deborah lariscy Joe Biden can’t remember what state he’s in and you want him making the most important decisions in the world? Give us a break!
No one better suited? The dude can’t even remember he’s running for president and not the senate!
@jy0 06m When I see a man who looks like he has early onset dimentia like Biden I do feel sorry for him. Just don’t think he should in anyway be running a presidential race. Also…come on Mad Hatman’s comment isn’t exactly untrue, since he said exactly that. Freudian slip perhaps, but illustrative of wider concerns around his performance.
@jy0 06m Ahh come on ffs.
Joe is deeply confused.
@jy0 06m Nasty? How? By not wanting a president with possible Alzheimer’s? Reagan was bad enough. We can’t afford to ignore possibilities of mental decline in our leaders at a time where being on top of your game is important. It was not a slip. He’s made too many “slips” getting his facts wrong about him talking with a soldiers in Afghanistan, not knowing what state he campaigns in…shows memory issues. His short temper with people and the concern Obama expressed by telling him he didn’t have to run. All points to an illness he is likely not telling us about.
James Clyburn is Stephen from Django Unchained.
jy0 06m facts hurt your feelings?
Apparently Jim Clyburn hasn’t heard that Joe Biden is running for Senate. If Jim doesn’t believe me, then he can ask the Other Biden.
Thanks for confirming the stereotype that Bernie’s supporters are the nastiest people on the internet.
@jy0 06m sorry snowflake but YouTube isn’t your safe space
This guy seems braindead, he didn’t even blink for the first 2 minutes
He blinked many times. Are you blind?
Sorry Joe Biden, new generations are not feeling the Malarky campaign. Older people like him, but the young people just aren’t gonna vote for him.
Older people do not even like him.
Democratic voters who watched debate say Sanders impressed them most: CBS News poll
Some of us love Joe. 50% of college students don’t want Bernie. And 70% of primary voters don’t want Bernie. He’s not got the kind of support you would like to think. Joe is pretty well loved.

Biden has supported cuts to Social Security several times so I can’t support a candidate who doesn’t support elders who need a President who cares about people who have only Social Security in the last years of their lives.
Clyburn is establishment everyone knew he was going endorse Biden. This is not a surprise to anyone and Clyburn just like the CBC (Congressional Black Caucus) are useless to blacks and have done nothing but sellout for there own personal interests.
Erroll Aaron
Oh, everyone who doesn’t like Bernie is called “establishment”. It’s getting old.
Maintain the Integrity of this great country!?? Is that going to pay my bills? My land Lord wants rent not integrity. If I get sick I need healthcare not integrity pills! You a@shole!
We agree! Awesome.. just truly amazing news station..
Biden doesn’t even know what year it is. He needs to go to a home for retired senior citizens.
Someone’s looking for a cabinet post!
Biden to Clyburn:
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? You”re getting nervous man!
Bernie for president! He’s the real man the u.s need for a better future!

We don’t need old stuck in Cold War 20th century thinking! The young in your state will crush Biden on Saturday! Catch up! It’s the 21st century!
“this country is at an inflection point ” ……….. what ? Vote Other Biden 2020 !!