Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) says President Trump is “missing in action” when it comes to pandemic relief programs and criticizes Trump’s reaction to the election results. #CNN #News
Rep. Jeffries: Trump is in a massive meltdown right now

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) says President Trump is “missing in action” when it comes to pandemic relief programs and criticizes Trump’s reaction to the election results. #CNN #News
You can call it “food insecutiry” or just plain starvation. you choose.
@allen benjamin they are. The Media machine is downplaying. They are looking forward to burning America down. Traitors
@Fran Ms. Independent peanut butter sandwiches is cheaper
@Kay Luv We understand there will be problems, we also understand that the *working population* is going to get sick, but they arent going to die. So many people are getting it and dont even realize they have it. We shouldnt have to quarantine people for this, instead have the atrisk and elderly stay home if they want (and same with anyone ofc) and then they can *choose* to go out. Those
I said this very thing when I heard that. I hate these ambiguous turns of phrase. People are not insecure at all. They are suffering from starvation among other tragedies. Let’s start calling it what it is with the pithiness it deserves. We should start there, maybe.
It is worst feeling, not being able to pay rent and not finding job.
@Tyler Durden you mean marshall law? Yeah,no, its part of that too.
@joanne c True,but what would you say or donif he actually gets presidency through supreme court?
stop pointing out FACTS at the cult followers, they don’t understand logic.
You can Thank Joe Biden/Obama administration for that
Do Congress ever get work done. They are always going on a break. What they work 1 week and be off 3 was. Today is the day it needs to stop. Americans need help NOW!!!
@christopher Pretty sure that is not a Christian sentiment.
@Bessie Colbert – we r in the 2nd Gilded Age. After 40yrs of republicans controlling the house, senate, WH, and Supreme Court most of the time from 1980-2020, our economy is set up the way the oligarchy wants it, just as it was last time republicans had extended control from 1880-1932. Since 1980, republicans have have been shifting $ from the M&L classes up to the wealthy and corporations. Republicans have been put in office t work for the wealthy and corporations, block all bills which he’ll the M&L class, slow walk and steal judicial seats from Dem presidents, and tie Dem president’s hands behinds his back so he can’t get much done. Republicans haven’t paid a price for all their bad behavior over the past 40yrs. Looks like Moscow Mitch will win the majority in the senate which means little will pass through congress. Biden will have to resort to execute orders. Republicans know most voters don’t pay attention to what’s happening in local, state, or federal government and that most voters blame the president when things don’t change, failing to look to see who’s controlled the house, senate, and Supreme Court. Our income and wealth inequality is similarly as high as it was around 1929, the Great Depression. After the decades of struggling and yrs of suffering through the depression, voters elected FDR, a progressive Dem, and Dem congress in 1932. They pulled us out of the depression, invested in America, and successfully led us thru WWII. They passed lots of progressive bills, created a fairer economy (social democracy), the economy took off, they had 50yrs of widespread prosperity, and Dems controlled government most of the time until 1979. History shows us what we need to do to. If u don’t remember that time, review the early 1900’s-2020. If we don’t change our policies and start electing the politicians who support FDR like policies, the oligarchy and republicans will eventually shift so much $ up to the top that the economy will collapse, 2nd Great Depression. We can avoid that by changing our policies/direction. If we don’t learn from the past, we’re bound to repeat it.
@Stacey Tolliver thank Pelosi not willing to make a compromise until Biden takes office. political games
@Cheryl Wright I agree. Absolutely, “it” should be about the people. Unfortunately, it’s not. The majority rules. The corrupt Republicans are the majority – they rule.
Yes they work, but on tRumps timetable.
And so far, everything tRump promises id “two weeks away”.
Apparently America was turning the corner on Covid, but infection rates and deaths are in the increase. I think it’s time to get off that corner now. Or will we be there in 2 weeks?
These vacations for Congress have to go! They have more time off than they work!!! WTF are they getting paid for???!!!😠
its a welfare program for crooks that needs term limits a s a p
@Essentially Angelyn Deepest condolences. Stay safe!
old white men need a lot of naps and only worl casual hours
They are getting paid for playing their part in maintaining the delusion that you have “Sovereign Authority” and that you are giving “them” that by voting / accepting the vote against “Christ” who incidentally “has” the “Sovereign Authority” of Our Father [God / Allah / Buddha etc] to “Govern” us [ALL of us] !
Let’s call it what it is: starvation , losing your home, and no job.
@winner trump it’s your king that tanked the economy, LOL.
@james morton
There will be a smooth transition into the 2nd Trump administration. Get over it.
@Kyle East I want Biden to help make this Country better in multiple ways for all Americans.Donald Trump has shown us and the rest of the world that he is unable to do this
@Kyle East get a jacket and make it straight, 🙄
The whole systemneeds to go! This is an embarrassment
Oh, how would the founding fathers feel if they could see this..
@Drama Drama I do not think you know what a progressive is.
they would be in shock at how americans have manipulated the second amendment…. …
@Chris Hampton Funny how the Democrats want to shoot the Republicans but also take the guns away, but they call the Republicans violent, wild, and racist because they believe in their constitutional rights. Nice.
@Davien D Have you ever taken a look at the history of ANY other countries?
@Rodney White attempting to circumventing the will of the people is destroying democracy
You know who has not missed a paycheck the scum buckets in Congress
Correction, the obstructionist Republican scum buckets in Congress.
Not all are the same that is partyist?
Yes, the ones with the bountiful homes, the chauffer-driven cars, the food-enriched pantries, and the exquisitely-developed, managed, and provided health care plans-
RIGHT. Those sucks in congress. Take action, folks. Find out who your reps are and give them hell for this deplorable treatment. NONE of them have to worry about paying rent or car payments, much less struggle to feed their hungry kids-none of them will be lining up for groceries from food banks, and none of them have to balance that last penny in the bank-but WE the people, suffer. They get rich and are empowered, we struggle and suffer. WTF is wrong with them? Tell them. Tell them you will not vote for them again, ever. They are messing with our basic rights, and they are telling you that they are NOT on your side. Fight back. Write to your reps. Tell them you exist. Remind them your votes put them in office. We can take back our support, just as they can deprive us of basic food, benefits, healthcare, and housing. Fight back. RDon’t wait. Do it today.
word smithing
the republican scum congress yes definitely.. i normally dont agree with congress most of the time but i think this time the democrats have come trough for the people
Let’s look at Kentucky’s election! How did Mitch McConnell get re-elected with a less than 22% approval rating?! Mitch McConnell is the true EVIL in our government!
I’ve been saying this for months and before the election people were going off about it blaming Pelosi. It’s Mc Connell and he’s been laughing the entire time just like Trump pretending like they’re working on it and the reason why they haven’t helped the people is because they were too busy stealing it for the election. The money from the cares act indeed they got paid too and so they funded their campaign with our money. Look at Trump paying almost a billion trying everything to get the election to go in his favor. Wake up people and do your research.
Look at that Executive Order that added $300 to UI with states asked to kick in $100. They could just use the original amount to be that amount. Just about every state opted not to kick in the extra BUT Kentucky a state that’s usually broke did kick in the extra $100. So Mitch took care of the people that decided if he kept his job, while screwing everyone else. His shadiness is insane and so obvious. He also champions coal miners and blue collar workers in Kentucky. So they all think he’s great.
They should look at ballot tampering in ky. What is wrong with this cruel man?
@Adrianne Winston While Mitch is a snake. Pelosi is the main reason a bill didn’t get passed. She said it in plain English. We can’t let a check go out with Trumps name on it. She was convinced if stimulus passed before the election it would sway votes to Trump. So she put politics ahead of Americans. Her and Mitch are both criminally responsible for the stimulus situation. She doesn’t understand what being broke is.
@Jordie Cruyff sources 🤖 we need proof or stfu
In Canada everyone that needs it has been getting 2000$ a month since march . Why cant the United States do this ?
As a Canadian, I’m ashamed of people like you bragging that our tax dollars should just be handed out without a second thought. We need to open everything up so people can get back to work and make their own living. The day Canada turns into Venezuela is the day leave.
@Nathan Planetta lol “add”
@GiveMe Liberty butthurt koolaid drinker. Change your name to give me covid, Barney. lol
Because tRump can’t afford to let that money go to anyone else, it has to go to HIM.
@David Edwards lmfao 🤣
They want it “refunded”?! Yea right back into their bottomless pockets..
The people are tired of them lying. They need to get Mitchell McConnell out.
Nancy needs to be voted out. Not willing to make a compromise because it could help Trump. Political games paid by the American citizen
he just got back in
@Steve Mausehardt yes. Go Mitch. Leave. Nobody wants his lies anymore
Yeah I don’t know why people in KY aren’t at that turtles door. 🤬
Relief, Relief for all Americans Democratic and Republican. Stop playing with people’s livelihood.
The people who lost jobs and homes is owed that money not the Government
That people who consider themselves small government and hate taxes are mad if we ask the government to spend money on us is revelatory. It’s not that they don’t want their money back, they just don’t want the poor to have theirs.
Hi Michelle
@Gerald Davis The election fraud is extremely real and ,yes ,Trump will remain as our potus. Did you watch and listen to the 1 1/2 hour news conference last week given by the potus’ lead attorneys, which gave an overview of thousands of pieces of evidence along with many particular key pieces? Did you hear of the direct connections with Venezuela’s Chavez, Maduro, creation of Dominion and it’s affiliates and subsidiaires? This company sits in the middle of Canada and was used through out the U.S.A. to count or throw out our American votes, and this was just the first 5 minutes of the news conference. You are very undereducated.
Rome burnt while Nero fiddled. Trump golfed while Americans died
@Bill Crowley A pandemic did not handle counts for 2000 a day. Stop trolling CNN and go back to your safe space on Fox. Boomer.
@Anthony S you’re the pandemic. A pandemic of easily manipulated children who do the bidding of those who have nothing but contempt for them
@Anthony S you’ve never been bankrupt once ,have you ? Because you’ve never done ,Anything. Ever
At least Nero put in a performance.
@Doug LeMay 😂😂
Trump has done everything to undermine democracy and Trump’s rhetoric is a threat to national security.
Mconcell was laughing like a sadist when asked about stimulus why isnt this spread everyone on the internet???
Because Pelosi wants to bale out cities and so the people get little.
The people are stupid that vote for him. He holds everything still vote for him. This people are against themselves. Hope the other state will vote them out from senate.
Mitch NEEDS to be replaced. We need someone that actually cares for the American people.
Mitch AND Pelosi need to go, WTF is wrong with the people in these two states that keeps sending these two scum bags back?!
@Matte Whyte It’s part of the negotiating process. Is she just simply supposed to accept what the other side proposes; especially if it’s not good?
TERM LIMITS! Try to find a politician to write such a bill and shepherd it thru the process. Chase support (or buy some) for it from other Federal lawmakers. GOOD LUCK!
@gary m it’s good for the people, just cause it will make Trump look good Pelosi does not want that, no matter how many people suffer. She has her fridges full of ice cream she’s happy.
@Matte Whyte Are you sure that’s the reason? Pure speculation.
The people have already voted so not making Trump look good wouldn’t make any difference.
There should be NO “RECESS” for congress or the Senate PERIOD until this is DONE.
Get this stimulus done NOW!
Tell it!!
Chris Christie is calling Trump’s Legal Team a “National Embarrassment” !!! WOW !!!
The only people who stick around in his circle are the clowniest of clowns. It’s a total freak show. The fact that Chris Christie is admitting it says a lot.