Congressman Jason Crow (D-CO) joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss security challenges and homegrown terrorism following the deadly riot at the Capitol. He says while measures need to be put in place to make Congress more secure, “we have to remember this is the People’s House.” Aired on 01/28/2021.
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Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of "The West Wing," Lawrence O'Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. O'Donnell convenes diverse panels of guests, including a variety of politicians and cultural voices, to offer unique viewpoints and perspective. In his signature style, O'Donnell highlights the latest news developments and offers his take on the political stories driving the national conversation.
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#JasonCrow #ViolentMob #MSNBC
Rep. Jason Crow: ‘We Shouldn’t Let Violent Mob Change Who We Are’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
Last time I was this early, Republicans had standards…
So…the 1970s? No internet then, and the GOP have veered far-right fascist/white christian nationalist ever since then.
@Progressive Humanist 1974, when they were willing to convict Nixon. The forerunner of TCP/IP was originally developed in ’73
@Progressive Humanist More like the era of Ike.
Second! Also, I’m from Colorado! Blessings Rep. Crow!
The violent mob being almost the whole GOP at this point.
Our democracy is in deep peril. We must continue to #Resist for years to come.
Trump as incumbent lost by 7million votes.
The violent domestic terrorist are left wing BLM and ANTIFA
@Chauncey W Trump has created a cult which is morphing into the NNP (New Nazi Party)
@Engage360 Of course it does. It’s not that difficult to set up a fake website, and then re-direct it to another site. A simple whois query shows the site was purchased on April 24, 2002. It was last updated on January 21, 2021. Roger Stone probably owns it.
@Engage360 The “fake msm” didn’t report that Portland burned down. When did that happen? Is this some kind of coverup? You’re the only one who will name one of the cities. Republican comments have refused to name a single city.
Sow hate, and you’ll reap violence.
Change starts by purging insurrectionists masquerading as politicians from congress
Thats most of the Republicans according to their support of their orange idol.
“I have a chapter in the book on malignant narcissism as a characteristic of destructive cult leaders. These are people who have a deep need for grandiosity, to be the center of attention, who need to control others, and who lack empathy and lie without hesitation. These are psychological traits perfectly attuned to manipulation and projection.
But the malignant part is about sociopathic tendencies. Almost every cult leader thinks he’s above the law, which is why he’s allowed to persecute and harass or harm anyone he wants. When someone really believes this, they can rationalize all kinds of destructive behavior.”
–Steven Hassan, The Cult of Trump
Narcissistic cult leaders like Trump thrive on chaos. They’ll create crisis situations. When they walk in the room, you never know if they’re going to be good and kind-hearted or be mean and call someone out or create some kind of dangerous situation.
A cult leader is also a master of manipulating information, so that his followers will only trust details that come from him. This is what Trump accomplishes every time he cries “fake news” or discredits a reporter as “terrible” or “nasty.” He knows that Americans have access to all sorts of information, so he has to make his followers distrust other sources.
During a press conference back on March 20, Trump said to reporters: “Really, we should probably get rid of about another 75, 80 percent of you. I’ll have just two or three that I like in this room.” That’s a textbook tactic of every demagogic dictator and cult leader throughout history.
Trump’s followers use a Christian-right formula that believes that Trump anointing himself as the “Chosen One” justifies his abuses of power.
A cult environment like Trumpism discourages critical thinking, making it hard to voice doubts, when everyone around you is displaying dogmatic faith and obedience to their leader. The resulting internal conflict, known as cognitive dissonance, keeps them trapped, as each compromise makes it more painful to admit that you’ve been deceived.
Steven Hassan, is an expert in cults and an ex-Moonie cult member (as in the Unification Church, founded by a Korean businessman, Sun Myung Moon), published “The Cult of Trump” last spring. When polled, Trump cultists come across as having abandoned their commitment to libertarianism, family values or simple logic in favor of Trump worship. They’re lost to paranoia and farcical talking points, just the way Hassan was lost to Sun Myung Moon.
Hassan remembers, during his Moonie days, shouting, “I don’t care if Moon is like Adolf H. I’ve chosen to follow him, and I’ll follow him to the end” — broke free, and became an expert on cults and how to leave them. He has spent his career proving it’s possible.
When they are finally confronted with truth and reality, many cults and their leaders — as we remember from the likes of Jim Jones, David Koresh and the Branch Davidians — come to a catastrophic end.
Truest and most factual statements here.
WTF takes you straight to the WH. I voted Democrat and these guys burnt my beautiful city of Portland down.

Also, take down many of their followers too with them. Hitler pretended to be a man of the people, though loved luxury and wasn’t a real hard worker. Though he hated religion, aside from the Jews, he also hated Christianity but pretended to be for it, the family and all that so-called Conservative stuff (I mean moderates and liberals and people with varying views have families too) to get in power. The Conservatives and elite in Germany thought they could control him and encouraged appointing him to Chancellor then realized afterwards when it was too late that Hitler had played them. Hitler also was no military genius, just played off the Western powers fear of another World War after WW!, and was really surprised & upset (accidentally Eva Braun filmed the scene with her little camera) when the UK & France declared war on him after the Polish invasion. He really thought they would just let him keep going on and on and on.
@Engage360 Really? So you’re homeless? I’m very sorry to hear that and hope you are keeping warm this winter. Or did they miss your house? How many tens of thousands of other houses and businesses did they miss? Does Portland look like Atlanta after the Civil War? That’s what “burned down” looks like. Anyone who burned anyone else’s property should be in jail and/or paying restitution, but don’t, don’t, don’t exaggerate to make your point, if you expect to be believed by people who don’t already agree with you. And if you don’t expect to believed by anyone who doesn’t already agree with you, why waste your time commenting? What percentage of the 26 million protesters supported the violence in Portland and Minneapolis? What percentage of the 74 million Trump voters have deserted the movement because of the January 6th insurrection Mr. Trump encouraged? I don’t have the answers, but those are questions worth finding the answers to. Making an untrue assertion about Portland is not helpful.
There is no longer a WE, unless you are speaking about one party. The mob represents the values of the Republicans, those that participated and those that said nothing, and now those that embrace Trump.
these are grown adults not children change has to come with rebels there is no nice way if want what you say you want you’re going to have to fight back with you’re passiveness you will be in a corner sir
We cant keep anyone safe until theres consequences !!!!!That has not happened ,the opposite is occuring.
The mob mentality of this insurrection will not go away on it’s own. Take care of this now by doing what you have to do.
It’s too late. In the space of 4 short years that pitiful excuse for a human has managed to destroy this country.
NO dont tf give up !
Stay strong America
I’m proud Jason Crow represents Colorado!
brilliantly said and explained, ty rep crow and mr o’donnell
Unfortunately, representative, THIS IS WHO WE ARE!
Thank you Lawrence for your excellent public service
and your programs 
Arrest Trump and charge him. Try him in court and imprison him. Problem solved.
Wrong. Jan 6th wasn’t a security failure, it was a leadership failure. Specifically, it was the failure of the republican party to hold trump accountable & remove him from office a year ago, a failure to listen to voices within their own party (like Sterling from georgia) warning them of the dangers of trump lies about the election, & a failure of the party to stand up & acknowledge reality & tell republican voters the truth- that trump lost in a free & fair election.
Pelosi mentioned “the enemy within”……She knows who they are in congress and confident that the FBI is on it!
Mitch McConnell said that an impeachment trial is not a criminal trial which is correct. However, Mitch added that an impeachment is a political procedure in which one party attempts to oust an elected official from an opposing party.
This is not true and he should be called on that. An impeachment trial is still seeking justice from impartial jurists. The following link is to the Senate’s role in an impeachment trial. Every claim Mitch McConnell makes has to be fact checked.
Should not Congress consider introducing “domestic anti-terrorism laws”?