After being overwhelming re-elected to Congress, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota is looking ahead to “a process to heal the divides in our country.” She recalls her own journey: “I was uprooted from my home country at the age of 8 because of violence and divisions, because of what happens when people don’t see each other as neighbors, as friends, and as family and turn on one another.”» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Rep Ilhan Omar: 'My Life Is An Example Of What Can Happen When People Give You A Chance | MSNBC
They betta put a FREEZE
Remember he’s been telling us what he will Do
his own words “ If he loses to BIDEN he might have to leave the country “

@Stacy N lmfao, fake news zombies and their non-reality nonsense, lmfao morons…
@Anthony Goedhart MAGA movement has just begun!!! We will not stop until socialism is wiped out of America!!! America is trending conservative and the elections proves it….
@Russell Hopkins Who cares!?? Death is always around the corner for everybody. Unless he is above death. You don’t have to mark my words.
@Can’t Get Right yeah ok….anything else you need to get off your chest???
Running away from paying the IRS tax, the Dude paid only $750, that’s a joke!
He’s learned nothing. May we move on to the time when who “he” is isn’t obvious.
@B woodward cry harder
@mothgirlwings Like you did?
@Mike Z Like you did?
@B woodward ya lost donnie get over it
@Mike Z The constitution decides, not CNN or MSNBC.Donnie has a surprise.
We all saw Trump trying to capitalize on the hate in this country, bashing this woman consistently at every Minnesota rally he held.
America is better than that.
@T Dinh such hate for such little knowledge…
She married her brother. She can be your hero, just not mine.
@Tessmage Tessera her district is full of Somalis. Seems they are racist if they don’t want a non Somali to lead them. Think about that.
@Can’t Get Right little knowledge coming from morons who share a brain and hate ideology and home grown domestic terrorists.
Hope so!
That’s right we mobilize, organize and get out the vote. Democratic policies are best for the country and the environment
You cheat . Mobilize criminals
@Dizzy Duke the states must certify elections . No commie news cast makes that call unless you fools believe it. Such sheep
Wait until the Supreme Court orders a recount on legal votes. It will expose massive fraud, and force the system to reverse the role. It will be sweeter seeing Democrats in cuffs and Trump gets 4 more years
@Anonymous Male bye bye, hater
What a country!! 70M maroons voted for the most dangerous narcissistic psyko ever.
@Cattleya 11 The World is watching and celebrating a victorious TRUMP LOSS. Trump lost. BI DEN(bye then).
@beltar amidaus With a family history of owning slaves (dad side)
A little respect, thanks. They are fellow Americans – which is the whole point of Joe Biden’s approach. It’s not enough to vote for Mr. Biden. You have to embrace his way of regarding all Americans as one people. As he said, ‘An opponent is not an enemy’. It’s not always people’s fault that they have too much trust or watch and believe the wrong media outlets. We all vote on the information we have access to. PS I’m delighted with the result of the vote!
@Tim Toolman interesting
@Off Grid A Multi Cultural Society is so beautiful.
Imagine America with all nationalities.
About 33 million Americans — 10.1% of the total population — identified as being Irish in the 2017 American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.
to the pirates.
Show love
Good Night.
Kia Ora from Aotearoa New Zealand

Congratulations Rep Omar

#WahineToaRising in the USA
@Trailin’ Annie Take your hate and put it somewhere else please. Don’t blame others for your sadness.
@Trailin’ Annie If you want that you can just vote for the guy the Neo-Nazis voted for. Oh maybe you already did.
@Shin Nope it would never happen. We cannot have a foreign citizen in our parliament.
@Trailin’ Annie What is anti Semite to someone who is actually a Semite? Please google who are the Semites? You should be more worried and afraid of those with torches in the streets, marching and chanting: “JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!!..” Those who have hate in their will always hate toward Blacks, Jews, Lgbtq and anyone who do not think like them or look like them – A hater is drinking poison everyday, while wishing others to die….Lets clean our hearts because our Souls are yearning for love….
@Trailin’ Annie IF …. I want to hear from an arsehole, I’ll fart.
Peddle your bigotry and racism elsewhere.
The loads have been lifted, congrats to all.
Trump learns? Since when? Does he have the brain capacity to learn?
N for November, O for Out.
You never will .
Trump is too arrogant to ever learn!
Those two words have been nominated for oxymoron of the day.
Trump is incapable of learning. Ilhan Omar has a conscience. Trump thinks that’s a shell you find on a beach in Hawaii.
We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.
Kofi Annan
She’s a beautiful soul
Yes!! This! Thank you!!
He also said what’s most important is that we win the hearts and minds of people!
You got it man. Now we are invading ur country from d south bring all our relatives and amigos. Your going to give us citizenship right?
America gave Donald tRump a chance but he blew it! Myself personally, I never gave him the benefit of doubt looking into his track record.
@The Tweatles whatever you say William
@Grete Bremseth hahah lmfao yea they do stupid
It’s not over yet leftards, major problems with glitches, mail in ballots (of course smh),water pipes and angry ,sneaky poll workers….
@Grete Bremseth Do you see how you have been programmed to be closed minded? Fake news zombies
@Can’t Get Right lmfao no it is over u rightard an no mail n fraud or anything so shut it
How can a country that happily sends poor working class people to war and spends nearly as much as the rest of the world on their military not provide a basic health care system for it’s people? People are saying it’s profits and that the rich won’t pay the taxes to help their fellow Americans. That cannot be true can it?
@BunkerBoy tRump yup just picked monthly medication 30 min ago. 45$ for 7 meds that would cost me over 700 in the U.S. I don’t know how you guys do it. Most people here don’t buy health insurance, or their job provides it to give them a little extra like dental or vision care. If I go to the hospital I just go to the hospital. I don’t think about money.
@Anthony Goedhart : Good for you, Anthony! $45 Canadian vs $700 US is like another 30% savings on top. If your medication allows you to have a drink, “Cheer’s.”
@BunkerBoy tRump I hope the idiots don’t get stupid and things go back to normal. I stopped going to the states the minute this clown came in office
@Trailin’ Annie You are a liar and disseminater of false propaganda. Get over your bigotry, or at least keep that garbage to yourself.
@James Lade It’s so disheartening. Once upon a time, even Republicans had compassion for other humans. Not anymore.
“rid HIM of our Country” very adroit observation of the details… Great job Rep. Ilhan Omar…
She is quite articulate, is she not?
Rid him, *OFF*, our country…
I am happy for her. God bless America, the only place on earth that’s always given everyone a chance to be somebody; I mean people like me as well
Ilhan Omar’s values & agenda are universal, as reflected in her truly landslide victory.

Voter fraud omar

@Trailin’ Annie COPE
@Trailin’ Annie What is anti Semite to someone who is actually a Semite? Please google who are the Semites? You should be more worried and afraid of those with torches in the streets, marching and chanting: “JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!!..” Those who have hate in their will always hate toward Blacks, Jews, Lgbtq and anyone who do not think like them or look like them – A hater is drinking poison everyday, while wishing others to die….Lets clean our hearts because our Souls are yearning for love….
@Trailin’ Annie You should discuss Obama and Trump both backing Wahabi Terrorists in the Middle East namely Al-Qaeda/Al-Nusra/HTS/AQAP and even ISIS aka The Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, so far as Omar’s record goes she voted to stop selling weapons to Saudi and UAE both countries who joined hands with Israel recently.
Without Ms Omar and other progressives, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan would be red, and trump would be president… never forget that!
@Randy Couch
BLM are patriots, and they cost trump the white house. You lost, bigly.
@jeck jeck. Biden and Harris hate the police and love the BLM thugs! Is harris good on her knees ??
@jeck jeck she married her brother!! Hilarious
@Randy Couch
Ivanka married Eric? Ew! Well… they are trumps, incest and Alabama support go hand in hand;)
@Randy Couch
If only Harris really hated police domestic terrorists.
If his children run ,because there is talk about it we need to come out like we did before and stop them in there tracks!!!!
Well it’s up to the Republican Party. So we can NOT let up on our legislators. Starting TODAY keep the pressure on to oust anyone from the Freedom Caucus aka Tea Party, and get rid of any Repuglican over the age of 70
Run, for what, they are all a bunch of idiots!
I worry about those baby snakes..Not Barron yet he’s innocent
Isn’t there a clause in Presidential requirements that prohibit convicted felons from running for office? Within 4 years I’ll bet Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr. plus Trump himself will have felony records, making them all ineligible.
Perfectly said. “He is a symptom”.
That is the 1st priority. Call friends in Georgia get them on board.
How sweet it is, that the Squad all got reelected and Trump got dumped.
A shame! Biden and Harris hate the police and love the BLM thugs
@Randy Couch It’s ashame that you and the Republicans are Racist.
I want that on a T – Shirt :
#the SQUAD
@Randy Couch but widdle donnie’s thugs are . . .
What ?
Attacking women of color was definitely his downfall among his handling of Covid.I love democracy

Yeah now we can continue invading ur country from d south. Ur going to give citizenship right?