Rep. Jim Himes tells Lawrence O’Donnell that Joseph Maguire "and anyone else who was in that room needs to come forward." He says these officials "can't do a Mattis." If it is true that Maguire was dressed down by Trump as multiple reports suggest, "Maguire needs to speak up right now and tell the world that's what happened." Aired on 02/20/20.
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Rep. Himes: Maguire Needs To Come Forward Following Russia Briefing Reports | The Last Word | MSNBC
They will not come forward. They are rabid partisan republicans like Bolton. They prefer to see a trump presidency sinking American and the western world instead of exposing Trump.
Any American now expressing a complete lack of interest in getting to the bottom of this is a traitor and complicit with the Russians.
The most important thing for democracy are elections that are fair and free from foreign interference.
At this point it seems like domestic interference as well.
Someone from the “intelligence community” should write everything Trump and his Russian cohorts have done in an op-ed. The DOJ isn’t working right with Barr the clown running it.
@Nolom Ebal You’re a textbook example of cognitive dissonance and cognitive bias. You have no real counter-argument to any of the facts showing Trump’s true incompetence and corruption, but you remain completely married to your opinion. Or is it Trump’s opinion you’re spewing? It’s hard to tell all you Trumpsters apart – your message is just so much white noise.
@Nathan Costello Sad,that you hate your country! You can look things up,yourselves,but you choose to take Trump’s word on everything.Even when it is said out of his mouth,you claim it’s a voice over,like in Switzerland,on camera,when Trump,admitted to the crime,he was on trial for. Trump,stated,he had the subpoenaed documents,in his possession. Look that up,on real media,at your library. Most likely,you won’t because,Trump has his base pegged,texting the insult, ” I love the Uneducated. “,-Trump.Look,that up,if you have any accountability,left,which I,very much doubt!
@Irda Etiel TRUTH! Costello,would know all,of that if he looked it up at the library,versus,Trump’s mouth,which is also,Rush’s and Fox. But that takes a REAL love for your family and country.
The dictatorship takes another step into the abyss
@Larry Shores I’ve been advocating nationwide strikes and millions storming Washington for 3 years….and here we are.
Who on Earth believes the Russians would be against the communist candidate, who explicitly says he wants to drastically cut the U.S. military and end our status as the number one exporter of oil and natural gas?
Don’t let Trump steal the election. Demand #VoterID now!
Drive the imbecile nuts. Tell him the abyss is looking at you.
This is FASCISM. Look at early 1930’s Germany. Hitler used existing laws and fired people to get loyalists in so he could take over the government. Trump is doing the exact same thing!!!
Comparing trump and hitler SMH
There’s too many freedom loving Patriots around Trump for him to become a socialist dictator like Hitler.
@John Romant here’s a true freedom-loving patriot for you
YEP,personally,the pardons,are Trump’s soon to be military,heads,of Trump’s reich. We,just watch,because we,REALLY believe,this cannot happen to our great country.But we forget,how it and why it is great!!! WE NEED TO FIGHT,Trump,and ALL,his corrupt abettors,NOW!!!
I understand people want to live their lives and not be bothered. You either believe the Constitution is the highest law in this country, and this is a Constitutional crisis, no, a tragedy, or you think the United States is some kind of game we’re all playing. This is historical toxic poison killing your country and we must stop it.
YEP,personally,the pardons,are Trump’s soon to be military,heads,of Trump’s reich. We,just watch,because we,REALLY believe,this cannot happen to our great country.But we forget,how it and why it is great!!! WE NEED TO FIGHT,Trump,and ALL,his corrupt abettors,NOW!!!
@B B……. Well, that’s two of us! Think we’ll need more? Or are we good?
These people must come forward and continue to do so, despite the feeling of helplessness or the question of why should they come forward if nothing can be done. The more that the covers are pulled back and the American people see what is going on behind the scenes the more informed they will be when they do vote in November. Granted, it may not swing every undecided person, but it may swing just enough.
Matthew J Rantala …. Thank you. You are correct and you spoke up
We the People have a responsibility before November. We can raise the Voice of the People and make it overwhelming by asking our friends and family to join in. We must call the offices of our reps to convey our support for them being fully informed and taking action to protect our elections. Putin needs to stay out! The fact that Trump is angered that our Congress members were duly informed is irrelevant. Calls to Congress are best, as e mails are often dismissed as spam. Main Congressional phone number: 202-224-3121.
Remember Trump is the only president we know in history, who got elected with the help of Russia!!!
He didn’t, but don’t let facts ruin your fun lil narrative
Hmmm! Did you read the Muller report? No collusion! That’s what it said…period!
@Liz P yes he did, don’t let facts ruin the fantasy you live in, TRAITOR!
@Greg Bachnik i have read it!!! Trump is NOT EXONERATED!!!!!!
Yeah! this is bad but. … Didn’t Mueller say this a year ago before Congress?
He did.
Bush said it in fewer words…”some weird sh**”
*The FULL Mueller Report hasn’t yet been released by the Orange Assclown and the Fat Dino Baby!*
It doesn’t matter how many people say it. The truth doesn’t matter anymore. The investigations and impeachment actually increased Trump’s national polling numbers and job approval ratings. He’s going to win in 2020, because he’s stealing our democracy in plain sight and noone cares. This isn’t Nixon, because Trump isn’t just the crook, he’s also the smoking gun, the judge, and the jury and it turns out our Democracy actually wants to die.
what corruption? lol there’s a lot. Can u give some examples please
At this point it don’t matter……… just have to vote!
The REAL question …is… Who does NOT TRY to INFLUENCE the results of the US elections???!!!Maybe Zimbabwe? But I would not be surprised if Zimbabwe has lobbyists in Washington and/ or contributes to someones campaign / and or favors one candidate over another on social media .Levin, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Politics and Strategy at Carnegie-Mellon University, found that the U.S. attempted to influence the elections of foreign countries as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000. Comment: That’s just till 2000! The US has gone nuts since then.
Stop. The. Madness.
The D.C. insane asylum is attempting to overrun the country by SEDITION!
Meanwhile. Keyboardwarriors on Youtube think they’re making a difference.
@Shin Keyboard warriors make enough of a difference that Russia and North Korea employ thousands of them to sway our opinions. Yea, elections are actually won in the public consensus of the internet now.
So this is the thousandth member of the government which Trump fired because he gives honest factual advice and won’t be a Trump stooge. All the orange clown wants to do is fill the entire government with his cronies, stooges, and sycophants.
YEP,personally,the pardons,are Trump’s soon to be military,heads,of Trump’s reich. We,just watch,because we,REALLY believe,this cannot happen to our great country.But we forget,how it and why it is great!!! WE NEED TO FIGHT,Trump,and ALL,his corrupt abettors,NOW!!!
A few months ago Maguire was kissing Trump’s feet. Now he is out the door. Why do these people show the president any loyalty?
It’s not loyalty, it’s fear. Everytime one of these people stands up to him, he doesn’t just end their careers, he destroys their lives and reputations forever.
Blue. Vote. Blue. Vote. Blue. The pattern is there , Repeating over and over and over. “OUR” WH resident CANT get rid of ALL of US ! However Hitler & Noriega did, to name a couple Dictators. Russia did it once & they never left. Get them OUT Blue. Vote. Vote. Blue. Blue
Hold their tongues?? Trump cut them off and Barr keeps them in a jar on his shelf next to the jars that have the balls of his various GOP enablers…and waaaay down on the end is a teeny tiny jar labeled McConnell.
The REAL question …is… Who does NOT TRY to INFLUENCE the results of the US elections???!!!Maybe Zimbabwe? But I would not be surprised if Zimbabwe has lobbyists in Washington and/ or contributes to someones campaign / and or favors one candidate over another on social media .Levin, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Politics and Strategy at Carnegie-Mellon University, found that the U.S. attempted to influence the elections of foreign countries as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000. Comment: That’s just till 2000! The US has gone nuts since then.
Remember remember to vote in November
The Russian Treason and plot;
I know of no reason why Russian Treason
Should ever be forgot.
(with thanks to @wayne crocket)
Pay back will be a B+tch. All the Russian People will want to live here as it is. After this they may rise up against their LEADER. Oh I hope so
So now the draft dodger who claimed bone spurs to avoid serving his country insults and fires yet another military serviceman who dedicated his life to protecting our country. And here’s the sick part: our military servicemen and women still support Trump. They seem to have no loyalty to their brothers in arms who are being treated this way by this disgusting coward of a draft dodger.
Shame on you for turning your back on your fellow servicemen to continue to support this corrupt conman who sold our country out to foreign powers…..
MaskedMarvyl ..I don’t know…I would imagine there are senior folk at the very top of the military and security services are going to be thinking of usurping the Russian in the WH…approaching Pence or SecDef to invoke the 25th to remove Trump, or face an outright defiance from the military.
@James Irving Keep dreaming.
@GORGEOUSGEORGE Sorry but Officers like the ticket punching Vindmans are not emblematic of the military.Thank god.
@James Irving I hope what you are saying is a fact.
One time is too many already. We cannot allow him to cheat twice.
The GOP are anti-American. I’m not depressed or scared about this anymore. I’m angry.
GOP Senate DOJ we are fighting to remain American and Patriotic at this point
YEP,personally,the pardons,are Trump’s soon to be military,heads,of Trump’s reich. We,just watch,because we,REALLY believe,this cannot happen to our great country.But we forget,how it and why it is great!!! WE NEED TO FIGHT,Trump,and ALL,his corrupt abettors,NOW!!!
@K. Bentley YEP,personally,the pardons,are Trump’s soon to be military,heads,of Trump’s reich. We,just watch,because we,REALLY believe,this cannot happen to our great country.But we forget,how it and why it is great!!! WE NEED TO FIGHT,Trump,and ALL,his corrupt abettors,NOW!!!
they fired the head of security because they want to rig the election and it doesnt need to be just from russia but from inside too. Its going to be rigged
@K. Bentley YEP,personally,the pardons,are Trump’s soon to be military,heads,of Trump’s reich. We,just watch,because we,REALLY believe,this cannot happen to our great country.But we forget,how it and why it is great!!! WE NEED TO FIGHT,Trump,and ALL,his corrupt abettors,NOW!!!