Rep. Gaetz Accuses Former DOJ Official Of A Multimillion-Dollar Extortion Plot | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., accused a former Justice Department official of a multimillion-dollar extortion plot on Tuesday, hours after a news report said the lawmaker was being investigated by the Justice Department over whether he had a sexual relationship with a minor and paid for her to travel with him. Aired on 03/31/2021.
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#ExtortionPlot #MattGaetz #MSNBC

Rep. Gaetz Accuses Former DOJ Official Of A Multimillion-Dollar Extortion Plot | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Rep. Gaetz Accuses Former DOJ Official Of A Multimillion-Dollar Extortion Plot | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. There is still no evidence shown other than his own words which seem to be odd. Also no evidence of extortion yet too. But being an odd person doesn’t establish guilt. I’ve seen autistic people be accused for lying when they’re just nervous and socially awkward.

    1. @spicytango You’re into conspiracy theories also obviously. Who is the victim of this supposed crime. What’s her name?

  1. First glitch is that very few people would refer to a 17 year old as a woman instead of a girl. It’s his inner small brain speaking for him.

    1. @felicity woodruffe I won’t go back over 136 posts. Please remind me what we were talking about.
      We may agree or disagree but we need to have the same reality to debate from. Thank you.

    2. @Yusuf Ginnah By that, he meant that he made her his ex – as in ex virgin. The same thing Epstein liked to do to the young uns brought to his “modeling agency” for “try outs” by his recruiter, Gislane.

    3. He said woman because he did not want to upset the DEM freaks who want you to use specific words for specific instances. The internet says that 18 is considered an adult except for 9 states that say you are an adult there at the age of 17, I’m too dam tired to look up what states are under 18, but you can vote at 18 so I’m going with 18 as an adult. Here in Canada, it ranges from 18 to 19 before you are considered an adult, you can’t buy cigarettes, booze, weed, or gamble unless you are 19

      Alberta: 18
      British Columbia: 19
      Manitoba: 18
      New Brunswick: 19
      Newfoundland and Labrador: 19
      Northwest Territories: 19
      Nova Scotia: 19
      Nunavut: 19
      Ontario: 18
      Prince Edward Island: 18
      Quebec: 18
      Saskatchewan: 18
      Yukon Territory: 19

    4. @Tyrone Shoelaces Specific words are very important. Legality of a word is a concept taught to anybody responsible for legal paperwork. She is not “women” enough to cross state lines .

  2. Gaetz called her a 17 year old woman in my opinion that was a freudian slip that shows he sees 17yr old girls as woman and it doesn’t help that he’s from Florida .😂

    1. 17 years old is not a “woman”? I think Ruth Bader Ginsburg would certainly disagree with you on that since she tried to lower the age of consent to 12. (Good thing she’s dead). What is the age of consent in your state?

    2. @bloodmoon0746 You can extort money from people by simply using your power and forcing people to do what you want out of fear you will slander them. It happens in politics ALL THE TIME.

    3. YES! Just said the same above! He really thinks we can’t see his guilt, but it’s seeping out even in denials!

    4. @Richard Miller Firstly, that Ruth Bader Ginsburg thing is wrong, it’s been debunked. Google it. Secondly, whether a person is a “woman” or not has nothing to do with the age of consent. A “woman” is a female adult. In the USA the age of adulthood is 18. A 17 year old is a minor, a child in the eyes of the law. There is no such thing as a 17 year old woman.

    5. @Julia Malcolm on the contrary, there are 17 year old women all over the planet. This requires only moderate awareness to realize. Anyone who says otherwise is either lying or terribly ignorant. As for RBG… debunked? I am old enough to remember it for myself. Just because information is suppressed doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, but of course you know that

  3. As many charges as Greenberg is facing he’s going to sing like a bird about his buddy Gaetz so he can lighten his prison time.

  4. You have to love the way he dragged Tucker Carlson into it. “Tucker, you know what it’s like, you’ve been accused of being a sexual predator…”

    1. @rr _In the course of this investigation, it has been revealed that long before he entered politics, Matt Gaetz had once worked for the Illinois State Zoo in Chicago. Being so far from the ocean, the porpoises were not doing well and became a bit stir-crazy, and began buggering each other. They were in dire need of their regular diet of live baby seagulls in order to remain healthy and well adjusted. So Matt, being the new guy, was sent to the ocean to raid the seagull nests and gather up the chicks to feed to to the sickly porpoises back in Chicago._

      _Meanwhile several lions had escaped, and had surrounded the porpoise tank. Matt returned with hundreds of baby seagulls, but seeking favor with his employers, decided to leap over the lions in order to play the hero. He failed to anticipate that he would be arrested for doing so, however. He was charged with transporting young gulls across state lions for immoral porpoises._

  5. When Gaetz was on Tucker Carlson, he sounded like he was reading from a script. He also tried to throw Carlson under the bus, by implying Carlson knew this girl

    1. He took her to a dinner date to Tucker. He calls her “ex-girlfriend”. And he keeps calling her a woman. He’s a man in his late 30’s that hangs around and travels with a 17-year-old. And yet he didn’t have a relationship with her…

    2. @Divine Falcon A 38-year old man who has a self-admitted 17-year old girlfriend is committing a crime in almost every state in this country. If he took her over state lines, it’s a federal level felony.

    3. I dream if someone threw sean hannity under the bus ands i was the bus driver i would have to backup at least ten times . # Only in my dreams !

  6. The funny thing about the extortion plea is that it low-key admits guilt. “Yeah it happened, but she’s trying to extort me for it.”

    1. @Bogey the Bear Close but not exactly correct, bribery is a type of extortion. Extortion is just obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

    2. AHHHHH !!!! AHH !!! I DON’T THINK SO BATT I HAVE BEEN WACHING YOU FOR SEVERAL YEARS NOW !!! WHAT YOU HAVE BECOME IS ANOTHER TRUMP JR. YOU JUST AS WELL BE PART OF DONS CRIME FAMILY !!!! You are a Shifty Shyster, and also a Con Man, You Need to be held Responsible for your Nasty Deeds !!! How does it feel to Be in the Hot Seat !!??? What goes around comes around !!!! Have a Wonderful Time Trying to get out of this One !!!!

    3. @Bogey the Bear That can go either way. In either case him voting against human trafficking says it all. And whoever is extorting/blackmailing him has evidence. And he knows it.

  7. That extortion story is just distortion ,in an attempt to cover up and move eyes toward another story of him being a victim. The 17yr old will snitch him out eventually 🤔

    1. They’ll probably try to hang a prostitution charge on her and turn her state’s evidence. Once they get her cell phone, it’s game over.

  8. The guy who makes THEE MOST ridiculous remarks about others and is the most vocal on anything fabricated now gets his day…..👏👏👏

  9. “Recatagorize my generosity to my ex girlfriends” means he’s guilty of ‘I’ve never met that girl’ syndrome.
    How dumb is he?

    1. So he admits the 17-year old was his “girlfriend”. “That’s weird” indeed. It also happens to be highly illegal. No wonder Tucker wanted no part of it, Gaetz just made Carlson a witness.

    1. @Rick Sanchez dude, do you know how creepy you look citing the states of legal consent? Are you alright in the head, defending pedophiles?

    2. @Lem Lovel the US doesn’t legally differentiate between a minor and a child. Since he took he across State lines, it is a Federal case.

      What matters is the law, not some definition. Nobody gets prosecuted by Webster’s dictionary. Legal definitions are not necessarily the same as dictionary definitions.

      You can rationalize the pedophile all you want, it is still trafficking a child.

    3. I know lots of old people who got married at 17 and are still married to this day and happy. These younger generations of kids seem… Well, I should be kind. But most don’t even know how to be kind, happy, how to save money or say I’m sorry.

    1. Comments on the Tucker-Gaetz interview on Faux Noise are turned off. It’s their go-to whenever one if their own has done the indefensible.

    2. B Bodziak I caught that too. Red flag. Thats like murderers accidentally talking about their victims in past-tense. Pedos project that they see kids as adults

    3. Yes it does. He’s complicit with whatever Geatz is being investigated for and is probably actively involved.

  10. How about his “adopted son” that he unofficially adopted at 13 while the boy lived with his real father until 18? Something really weird about this Gaetz guy.

  11. I can’t imagine he was a very popular fellow in high school. I’m so not surprised by this story. He just looks like a creepy.

  12. Notice how in that Tucker Carlson interview, Gaetz continually says “I did not travel WITH the 17 year old” and made a point to call her a “17 year old WOMAN”

    1. Don’t actually have to personally travel with the person…only need to prove Gaetz facilitated her movements across state lines to make it a crime (Mann Act).

    2. States where the age of consent is 17 (6): Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, New York, and Wyoming.

      States where the age of consent is 16 (31): Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia.

  13. “I don’t quite understand it…” Haha, Tucker trying desperately to distance himself after the guy dragged him in the mud with him 🙂

  14. I’d really rather have a Representative who never felt the need to be “generous” to ex-girlfriends, because he’s got no ex-girlfriends who’ve got anything on him.

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