Rep. Eric Swalwell tells Lawrence O’Donnell that Republicans "have a guilty client that they are trying to defend" and that is why they will create "chaos" at the public impeachment hearings. Aired on 11/07/19.
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Rep. Eric Swalwell On Republicans: ‘Chaos Is A Consciousness Of Guilt’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
Republicunts have no conscience. No decency. No respect for the law. The GOP is a sick cult
@Mark Jones I agree wholeheartedly….
As a conservative, it pains me to say you are right and I agreed with you
I hope more Republicans will put country before party.
@PK Lee I understand but I suspect if, they don’t it will damage them beyond repair
and Lindsey once sucked traitor trump A-hole so hard that joe Jordan, mark gaetz and moscow mitch were sucked out one after another…
Ash Roskell Nothing. Which is the unspoken argument the GOP is making. The fight isn’t Liberals vs Conservatives. It’s Authoritarians vs everyone else. This guy is arguing in courts everyday that he is above the law and can do as he pleases.
My guess is Giuliani is going to throw Trump under the bus. That will be a day to celebrate.
Tessmage Tessera, keep a look out, Trump is arguing for that in court right now. Its been rejected, the appeal was rejected, next move supreme court.
@John Russell it’s the base, it’s fox, it’s insane.
@Tessmage Tessera of course, but would you have ever thought you’d see what we now witness on a daily basis in thUnited States of America?
j walsh …………………….. It would be poetic if all these slugs turned on each other like “Reservoir Dogs” . Can’t remember: Was there a ‘Mr. Orange’ ?
The GOP has tragically become completely trumputrefied.
We’ll deal with the ridiculous extreme left societal stuff later. Right now we’re interested in salvaging The U.S. Constitution before your insane leader breaks the glass and shreds it.
The party’s “base” continues to circle around trump while their moderates are voting blue – love to see it
I see your user name is in reference of your breath, very fancy.
There’s going to be some sad Republicans sitting around during this upcoming holiday season.
delightful….a gift to us
hope so
Notice big mouth Mickey and Looney Rudy are being kept out of sight somewhere the last 3 week’s? Out of sight out of mind with


Then there’s Sondland and Taylor that testified against trump. And now the impeachment hearings going open doored, which will go terrible for Donnie and his temporary acting staff and aids that are filling in for the previous temporary acting staff and aids
Self destructing Trumpter GOP clown circus in the Whitehouse is truly a embarrassing mess for the nation, and dangerous to national security. Dump the TRUMP …..go BLUE
One of Many loves pedos
VOTE and take someone with you to the polling place. I’ve committed to take three, so far. Moody’s predicts a Trump win UNLESS there is record
turnout. Let’s turn out and throw the liars, traitors, and hypocrites out.
Wayne Claremont
@Gina Ke After 3 + year’s of witnessing and experiencing the total dangerous deranged and dementia fueled behavior and actions of this old clown playing President , there will be hords of sane Americans come out and vote BLUE to end his Trumpter GOP cluster f**k in Washington.
Enough dump the Trump….
@Wayne Claremont I never read that from what he or she wrote. I am sure that he/she is against Trump and his bunch of criminals and abusers of women and children. Have you read something between the lines that all us mere mortals missed. Come on. Let us into your secret.
So when is Rudy going to be arrested? There is enough evidence to secure a conviction now to prove beyond a reasonable doubt which is the 4th. and final phase of any criminal charge that is needed to secure any Criminal conviction here in America. But the 3rd. phase / requirement is the lowest needed to obtain before one can be arrested, probable cause and the Government is well past that already. The same goes for Trump but unfortunately a sitting president can not be charged but that does not mean he can’t be charged once the Impeachment is done & over. Did anyone ever think why he wanted to buy Greenland? If he owned a country & escaped from America, he could set his own laws avoiding extradition on criminal charges where the countries he owns properties do have the extradition process unless he moved to Mexico himself and we all know how Mexicans feel about him. He would not be seen again if he went there as a civilian. That would not be such a bad thing though is my thoughts.
wait until the Dems take the WH back in 2020, so he won’t be pardoned
Greenland was just a distraction because Trumpenstein’s orange monster were diverting eyes away from what they were doing in Ukraine. Let’s face it, Ukraine is another deal stitched up with the Russians, question; How many more overtly pro Russian and Anti-American and her allies actions will it take before you realise that you have an effective 5th column infiltrated into the highest echelons of US society and power? Question 2; Exactly when are you going to take care of it and put Putin back in his box for good?
Since Florida is the most corrupt state in USA,, ravaged by goo leaders . His best choice is fa.
Turns out the entire Greenland thing was just another distraction….”Squirrel!”
Being a Republican must be exhausting. I can’t imagine living a life devoted to hating people, denying reality, and being a bootlicker.
Swallow well you arnt smarter than everyone, you walk around like you have a bunch of classified info and you cant tell anyone that you kow the truth about this situation. You just think in your mind this is politics I’m playing big boy politics in Washington, man just be quiet and stop embarrassing yourself
Hawi Jack Jesus also forgave his enemies. Didn’t throw stones. Was kind. Hung out with sinners. So he may have been a liberal than. He most certainly by behaviors would not be one now. Liberals invoke the devil daily w abortion. Jesus would weep for their babies. Not light up a tower in NY cheering it on.
Spiritual Anarchist Really give me a chance. Try me.
Trumps personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani hired 3 different lawyers. That should tell you something! It’s real and it’s serious. Period.
M aking
A ttorneys
G et
A ttorneys
Just to think that many high powered lawyers turned him down says a lot. They know they can’t win for one thing and the other is they know he’s operating for a snake.
They are ALL going DOWN!
Anthony 337 chism Rudy was over SDNY for 7 years. He knows unless he keeps appeals & stays in court, he will die in prison. He can’t be pardoned from SDNY & they have him. He needs to accept a plea deal.
Trump is corrupt to the core. He and his mafia crime family should be dragged out of the White House in shackles.
By the way, does his son-in-law Jared still have a security clearance? Shackles for sure – except Barron.
show the proof hater… support pedos right?
Wouldn’t that be entertaining to see. You have to admit, the past 3 years, have been entertaining, scary but entertaining.
@Ash Roskell You so rock for the wording of that question .
I want see Donald dragged out by his “hair” kicking and screaming… but don’t you see my rallies people love me.
Honor, honesty, integrity and decency die a little each day under this President, his administration and the GOP. The weight of shame they have brought and continue to bring upon this nation is unbearable.
Francis G ……………… That’s it, A-hole . Deal with it ! #Maquis will deal with the petit-fascists too stupid to run now .
If, the glass is half full, they get stronger…
Die? They’re been 6 feet under since The “Un-indicted Co-Conspiritor #1-in-Chief” fibbed about his inauguration crowd. Impeach, Indict, HANG this “boil on the face of democracy and decency” (Djo Life 2018)
You know when you’re walking through a dog park and you step in something kinda squishy and slippery and it smells really bad and you look at the bottom of your shoes and there’s a big brown smelly mess that looks and smells exactly like dog sh*t and everyone is pointing at your shoes and saying that you stepped in dog sh*t and they offer you several ways to clean it up, but instead you just keep repeating that you didn’t step in anything and whatever you stepped in it’s definitely not dog sh*t, then you complain about the sham dog sh*t cleaning processes they are recommending, and eventually you just ignore everyone like it never happened and it wouldn’t matter anyway because you’re immune from stepping in dog sh*t as you drag your sh*t stained shoes across the grass hoping it will rub off before you get to your car? Yeah. That’s like being a Republican in 2019.

Excellent analysis, except you for got to mention how sticky dog sh*t is and that no matter how hard you try to scrape it off it just sticks in the cracks of your shoes and you have to pressure wah it to get it off. That is the sh*t the Republicans are now having to deal with.
…and eventually you get so used to the stench, that you convince yourself it’s not even there. Yep, we got it. drumpf is definitely immune to his own stench, he has to change his Depends every once in a while, when his airhead botox spawn and blowup doll tells him to.
Ellen K ………………….. Republicans are MADE out of similar scat, so they never notice a difference .
It already came out that even if the Ukraine has capitulated to Trump’s extortion demands, that Trump had no intention to give Ukraine the weapons, since it went against Putin’s Crimean agenda.
EVERYTHING Trump says, doesn’t say, does, or doesn’t do – ALL benefits Putin.
Keep this in mind and everything becomes crystal clear.
Isn’t it amazing how a novice president of a poor country in Eastern Europe has more integrity than the President of the USA? President Zelensky knew what the “Americans” wanted was wrong. Why is it that no Republican can bring themselves to say the same? These sniveling lickspittles like Lindsey Graham need to be kicked out of office.. We have to open our wallets, put on our walking shoes and put in the work to get every decent American registered and to the polls. This corrupt party needs to be buried once and for all.
@Stuart M. how is that Trump ? That could be any leader of the last 2000 years .
No man,the Trumps rich before they started on products and services we are all familiar with and have something to go back to after the presidency. The Biden’s have the x vice presidency that’s it .getting a job he admitted have no business having except for wheel grease for his father. I personally think The Clinton’s and the Biden’s are above the laws and prosecutors. Which is one of the main reasons Trump won the presidency in the first place..
Stuart M. You have been lied to on here. Go look up Amazing Polly. She is neither liberal or conservative. She’s a patriotic American. She does a really good job about what happened in the Ukraine. Stop listening to Eric. He’s a nut case. Why he couldn’t even poll past zero for his candidacy. He’s not honest nor credible. I don’t know what his agenda is. I think last time it was to get a name. Can’t figure him out this time. He actually believes I think his own delusions. Scary. Please go look. Also on Big Mike.
@Nancy Rocks I’m supposed to take someone called “Amazing Polly” seriously? More seriously than a US Congressman? I think I’ll pass, thank you.
I say fry them all. Every one of these law breaking criminal Administration members
Too bad Mulvaney will just ignore congress. It’s really time to start arresting these idiots. Turns out our laws are a farce if the ones making them don’t live them.
J Russ. GOP IS DESTROYING AMERICA. You better get out, move to Haiti. I will even come to say bye bye Alligator.
@Francis Godinho
And you’d be at St. Elizabeth’s
liberty Ann. Thank you. Bless you. Love from St. Elizabeth’s mad house.
Not so long ago the Sargeant at arm’s would make mulvaney do the perp walk.
liberty Ann …………… Just my suspicion, but that sniveling coward is probably scared to death . The open threats against Jovanovich were thinly veiled physical ones . Mulvaney could be aware of consequences beyond be abstract .
Hey Ambassador Sundland, even though you amended your testimony…here’s a couple of years in jail for trying to lie to the Congressional committee.
Got to remember that one, lie and then if you get caught ‘ammend’ the lie, didn’t know that.
There should be some form of punishment/fine for changing testimony!
Fear of prison roommates is a wonderful way to jog one’s memory.
All he needs is two weeks and a 280 pound sexually aggressive “roommate” to make things right as rain. Hopefully Ex-ambassadors are entitled to lube.
Republicans need to honor their oath and defend the constitution and let the evidence defend trump.
Is Robert Costello related to Frank Costello?
Republicans cannot defend trump with anything credible or honest. Trump has admitted his crime publicly and it is backed up by numerous testimony by credible career non-political federal employees who have said this was basically a shake down of Unkraine for political personal gain by the president all based on a debunked phoney conspiracy theory.
Kudos to all the patriots who gave their depositions to the House impeachment committees. It is not too late for the ones who defied their legal subpoenas and join the ranks of the patriots. America wants and needs your commitment to truth and justice.
I disagree. They had their chance to do the right thing(s)… and they chose to not show up to the hearings. Now, we can use them as examples of what criminal behaviors bring to those that choose to use them. Lock them up! Arrest them on sight. Take them into custody and keep them there until after they have done their ‘sworn’ duty to this country. The Senate blocking debate on Gun Control, NRA, Election fraud protection, etc… ad nauseam… are the coffin nails that already bind them to history as cowards, traitors, and breakers of their oaths of office. No! They had their chances and chose to side with the Liar and Thief. Cadet Bone-Spurs is going to destroy the Russ-publi-KKKant Party. And they did not do their duty to us trying to stop the cesspool of filth from selling us out to Putin, Erdogan, MBS, Netenjauhu, Kim… ad nauseam.
This disgrace has gone too far. Criminals have to be held to the letter of the law.
Jim Jordan that dude is just straight up weird.
He’s a nut!
He allowed the doctor for his wrestling team to sexually abuse the kids. He knew and did nothing.
John Kennedy is even weirder.
@Janet Skelley But Jim Jordan is a straight up yes man little weasel.
Jim Jordan is Ben Shapiro’s big brother

“A continuation of his campaign of lies” . Wow. That just sums it up so well.