Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss how the race is shaping up in Michigan and her warning to Democrats to pay attention to Michigan union members. “I did say for the first time yesterday, I think the momentum is on Biden’s side-women who stayed home, that didn’t think their vote mattered, are coming out in record numbers.” Aired on 11/02/2020.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#DebbieDingell #JoeBiden #MSNBC
Rep. Dingell: 'The Momentum Is On Biden's Side' | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
On Election Day vote for BIDEN-HARRIS. We need to get our country back from this madness that is tRump
@Actor Charming There is not one socialist bone in Biden’s body. Why do you racist right wingers always call the democrat candidates socialists????
@Actor Charming Why do you want to reelect a known fascist?
You liberals are the ones who made the country such a terrible place. Non stop instigating and riots just cause msm told yall to do so.
Trump supporters try detaining Biden bus in Texas and he called them patriotic… vote Trump out America
Biden 47 years of Treason: – TREASON FROM WITHIN. A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague. — Marcus Tullius Cicero, from a speech given to the Roman Senate, recorded in ~ 42 B.C. by Sallust.
frictionRx9 So sorry you Lose
BERNIE FERGUSON So sad for you
Tim Popik he feels bad for ignorant people like you
Remember this special guy:
He was your President and vouches for BIden.
Keep praying…
Spend 10 minutes watching t’rump’s closing speech and you’ll quickly realize that he has NO PLAN to deal with the biggest crisis of his presidency. And no, I’m not talking about that lock they put on Ivanka’s underwear drawer.

@Willie B I can tell you one thing. It’s not to tell America to inject bleach into our lungs!

@Willie B google it, if you know how
@Willie B watch him and find out.Honestly Much better than Trumps.
ro… you are a disgusting POS for making that comment… its shows what kind of person you are and the party you support
@Paul Wilson there is only one word for you:deplorable
Fun fact. Trump still got fewer Pennsylvanian votes in 2016 than Obama did in 2012 or 2008
@stephen wedderburn ya true that
LOL, yeah. Trump draws over 53,000 to one event in PA. Joe can’t even fill up the 30 circles at his. Sure Debbie D. Sure. And by the way…about those auto workers in your state…. LOLOLOLOL
@Charles What makes you think I’m in Michigan?
Hunter Biden Audio Confesses Partnership With China ‘Spy Chief’.… Joe Biden Named as Criminal Case Witness:
@NCZIOOX – Keep holding your breath.
Texas go for joe.
Jomentum! Biden/Harris 2020!
You’re voting for Marxism????
Trump 2020. This is a very consequential election. Please vote responsibly. Biden will outsource your jobs to China and India and other countries making them rich while you live on unemployment here.
Harris Biden. Get it right. Old Joe wont last 4 years
Biden/Harris 2020.
So true

VOTE. Trump and his supporters are delusional.
Daily Reminder : Donald tRump is a weak man’s idea of a strongman!
Daily Reminder: Beijing Biden wants NO BORDERS, MASS AMNESTY, DEFUND POLICE, DESTROY OIL INDUSRTY, and you LIKE that??? Smart!
@Savannah Rey You’re losing and u know it. What’s that like?
@J J – Enjoy your Biden LANDSLIDE LOSS tomorrow.
Vote America and end this nightmare!
Hourly Refresher & Reminder : tRumpolini is a weak man’s pathetic idea of a strongman!
BunkerBoy tRump …. Hey there !!! You’ve done a good and consistent job throughout these months. You keep talking; you keep refreshing and reminding everyone… . . . . .
@Vin man – cry harder
LOL, yeah. Trump draws over 53,000 to one event in PA. Joe can’t even fill up the 30 circles at his. Sure Debbie D. Sure. And by the way…about those auto workers in your state…. LOLOLOLOL
@K. McKee : Thank you. Actually I’ve been doing this from day 1 git go from the 1st day Donny officially became Prez. I have posed as a ditzy, silly & foolish & sexually naughty Melania tRump female character dressed in a see-through negligee even though I’m full blooded male. Remember her? A talking dog (1/2 frenchie/boston terrier) in a cute pink sweater to trigger the tRump turds. I have been “Baby dRumph”, ” Bunker Baby dRumphf” & my latest grown up manifestation, the new & improved ‘Bunker Boy tRump” making my last stand at the OK Corral.
Trump’s deal/plan was zilch, Biden has a solid plan for the Unions, infrastructure.
Yeah, break up unions and wait till it breaks , then fix it. He’s been in the Government 47 years. And was VP FOR 8. SHOW ME SOMETHING THAT HES ACCOMPLISHED. PLEASE!
@Ink tray you wouldn’t understand it if you saw it. I mean look at you right now. What has BUNKER BABY done in 47 years ? Not come up with a health plan or pandemic plan.
ya he has a plan… to take away their jobs!
@John Nordby Trump2020 Ivanka 2024-2032. Don Jr. 2032-2040!Oh i understand very well. The deep state has to go!
This is what Joe Biden said this morning; I can’t imagine statements that are more true and correct: “Tomorrow we have an opportunity to put an end to a presidency that’s divided this nation. Tomorrow we can put an end to a presidency that has failed to protect this nation. And tomorrow we can put an end to a presidency that’s fanned the flames of hate all across this country.”
Trent Bonebrake No matter how much you try to flip reality and project what your side does it will never happen.
@Trent Bonebrake Hitler claim the left was the enemy just like Trump, then he systematically dismantle Germany piece by piece until there was nothing. And now today Germany is a social democratic country
LOL, yeah. Trump draws over 53,000 to one event in PA. Joe can’t even fill up the 30 circles at his. Sure Debbie D. Sure. And by the way…about those auto workers in your state…. LOLOLOLOL
@psycobleach46 tullis one day you might wake up and realize the media is a propaganda machine for the left
@psycobleach46 tullis You are a stupid moron. BLM and ANTIFA are not Trump’s doing.
Trump is going to try to steal the election
The Democrats have been trying to steal the presidency since Trump won.
U r so smart to figure this out you piece of crap
Amy will decide the election as she should due to democratic corruption.
Hunter Biden Audio Confesses Partnership With China ‘Spy Chief’…. Joe Biden Named as Criminal Case Witness:
Trump has shown the true enemy of the state. You liberals wont shut up about Trump cause he exposed your guys hate and hypocrisy. Whether Trump wins or loses. Im glad he exposed you phony liberals
A view from Canada. The free world is watching the USA and hoping that Trump is voted out.
Trump will concede when the Secret Service exits him off the premises and uses his head to open the door at approximately 12AM on January 20.
We can always keep the border closed to non-essential travel for another 4 years.
@Tara J. Fitzgerald Tara, You’re brainwashed. Seriously. I think you should talk to a few normal people from Fox News comments section. Really, just try it.
Canadians love voting for Socialists. That’s why they come to America for medical care.
He’s building a “wall” around our White House.
@Lisa Hughes Ms. Lisa you look like my grandmother’s twin, can’t believe my eyes!
I would be SO EMBARRASSED if this country allows another Trump term.
@Al Tischler it’s ok, nysd will do it for me.
@mrAmbitionEver his taxes have been gone through during the impeachment circus good luck
Do you see the irs after him ?
There is proof that biden took cash
Thats fine by you ?
@Al Tischler it is not illegal to be broke, it is hard to prosecute Unseen laundered money !
@Al Tischler there is no proof cry more, even fox has dropped it, stop making stuff up, if there way fbi would be on his home knocking, besides Biden has released his taxes
@mrAmbitionEver the only one making up stories is you …lay off the crack pipe …besides there is video biden
Trying to hold aid until prosecutors were fired . You know the thing lol
TRUE! Republicons do not care if people are needing money because they are out of work, or hungery! Pelosi has been trying for weeks to pass her PPP bill, but racist repubs wont even take it to a vote!! Sickening!
@Karen Schumer Shut up
Only the most insecure “men” vote for Trump. Confident Men vote for America.
@Maxime Prometheas Just like Governor Cuomo killed them in NYC?
@Barrys-Take-Two Yeah, I don’t know if it will be an ‘easy’ win, but I do think President Trump will get another 4 years.
Voting for America means to not vote for either of them
@Donnie TRUMP Must be one screwed up family.
Yes facts
Trump will concede when the Secret Service exits him off the premises and uses his head to open the door at approximately 12AM on January 20.