Rep. Demings On Exchange: Let’s Stop Playing These Political Games | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla., discusses an exchange at Tuesday's House Judiciary Committee hearing on a hate crimes bill with Jim Jordan, R-Ohio. Aired on 04/21/2021.
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#ValDemings #HateCrimesBill #MSNBC

Rep. Demings On Exchange: Let's Stop Playing These Political Games | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. The only time Gym Jordan ever shut his mouth was when those boys in Ohio State told him they were being abused.

  2. Glad she was able to make her arguments. There are definitely a lot of politicians that politicize issues with police and relations to the public. These are serious issues that need to actually be addressed and not just politicized for show as the GOP seem to like doing!

    1. Gym Jordan is one of the house members that loves doing this, he should be ashamed of himself, but he got his sound bites for fox news and newsmax.

    2. She didn’t. She ranted, accused the Republicans, which is a violation of the committee rules, and then received no correction from the Chair, which is his job to enforce the rules.

    1. @Michael Speyrer bigotry? Lol. So you think you were born a low iq conservative? Bigotry only applies to things you have no control over. You CHOOSE to be an anti American conservative. You choose to register as a Republican. And making fun of fools for their bad choices is just comedy, not bigotry. Nice try kid.

    2. @Michael Speyrer it was her turn to talk, not jims. She didn’t break any rules, he did. Not very smart are you?

    3. @Troy Stocker and that changes the fact that conservatives stole a police officers gun and were about to use it on him how exactly? Nice deflection.

    4. @Michael Speyrer how…
      by getting interrupted while its her turn… F*vk off with that bull…

    1. @Upper 90 it was the RethugliKKKans and Trump who got that $2,000,000,000,000.00 tax cut for Corporate America and the 1% elites in 2017, fool!

    2. @omi god they fight against it because they don’t want to have to pass it on to the consumer. Just look at the prices right now milk gone up eggs, lumber, gas I could keep going the cost of living goes up when you tax corporations. Why do you think everything was so cheap the last 4 years. They got you fooled big time. I mean you’re bragging about cost of living going up while your wages stay down

    3. @Upper 90 nonsense is calling a person uneducated that you know absolutely nothing about, Einstein. stfu and close your PC.

    4. @bombastic attitude no you can’t tell how people are educated by their replies why would that make any sense 🤦, 🤣😂

    1. Like to see her as AG and Kamala run with William McRaven who should have ran against Trump in 2016…

    2. @jerome dupree Ghana and Nigeria right now are more civilized than any GOP led trump cultist state.

    3. @Victor Johnson oh victor ya braindead liberal cesspool California has already been compared to a 3rd world country.
      Look at all the liberal runned states how screwed they are Cuomo ruined NY. Please ya serious about the way things are now with this flip flopping administration?? If you truely can’t see their criminality in progress then yer the problem

  3. jordan is nothing more than hot air, nothing to say so he starts interrupting !! we need to do better when we cast our vote, jordan is a perfect example of who not to vote for !!

    1. @Michele Conner He is in District 4 in Ohio. It is highly gerrymandered and rural. Not everyone in Ohio can vote there, I cannot even get on his web-site to tell him what I think. So I occasionally MAIL his office, my opinion. 😉😎 But I will contribute to an intelligent opponent in the next race, against Jordan. He is beyond obnoxious and ignorant.

    1. are a quota …let’s keep this straight.. just because you think you can twist the truth with you drama queen tactics just makes you more of a con… everyone knows what happened all summer and to this day..we all know who loots, burns destroys. Yep BLM and antifa paid to create are not going to get away with your b.s. we are not your followers….they are too dumb to find their way out of paper bag. So blow smoke up your own….@**

    2. @Michael Speyrerit was her time not monkey bars gyms’. her time was not suspended. gym was the problem as always.

    3. @Annmarie Ohara I don’t think you know what you were watching starting with knowing what the rules of committee are which forbid addressing another representative or their party with defamatory assumption of motive. Which she was blatantly doing with no reprimand by the chair.

    1. @Linda Scott No cross talking in a civilized discussion. This is ridiculous. Behave, children!! Jim Jordan step out outside the classroom.

    1. And the dems use their police like they use their goons, destroying businesses, imposing Chinese style covid laws and dying as political scapegoats.

    2. @Inquisitor Biden seek help. You’re the sheep repeating falsehoods from right wing media! Dunce.

    3. @Inquisitor Biden loser. You literally made a youtube with biden in the name…pls get a life. 😂

    4. TY, exactly. They demonstrated that they really don’t GAD about police on 1/6/2021. “Blue lives matter” was totally MIA that day. 🙄

  4. Jim heard the truth coming in 100mph, he had to open his mouth to stop that impact from hurting his rotten ego.

    1. @Michael Speyrer you are trying so hard to answer the same bs on all comments 😀 so desperate for attention. Or just a bot. Or both 😅

    2. @EeteeTV What does that have to do with Val breaking the Committee rules, and then not being corrected, which is why Jordan spoke up in the first place when the chair allowed her to break the rules and then did nothing?

    3. @me2i81sour2 What does that have to do with Val breaking the Committee rules, and then not being corrected, which is why Jordan spoke up in the first place when the chair allowed her to break the rules and then did nothing?

    1. @Joe Blow So weird that anyone who might have taken a civic course in high school, you I presume, would support an un-American fascist like Jordan, or Trump for that matter!

  5. Jordan is so aggressive, and incoherent when he gets himself riled, that he should be removed from his committee assignments until he learns some manners.

    1. @Michael Hernandez What does that have to do with Val breaking the Committee rules, and then not being corrected, which is why Jordan spoke up in the first place when the chair allowed her to break the rules and then did nothing?

    2. @Michael Speyrer It sounds like you are very concerned about parliamentary procedures. Are you an expert in Robert’s Rules of Order? Or, could it be that you just didn’t like what Val Demmings was saying? Yes, Gym Jordan just politely interjected when she had the floor, right? What a loud, pompous fool he is. All hot air, screaming and waving of hands…but nothing of substance. I’m sure his wrestlers would have appreciated that kind of vocal support!

    3. @MeanGeneSanDiego For what charge, addressing a fellow representative who was breaking the rules of the committee and not being reprimanded by the chair ?

    1. @Alex Hamilton Crying on Fox is MacIninny, Jordan, Scott, Trump, and all the rest of the un-American fascists and racists!

    2. @Alex Hamilton I know Jim Jordan and since YouTube deleted my response to you, Gymie is a coward! End of story!

    1. I’ve seen him interrupt others several times. He is so rude and stupid. I wonder if he’ll have anything to say if asked about those Ohio State wrestling students?

  6. Val is tough as nails. Jordan must utterly wither inside trying to go up against her. He is intellectually and morally bankrupt.

    1. @corbeau In fact I have respect for both sides too, but I despise certain politicians on both sides — Jim Jordan is one such on the right. Not sure why you think I’m claiming to be progressive, but whatever works for the conclusion to your essay. P.S. I miss Carlin.

    2. @corbeau No, its just that the rules of the committee ought to be followed and enforced by the Chair, otherwise there is no point in having a committee runs defense for one side breaking the rules without correction and then attacking the person drawing attention to the fact that the chair didn’t do their job.

    3. @bombastic attitude What does that have to do with Val breaking the Committee rules, and then not being corrected, which is why Jordan spoke up in the first place when the chair allowed her to break the rules and then did nothing?

    4. Somehow, I don’t think Jordan even has the basic SELF AWARENESS to wither when he goes up against his intellectual and moral superiors. He’s beyond help.

  7. His pride was hurt and he is intimidated by a professional strong, intelligent, and articulate black woman with true experience in a profession he has no idea about.

    1. If he was a real man, he would not feel threatened by a strong intelligent woman but wellcome a debate with her. And If he loses an argument, he would congratulate her in stead of throwing a temper tantrum. His pride would not be hurt because he knows that the end result was better due to the discussion.

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