Later today, the House will walk over the article of impeachment to the Senate. House Impeachment Manager and Congresswoman Diana DeGette joins Katy Tur with more. Aired on 01/25/2021.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.
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#Senate #Impeachment #MSNBC
Rep. Degette: As A Former Criminal Defense Lawyer I Will Say, It’s A Pretty Open And Shut Case
Justice Roberts presided over the original impeachment proceedings, and he didn’t take it seriously, so no great loss there. Republicans vote party over country.
@Liz Pedano me too. And, I exited the Republican party the day he became the party’s candidate. Misogynistic Racist and No Tax Documents. He doesn’t represent me.
@Richard Owens as a Christian and a independent I’ve watched the same blue- red game all my life, it’s very boring, but the Dems are worst bunch of liers crimmals
@Tim Taylor Jesus was a Brown socialist man and hated greed. Good luck getting into ur Heaven
Ttis that
oh good
They committed treason and need to be held accountable.
Yes… Especially trump! He Needs To Know He Is Not Above The Law!
All ameriKKKa will do is make a movie!
Ttis that
oh good
Chief justice didn’t demand witness testimony last time. Glad he’s out. Republicans with no shame.
@Barbara Jolley She was a gift from above for the other side…and manna from heaven for late night political satirists.
@seer16 She certainly was that…LOL
@Barbara Jolley I must say I’m impressed with your point of view, Barbara, since it perfectly aligns with mine, ha ha.
@seer16 I am impressed with yours, as well:). I helps to be amicable when one has similar views, doesn’t it?:).
@Barbara Jolley Indeed it does, Barbara.
The scheme to have the DoJ make a public statement attacking the Georgia election count is clearly very relevant to the charge of inciting insurrection, and thus is appropriate to be discussed during the Senate impeachment trial.
When it is too dirty for even Bill Barr…..
yeah whatever you do, don’t look at the mountains of hard evidence of voter fraud stealing the presidency and senate.
Ftis that
oh good
So what, senior member is Democrat! Dems were over runned by the Republicans for the past 12 yrs at very least! About time they take what they’re entitled to.
Charge all 800 that entered the Capitol,not just the worst 200….all mob members need to be held accountable
add to that the seditionists in congress.
@adamf663 :Fact
We will probably be seeing arrests for the next 3-4 years.
didn’t you see the video of police opening the barriers and inviting people in?????
Ttis that
oh good
This is arguably worse than our legal definition of treason. Because he _chose to _*_become_* an enemy of his country, _himself._ And he effectively recruited thousands of other citizens, to themselves commit treason, in aid of him.
@Peter Martell

Insurrection is the act of turning against the government of one’s own country, usually by violence. Treason is the act of working in concert *with another country or government* against one’s own country, and doing so does not necessarily involve violence. While 45 *is* guilty of inciting insurrection against his own country, he did *not* act in concert with another country or government to betray the government of the United States. Distinctions in matters of this magnitude are *crucial*, and exaggeration or hyperbole *should* be avoided, Mr. Martell. To which country or government did he betray the government of the United States, sir??
@Wayne Wright trump has been in the service of Russia through his presidency.
realy how did he do that? Oh by objecting to the election being stolen by voter fraud, sorry I forgot.
Ftis that
oh good
@partytill10 remembering what didn’t happen could be an illness or an effect of cult membership
Everything should be listed, all his latest crimes. The threatening of the Georgia officials, 1180 votes, thats all I need!! ALL CRIMES
@austeritykills no argument, nothing refuted, no facts, only insults. Can’t tell if you’re a bot or moron. Don’t care.
@austeritykills you only heard a clip from the call… if you had listened to the entire conversation you would know he was clearly referring to fraudulent votes like ones with out a signatures, ect
@PI T no he didnt… dems put in some agitators…. dems incited the riot
@Paul Wilson – We’re so bored of you people making ridiculous and wild assertions that you back up with absolutely zero evidence. How do you deal with being so intellectually dishonest with yourself all the time Doesn’t it make you feel like a dishonest loser?
I know you probably bought all of Trump’s 30,000+ lies and misleading statements, but some of us are a bit wiser and value truth a lot more than you do.
Ttis that
oh good
If evidence is so clear of insurrection and sedition as witnessed on television around the world…prosecute and well as those senators who acted with the overturning of the elections they all need to be accountable..
Even if they are witnesses in this crime, if the House and Senate won’t impeach and try Trump over a bogus conflict of interest, then who will?
The free world needs to see it’s leaders being held accountable. It would do us some good to follow the example of Iceland, the first country to have a parliament (which most countries eventually followed) after the global financial crisis Iceland put the corrupt bankers in prison along with the political leaders that enabled them. Trump needs to go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect £200, and Boris Johnson needs to join him.
Republicans when you can’t refute the topic at hand , refute the process…
@bluesteel6138 you anger and spewing hate would lead me to believe you did not listen to the whole interview or review many of the comments,and FYI you did t refute the topic on hand ,we have video of all the ensightment done by trump done before during and after the election ,even those that are being charged with law violations during the insurrection point to trump as the ensighter of the coup…
Rtis that
oh good
@bluesteel6138 question; Do you really believe this country is better after 4 years of DT being in office?
The same senators the led the sedition are presiding as witnesses and jurors.. wow, no problem there.
I’ll have my getaway driver testify it wasn’t me that robbed that bank.
Only in America..
Unbelievable isn’t it…phew
He could shot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and nothing will happen. He did use a gun, but he killed 400k+ people with his lies and deceptions all over America.
Because its “an open and shut case”, you better be dotting your ‘I’s and crossing your ‘T’s – this senate trial will determine the course of democracy and this fate of this country.
Irrespective of Trump, there cannot be a blueprint for future presidents of any party to seize power through violence and intimidation.
anyone in the senate who won’t convict is a traitor
anyone supporting a blatant coup by voter fraud is a traitor. Oh yeah that’s you. and I’m not even a Trump supporter.
Anyone voted Trump is a traitor ? American becomes the #1 communist country now. Enjoy !
@partytill10 right. trump’s own wingman, Barr, admitted no widespread fraud. . yeah, you’re a trump supporter. He said he loved the uneducated. Now I know why.
@kelly Wang Biden is a corporate democrat. you can’t even get your labels right.. Trump was a full-on fascist.
Throw the book at the lot of them. Trump and his admin are very lucky they don’t live in centuries past where traitors and leaders of insurrections/rebellions (along with all their followers) were executed.
If I was still a Republican, I would be seriously looking at the fact that the GOP thinks we are so stupid that we can’t look things up for ourselves…the constitution is available for anyone to read.
It’s not that the GOP thinks people are too _stupid_ to read The Constitution. The just know that most Trumpian Americans simply don’t _care_ enough to take the time and effort to familiarize themselves with the document that forms the basis for their own government.
Walk down any street in any town or city in The USA and ask them to name the three branches of government and to explain the functions of each and to explain what checks and balances are and why they are important. Nine times out of ten, you will be given a blank stare or a completely incorrect answer they made up on the spot.
No, most of these people would rather watch professional wrestling, monster truck rallies, or watch some vapid “reality” show. If Trump provided any useful service whatsoever, it was to remind us of how accurate many of the stereotypes about Americans are still as true as they ever were. Every nation has its share of troglodytic simpletons.
The Oprah Winfrey Show
“If I ran for president I would run as a republican because they believe anything.”
Open and shut case: not with this jury. Half of the GOP in the Senate are on Trump’s cult and the other half are still running scared
So true sad
When is treachery not treachery?, when its treason done by a Republican President.