MSNBC’s Yasmin Vossoughian is joined by Florida congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to discuss the House Oversight Committee's hearing on the Jan. 6 insurrection and AG Merrick Garland’s address on domestic terrorism.
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Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz On Domestic Terrorism | MSNBC
Heh Communist China and Democrats are allies
Hello, trolls
Maybe if Debbie Schultz wasn’t so bad we wouldn’t have Trump
@Josef What if we didn’t ever thought would have happen if Hilary was in office imagination the nuclear holocaust will be unbearable
@The Crayon there’s notthing wrong with that
I wish I knew what a treasonous crank tulsi was back in the day
Tulsi is awesome!
Tulsi is a serving member of the armed forces. And you odious slugs dare to call her a traitor. There really is nothing so low to which you’d stoop
I think 85.5 of Americans would like to know answers to, to go with the videos we and the world witness on January 6 at Capitol Hill !
Kudos to America for facing this dire threat from within.
The only threat is from Antifa and BLM
Uh, we are the dire threat from within.
No healthcare for all during a pandemic, or otherwise. No living wage increase across the board. Cable entertainment outlets that spew propaganda and divide. Politicians that would die for their corrupt donor class.
That’s just a few.
@Thomas John
*EVERYONE* has access to healthcare……even before the ACA came into being *EVERYONE* had access to healthcare…..that is a fact.
People still give that fraud the time of day? Thanks to her shenanigans as DNC chair, we got Hillary as a candidate in 2016
What did they terrorize jan.6?What about Portland BLM?
She can’t even focus. Why didn’t she specify which groups are domestic terrorists?
Wasssrman Schultz, helped rig the 2016 democratic primary.
How do you “rig” a primary??
@Roger Wilco Are you “special”? My God. How do people like you get around day to day with the brains of a snail.
@Wisconsin Man Seriously what is your brain malfunction?
The last time they used the word terrorist and fought a war against them it didn’t go so well and we didn’t even win
Putin was shaking in his oily dish of pelmeni when went after Debbie with his tulsi puppet
Oh, the irony…DWS speaking on domestic terrorism. What ever happened to the Awan brothers, Debbie?
The Banana Republic is the current president who is suspected of cheating and now wants to silence his accusers not the guy who apparently lost and wants justice. Choose wisely.
Why would you ever have this weekend man on the news again. She had to step down from her roll for lying.
Wholesale ballet manipulation.
Not a single Prime Minister or world leader, has come out and said that ‘cancel culture’ comes from the 3rd world. Even more specific, it comes from a certain religion of peace.
I do fear if they don’t start indictments our country is in serious trouble.
Isn’t this a good reason to replace the Trump appointed head of the FBI?
Her DNC swindle is how we got Trump. At least we don’t have Bernie, right?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz made sure Bernie Sanders never had a chance against Hillary Clinton.