Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-PA) and Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) join Andrea Mitchell to discuss the critical states of Pennsylvania and Michigan. On Michigan's race, Dingell says "I have been out there, I've been talking to people, I've been looking at the numbers. Women came out and made a difference, voted in far larger numbers than they did four years ago." Aired on 11/04/2020.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#DebbieDingell #Pennsylvania #MSNBC
Rep. Dean And Rep. Dingell On Pennsylvania & Michigan | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
I think De Joy should be given mail duty at his prison…if he loses mail, bubba will set him straight..
@kiza If my last name were Dingle I would change it. Crusty old Democrat.
@Kevin Maguire lol salty
@Kevin Maguire Too bad you aren’t man enough, for the name. From one crusty democrat….to a bully…
@Simon Read Hahahaha

Best comment all Day!
Only a Tyrant would claim victory before all votes are counted. Only a Traitor to the Constitution would make such a claim. Only a Special group of people would follow such a person. I regret there are so many Special people in this country.
@DS Team Very Special.
@Jay EssYeah it’s their white privilege fueled by fear and hate. Fascism is their only recourse to make others bow to their abject ignorance. They don’t belong in the USA.
@DS Team ROTFL. Don’t you have a KKKovid rally to attend? Oh, that’s right, your dear leader is going to prison. No more rallies
He is a wannabe tyrant.
@DS Team dumb trick, for king rat.
If dems don’t take the senate then the pile on mitch’s desk will just grow higher.
@imiss toronto You know it. And you see the poorest Americans worshipping these corporate welfare mothers … I don’t get it.
@Anthony Dipasquale Neither do I. I don’t get why anyone that poor and lacking resources would vote for a party that only wants to take away any benefit they might be entitled to.
@imiss toronto Trump is working hard to repeal ACA and disqualify Americans with pre-existing conditions. And he’s doing that in the middle of a pandemic. With 9 million covid POSITIVE cases, that would enable insurance companies to disqualify 9 million policy holders immediately. Who in the world would vote for that?
@Anthony Dipasquale God knows. People who are brainwashed, because absolutely none of it makes sense. I’ve never seen such a dumb crowd.
@imiss toronto They holler ‘America’ but can’t spell it.
just tricks out of the bag of trump & co…get ready for prison don & co…:)
Well said.
15 Years in Business
Joe wins we CLOSE the Doors
30 People all with Families now NO JOB
Thanks Democrats you did it
Democrats / Pedophiles / Terrorist WIN
DNC destroyed the USA and they are so happy
Now we get more Illegals NO wall more Terrorist NO Cops Tax tax tax made in China Mexico Iran
Obama gets a NEW Mansion Joe Gets a BRAND New Mansion
All the DNC gets a RAISE
Gona be real nasty soon for all Democrats
The 46st President of the United States of America, Joe Biden.
@Doug Eisenberg Dems have a bill for Covid relief waiting on Moscow Mitch’s desk, if your business goes under you should blame the person holding up relief.
@derry667dingo Believe it!
@Doug Eisenberg Trump never built his wall. Steve Bannon stole all the money. I bet it hurts to be reminded of that.
What’s that word which begins with L …?
Oh, yes, it’s LOOOOOOOOSER!
@Boudica In spite of his lying ads, the truth is that Biden’s on record fighting against everything he claims to be for.
Pray for Joe Biden! End this nightmare! 4 years of division, loss, failure and corruption! God Bless!
Biden will win but the nightmare will continue because the republicans have the senate. I’m so happy that trump and his revolting family will leave the WH.
15 Years in Business
Joe wins we CLOSE the Doors
30 People all with Families now NO JOB
Thanks Democrats you did it
Democrats / Pedophiles / Terrorist WIN
DNC destroyed the USA and they are so happy
Now we get more Illegals NO wall more Terrorist NO Cops Tax tax tax made in China Mexico Iran
Obama gets a NEW Mansion Joe Gets a BRAND New Mansion
All the DNC gets a RAISE
Gona be real nasty soon for all Democrats
Doug u getting the right person out the White House cause trump did all u just said
U know trump. Lol
And the rest of the planet will make mockery of U.S.Tell that to demorats.
Throwing a tantrum is his strongest and strangest behavior
It is finally happening….he is unravelling in front of the entire world
What’s the betting Trump just disappears? He could appear next week in Moscow.
I worked the Polls in Montgomery County PA. Congratulations Madeline. You both are right there were overwhelmingly more women that voted in person yesterday! So fantastic that Joe Biden will be our new president!
Jill Biden grew up in Willow Grove, PA(Mont. Co.) which you may know already.
@Karen Byrd yes! Thank you

Dejoy needs to be in prison. We need to keep counting. Whoever holds the lead after that count is the winner. Period.
Yes. It is a crime that the whote Trump criminal oranization is allowed to continue its’ crimes.
Thank the judge who went after him and KEPT after him to fix the mess he made. I am hoping to hear that the judge goes after Dejoy for NOT doing what he was told to do. Prison time sounds good.
What will happen with the held ballots found at the posr office. Corruption at its best
Americans didn’t vote in record numbers cuz they had nothing better to do
Everyone keeps saying be calm. They need to tell that gutter rat in the oval office to be calm
“Trump wants to stop the count.” What country is this?
Trump wants to sue Michigan because Biden is ahead of him. Biden is the projected winner.
this the USA. this is the reality.
Michigan is over a percentage. Trump cant contest the results anymore.
All of the mail-in ballots haven’t come in yet and UPS has admitted to screwing up thousands of deliveries.
Take away: Mitch McConnell is an unstoppable god. Look, we need to shine the light on Mitch 24/7. He’s only strong in the shadows. Do sit-ins in front of his office non-stop until he stops obstructing. The nation is in pain because of what Mitch has done over thr last 20 years.
what ever happened to the politicians representing the people…which is why they are supposedly there….?????????
If MM is known for blocking things at every turn….why is he allowed to still be there ?
Doesn’t play well with others?
Uncooperative ?
Time to change a few rules
Cannot believe he was voted back in
for the people ?
the REAL people who very much need help especially now
p.s.sorry fact…supposedly MM’s is $15 million

Wonder if he would have gotten quite so many votes if they knew he was worth this much
He’s not hurting, he’s just fine
moscow mitch is old and sickly. The real grim reaper is heading toward him
@Katherine Raven actually I read that he’s worth $34 million, way more than when he started out
This is like a roller-coaster..butterflies..
And I really dislike rollercoasters…
@Sun dial Proof? Or just more Trumptardian BS. I smell the latter.
It’s time the people to come together. I don’t want 4 more years of a very selfish load mouth man.
Let us hope that McConnell gets a measured dose of karma and/or Georgia gives us two Democratic Senators.
The Election isn’t over until
NOT just the ones Trump & the GOP want counted! 

Whenever trump strts demanding illegal type stuff, hes up to nogood..Trump wants to stop counting votes but repudiated helping to stop covid from spreading